903 research outputs found

    Life cycles or longer tenures? A performance and employment duration model for Spanish basketball coaches

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    This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education (project ECO2010-20483) and the Regional Government of Andalusia (project P11-SEJ-7988).This study analyses the effect of basketball coaches on performance and the question of life cycles on their tenures. From theoretical perspectives like coach-performance relationship, succession theories, life cycle theory,and based on a longitudinal analysis from 1997 to 2012 of a professional Spanish basketball league, we show that the objective established at the season’s start and coach quality positively influence team performance, that a mid-season coaching change negatively influences performance, and the existence of longer tenures coaches that improve team performance. The work is especially interested for sport managers, sport coaches in their decisions-taking, but it is useful to general management to understand the consequences of the tenures or dismissals of their key managers on results.Spanish Ministry of Education ECO2010-20483Regional Government of Andalusia P11-SEJ-798

    Between profit maximization and wins maximization: Case of study of Palermo Fc

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    We can never forget that the football game is the main product. When the team wins, scores and gives everything possible it overshadows almost everything else, but a much more complex background that cannot go unnoticed accompanies everything. This is why my work focuses on studying everything behind a football match or a league and on what is based a football club. The aim of this work is to make known which business model is closest to that of any football team and that is how a football team creates, supplies and acquires value; furthermore, the study is enriched by the analysis of two different maximization models, one aimed at maximizing profit and one at maximizing wins. The work is structurally divided into two parts, the first part is the result of a careful selection and critical review of the existing literature on both fields; while, the second part brings some notions, to complete the picture, from a practical case, conducted with a double interview with the CEO of Palermo FC, in the figure of Rinaldo Sagramola. At the end of my work I reached a complete picture of the work done, with the determination of a Canvas framework capable of showing the business model and an accurate analysis of the two maximization models with the introduction of a third model which is the result of the intersection of the two just mentioned.Nunca podemos esquecer que o jogo de futebol é o produto principal. Quando a equipa ganha, pontua e dá tudo o que é possível, ofusca quase tudo o resto, mas um fundo muito mais complexo que não pode passar despercebido acompanha tudo. É por isso que o meu trabalho se concentra no estudo de tudo o que está por detrás de um jogo de futebol ou de uma liga e sobre o que é baseado num clube de futebol. O objectivo deste trabalho é dar a conhecer o modelo de negócio mais próximo do de qualquer equipa de futebol e é assim que uma equipa de futebol cria, fornece e adquire valor; além disso, o estudo é enriquecido pela análise de dois modelos diferentes de maximização, um destinado a maximizar o lucro e outro a maximizar as vitórias. O trabalho está estruturalmente dividido em duas partes, a primeira parte é o resultado de uma cuidadosa selecção e revisão crítica da literatura existente em ambos os campos; enquanto, a segunda parte traz algumas noções, para completar o quadro, de um caso prático, conduzido com uma entrevista dupla com o CEO do Palermo FC. No final do meu trabalho cheguei a uma imagem completa do trabalho realizado, com a determinação de um quadro de tela capaz de mostrar o modelo de negócio e uma análise precisa dos dois modelos de maximização com a introdução de um terceiro modelo que é o resultado da intersecção dos dois que acabam de ser mencionados

    The political instrumentalization of professional football in Francoist Spain 1939-1975

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    PhDThe objective of this thesis is to be the first systematic study of the political instrumentalization of football in Francoist Spain from 1939 to 1975. Seven separate and contrasting aspects of this political instrumentalization may be isolated, and, accordingly, this thesis will consist of a chapter examining each one of these seven aspects in turn. After a first introductory chapter, Chapter Two will examine the application of Fascist concepts to Spanish football. In the third chapter, the questions of whether and to what extent football was used by the Franco regime as a political soporific will be discussed. The theme of Chapter Four is the lack of democracy within the structures of the game, a situation that is alleged to have been deliberately imposed by the regime in order to not create an uncomfortable comparison for itself with the lack of national and local political democracy. The poor working conditions of the footballers, which mirrored those of the great majority of Spanish workers during the Franco period, are the subject of Chapter Five. In the sixth Chapter, the political significance of the presence in Francoist Spain of a group of refugee players and coaches from Europe will be examined. The diplomatic and ambassadorial significance of football, in particular of the spectacular international triumphs of the Real Madrid club, will be discussed in Chapter Seven. The political significance of football as a focus for Basque and Catalan nationalist sentiment, in opposition to the centralist Madrid regime, is the subject of Chapter Eight

