190 research outputs found

    Supertropical semirings and supervaluations

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    We interpret a valuation vv on a ring RR as a map v:R→Mv: R \to M into a so called bipotent semiring MM (the usual max-plus setting), and then define a \textbf{supervaluation} ϕ\phi as a suitable map into a supertropical semiring UU with ghost ideal MM (cf. [IR1], [IR2]) covering vv via the ghost map U→MU \to M. The set \Cov(v) of all supervaluations covering vv has a natural ordering which makes it a complete lattice. In the case that RR is a field, hence for vv a Krull valuation, we give a complete explicit description of \Cov(v). The theory of supertropical semirings and supervaluations aims for an algebra fitting the needs of tropical geometry better than the usual max-plus setting. We illustrate this by giving a supertropical version of Kapranov's lemma.Comment: 47 page

    Tensor products and regularity properties of Cuntz semigroups

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    The Cuntz semigroup of a C*-algebra is an important invariant in the structure and classification theory of C*-algebras. It captures more information than K-theory but is often more delicate to handle. We systematically study the lattice and category theoretic aspects of Cuntz semigroups. Given a C*-algebra AA, its (concrete) Cuntz semigroup Cu(A)Cu(A) is an object in the category CuCu of (abstract) Cuntz semigroups, as introduced by Coward, Elliott and Ivanescu. To clarify the distinction between concrete and abstract Cuntz semigroups, we will call the latter CuCu-semigroups. We establish the existence of tensor products in the category CuCu and study the basic properties of this construction. We show that CuCu is a symmetric, monoidal category and relate Cu(A⊗B)Cu(A\otimes B) with Cu(A)⊗CuCu(B)Cu(A)\otimes_{Cu}Cu(B) for certain classes of C*-algebras. As a main tool for our approach we introduce the category WW of pre-completed Cuntz semigroups. We show that CuCu is a full, reflective subcategory of WW. One can then easily deduce properties of CuCu from respective properties of WW, e.g. the existence of tensor products and inductive limits. The advantage is that constructions in WW are much easier since the objects are purely algebraic. We also develop a theory of CuCu-semirings and their semimodules. The Cuntz semigroup of a strongly self-absorbing C*-algebra has a natural product giving it the structure of a CuCu-semiring. We give explicit characterizations of CuCu-semimodules over such CuCu-semirings. For instance, we show that a CuCu-semigroup SS tensorially absorbs the CuCu-semiring of the Jiang-Su algebra if and only if SS is almost unperforated and almost divisible, thus establishing a semigroup version of the Toms-Winter conjecture.Comment: 195 pages; revised version; several proofs streamlined; some results corrected, in particular added 5.2.3-5.2.

    Radicals and Ideals of Affine Near-semirings over Brandt Semigroups

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    This work obtains all the right ideals, radicals, congruences and ideals of the affine near-semirings over Brandt semigroups.Comment: In Proceedings of the International Conference on Semigroups, Algebras and Operator Theory (ICSAOT-2014), Kochi, Indi

    Free Kleene algebras with domain

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    First we identify the free algebras of the class of algebras of binary relations equipped with the composition and domain operations. Elements of the free algebras are pointed labelled finite rooted trees. Then we extend to the analogous case when the signature includes all the Kleene algebra with domain operations; that is, we add union and reflexive transitive closure to the signature. In this second case, elements of the free algebras are 'regular' sets of the trees of the first case. As a corollary, the axioms of domain semirings provide a finite quasiequational axiomatisation of the equational theory of algebras of binary relations for the intermediate signature of composition, union, and domain. Next we note that our regular sets of trees are not closed under complement, but prove that they are closed under intersection. Finally, we prove that under relational semantics the equational validities of Kleene algebras with domain form a decidable set.Comment: 22 pages. Some proofs expande

    Domain and Antidomain Semigroups

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    Abstract. We axiomatise and study operations for relational domain and antidomain on semigroups and monoids. We relate this approach with previous axiomatisations for semirings, partial transformation semi-groups and dynamic predicate logic.
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