    Based on the analysis of the matches from 2016 to 2021

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 사범대학 체육교육과,글로벌스포츠매니지먼트전공, 2022.2. 김기한.This paper is intended to assess the determinants of the live game China Central Television 5 (CCTV-5) ratings in Chinese Basketball Association (CBA). Four basic categories of determinants are identified: Sporting Contest, Consumer Preferance, Quality of Viewing, and Economic. Linear conceptual models are constructed based on detailed dataset comprising of all live CBA playoffs CCTV-5 broadcasts from 2016 to 2021 for a total of 12 independent variables in this study: Match significance, Ranking, Outcome uncertainty, Match intensity, Competition system reform, Players popularity, Market competition, Epidemic situation, Day of week, Match time, Match season controls and City tier, controlling for all the four basic categories listed above. Through the quantitative analysis of the factors influencing the audience rating of basketball TV broadcast market, this study can provide guidance for the subsequent investment of basketball broadcast market, and also provide reference for the subsequent academic research of related sports broadcast industry.본 연구는 중국 농구 리그전(CBA)의 중계된 라이브 경기에 대한 시청률에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 결정 요인을 탐색하기 위한 것이다. 결정 요인의 네 가지 기본 차원은 스포츠 경기, 소비자 선호도, 시청 품질 및 경제로 식별된다. 본 연구에서 구축한 선형 개념 모델을 기반으로, 2016년부터 2021년까지 CCTV-5에서 방송한 라이브 CBA 플레이오프로 구성된 상세한 데이터를 근거하여, 본 연구는 인기도, 시장 경쟁, 코로나 상황, 요일, 경기 시간, 경기 시즌및 도시 티어 총 12개의 독립 변수으로 위에 언급한 네 가지 차원을 제어한다. 본 연구는 농구 TV 중계 시장의 시청률에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 양적연구를 통해 농구 중계 시장의 후속 투자에 대한 지침을 제공하며 관련 스포츠 방송 산업의 후속 학술 연구에 참고 자료가 될 수 있다.CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. RESEARCH BACKGROUND 1 1.2. RESEARCH CONTEXT:CHINA BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION 2 1.3. PURPOSE OF RESEARCH 4 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 6 2.1. SUPER-STAR EFFECT 6 2.2. MATCH QUALITY 7 2.3. COMPETITION SYSTEM REFORM 7 2.4. MARKET COMPETITION 10 2.5. EXTERNAL FACTOR 10 CHAPTER 3. HYPOTHESIS 13 CHAPTER 4. RESEARCH DESIGN 20 4.1. SAMPLE AND DATA SOURCE 20 4.2.MEASUREMENT OF VARIABLES 21 4.2.1. Players Popularity 21 4.2.2. Match Significance 22 4.2.3. Ranking 22 4.2.4. Outcome Uncertainty 23 4.2.5. Match Intensity 23 4.2.6. Competition System Reform 24 4.2.7. Morey Event 25 4.2.8. Epidemic Situation Influence 25 4.2.9. Broadcast Day of the Week 25 4.3. METHOD 26석

    Analysis of goal scoring in football matches according to performance indicators and the context of competition

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    Esta tese teve como objetivo analisar os padrões temporais de marcação de golos no futebol profissional de acordo com a perspectiva dinâmica e em função de diferentes variáveis explicativas relacionadas com a performance das equipas e contexto competitivo. O trabalho inicia-se com a revisão sistemática dos estudos que analisaram a marcação de golos em ligas profissionais de futebol masculino. Em função dos métodos utilizados na recolha e tratamento de dados os estudos analisados foram classificados em dois grupos – realizados segundo a perspetiva estática ou uma perspetiva dinâmica. As vantagens e limitações de ambas as perspetivas no sentido de proporcionar informações relevantes sobre a performance das equipas são discutidas no capítulo. Nos capítulos que se seguem foram analisados os fatores que influenciam os tempos de marcação do primeiro e segundo golos do jogo, tal como do golo-chave (key-goal) que define o resultado do jogo (vitória ou empate). Procedimentos de análise de sobrevivência (função de incidência cumulativa, modelos de regressão de Cox com covariáveis fixas e variáveis no tempo e modelos competitivos) foram desenvolvidos e aplicados para modelar o risco de marcação do primeiro, segundo e golo-chave ao longo do jogo em função de um conjunto de indicadores de performance e variáveis contextuais. Os resultados confirmaram que os indicadores de performance, como o diferencial de golos (diferença entre os golos marcados e sofridos durante o campeonato até ao jogo observado), remates à baliza, sanções disciplinares e substituições, permitem predizer o tempo em que o primeiro golo é marcado pelas equipas da casa. Os resultados também demonstraram que o primeiro golo do jogo marcado pelas equipas de casa tem uma associação positiva e significativa com a vitória final. A análise do segundo golo do jogo revelou que este é marcado com a maior frequência na segunda parte do jogo quando a equipa joga em casa. O modelo de Cox demonstrou que o tempo do primeiro golo tem um efeito positivo e significativo no tempo do segundo golo marcado pela equipa da casa, particularmente se o primeiro golo foi marcado na segunda parte do jogo. Para modelar o tempo do golo-chave foram utilizados modelos de riscos competitivos que demonstraram que as equipas da casa têm uma probabilidade maior de marcar o golo-chave associado à vitória, enquanto as equipas com um diferencial acumulado positivo de golos marcados e sofridos tiveram menor probabilidade de marcar o golo-chave associado à vitória. As equipas da casa e as equipas com um maior diferencial positivo de golos marcados e sofridos demonstraram uma maior probabilidade de marcar o golo-chave associado a um empate como resultado final. O estudo abre novas perspetivas para a análise da performance coletiva no futebol de alto rendimento. A abordagem metodológica proposta no estudo toma em consideração a dinâmica de desempenho coletivo durante o jogo e permite fazer previsões de rendimento coletivo que facilitam a tomada de decisão dos treinadores na direção da equipa.The aim of this thesis is to analyse goal-scoring patterns in professional football in accordance with the dynamic perspective, using different explanatory variables associated with team performance and game context. In the first section there is a systematic review of studies which analyse goal scoring in men's professional football leagues. In accordance with the methods used for data collection and analysis, studies were classified into two groups: studies carried out according to the static perspective and those carried out according to the dynamic perspective. The advantages and limitations of both perspectives in providing relevant information on team performance are also discussed. In the following chapters there is analysis of the factors that influence the time at which the first and second goals are scored in a match, as well as the idea of the key-goal which defines the outcome of the game (a win or a draw). Survival analysis procedures (cumulative incidence function, Cox regression models with fixed and time varying covariates and competing models) were devised and applied in match analysis to estimate the probability of the first goal, second goal and the key-goal being scored during a match as a function of a set of explanatory variables regarding team performance and match context. The findings of this study confirmed that performance indicators, such as positive accumulated goal difference (the difference between the goals scored and conceded during the whole competition up until the match considered), shots on goal, sanctions and substitutions enable the time at which the first goal is scored by home teams to be predicted. They also revealed the importance of scoring the first goal for home teams to win a match. In addition, they showed that the first goal in a match scored by home teams was positively and significantly associated with a winning outcome. Analysis of the second goal of the match demonstrated that this is scored most often by home teams in the second half of the game. The Cox model showed that the time at which the first goal is scored in a match had a positive effect on the second goal being scored by the home team, particularly if the first goal was scored in the second half of the match. The competitive risk regressions model showed that there was a higher probability of home teams scoring the key-goal of match, while there was a lower probability of teams with a positive accumulated goal difference scoring the keygoal that led to victory. Home teams, and teams with a positive accumulated goal difference, showed a higher probability of scoring the key-goal that tied the match. This study brings new perspectives for performance analysis in elite football by taking into account the dynamics of team performance during matches. The approach proposed in this study enables the prediction of scoreline evolution based on performance indicators and thus might facilitate decision-making by coaches regarding instructions given to teams during matches

    10-year Portuguese football strategic plan: sustainable growth

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    This analysis serves as a complement to the 10-year Portuguese Football Strategic Plan conducted jointly with Federação Portuguesa de Futebol and Deloitte. After measuring the impact of fan engagement, women’s football, academic football, broadcasting rights, and international exposure, this report was directed towards the emerging rise of the gaming and eSports industry. This analysis aims to understand what has already been implemented across different sports concerning technology and how Portuguese football can incorporate different innovations. The goal is to increase both the number of fans and their experience when consuming football in Portugal

    A holistic performance assessment of English Premier League football clubs 1992-2013

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    This paper devises and tests a statistical model (the PAM) to measure the financial and sporting performance of professional football clubs. The PAM has been applied to a longitudinal data set of English football clubs (21 clubs between 1992-2013) to identify trends in performance. The results show that a small number of clubs have created an imbalance within English football and that there has been evidence of a 'financial crisis' at individual clubs. For the majority of clubs, overall performance appears to vary over time in cycles. In addition to measuring holistic performance of professional football clubs in England, the paper has developed a statistically robust model that progresses research in the field. This new model has the potential to be adapted to fit other professional team sports to test league viability. It can also be used by the clubs themselves to set objectives and to analyse performance against competitors