87 research outputs found

    Evolusi Penggunaan Teknologi Web 3.0 : Semantic Web

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    Generasi baru dari konsep teknologi yang digunakan pada halaman website mengalami perubahan yang juga selaras dengan kebutuhan bisnis yang ada dalam dunia digital. Halaman website mengalami transformasi dari pada mulanya adalah hanya berupa halaman website statis, kemudian pada versi atau generasi berikutnya menjadi halaman website 2.0 sampai dengan generasi ketiga atau halaman website 3.0 (web 3.0) atau yang juga dikenal dengan istilah website semantik (Semantic Web). Generasi ketiga dari teknologi halaman website inilah yang akan menjadi topik utama dari penulisan paper ini, dimana pembahasan yang akan dituliskan dan dijelaskan pada paper ini adalah mengenai karakteristik dari web 3.0, teknologi yang ada pada web 3.0 seperti RDF (Resource Description Framework), SPARQL dan Web Ontology. Kemudian dalam penulisan jurnal ini juga akan diberikan contoh atau implementasi dari penggunaan teknologi web 3.0 dan kemudian penjelasan teknis mengenai cara kerja web 3.0. Hasil dari penulisan paper ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan apakah yang ditawarkan oleh halaman website yang mengadopsi atau menggunakan teknologi web 3.0 dan juga untuk mengetahui keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh teknologi web 3.0

    Does Web 3.0 come after Web 2.0? Deconstructing theoretical assumptions through practice

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    Current internet research has been influenced by application developers and computer engineers who see the development of the Web as being divided into three different stages: Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. This article will argue that this understanding – although important when analysing the political economy of the Web – can have serious limitations when applied to everyday contexts and the lived experience of technologies. Drawing from the context of the Italian student movement, we show that the division between Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 is often deconstructed by activists’ media practices. Therefore, we highlight the importance of developing an approach that – by focusing on practice – draws attention to the interplay between Web platforms rather than their transition. This approach, we believe, is essential to the understanding of the complex relationship between Web developments, human negotiations and everyday social contexts

    Financial Analysis of Meta Platforms Inc

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    Web3.0 is the latest generation of internet, which is about decentralization and democratization, built on blockchain technology, high computer power and high-speed network. Metaverse overlaps with Web3.0 in terms of decentralization and is built on the same base technologies but talks about virtual realities and brings immersive experiences. This study explores how the web has evolved over the years and analyzes the current market trends of Web3.0. The purpose of the study is to examine the investments made by Meta Platforms Inc. which is one of the market leaders of the Internet industry and provide an in-depth financial analysis by evaluating its financial statements and different financial metrics. The study also includes estimating the value of the company based on the Discounted Cash Flow valuation method. The valuation conducted in this study forecasts Meta Platforms Inc. to be a promising investment with high positive returns. The valuation may be utilized by analysts for further analysis in their research

    Decision support system for building information modeling (BIM) software selection: A case study in construction feasibility stage

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    The adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) software has proven to be beneficial to the construction industry to improve the design, analysis, construction, operation and data management. Due to the variety of BIM software on the market, choosing the right BIM software in construction projects is deemed to be a complicated decision making process. Previous studies revealed that software selection is mainly made based on popularity and recommendation from other companies. Consequently, inaccurate selection would lead to the underutilised features and negative effect the investment on the BIM software. Based on literature, there is a lack of systematic approach to select the right BIM software for specific project requirements. This highlights the needs for decision making tools to select the appropriate BIM software. This research aims to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) named topsis4BIM which integrates graphical user interfaces, BIM features database, Fuzzy TOPSIS and Web 2.0 tools. A real construction project was used as a case study for demonstrating and validating the DSS framework. The findings indicate that the use of topsis4BIM improves the BIM software selection process compared to the current practice. In addition, it also produce a new framework for the next generation DSS using Web 2.0 tools. The study introduces an innovative and economical decision making approach that can guide construction practitioners towards the betterment of BIM adoption

    Conceptualising the role of knowledge in ‘acting on media’

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    Basabali Wiki, Penggunaan Website Kamus Digital Sebagai Langkah untuk Melestarikan Bahasa Bali

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    This study aims to discuss the use of the website by the BASAbali Wiki community to preserve Balinese language, script and cultural literature. This research uses a case study approach by analyzing digital dictionaries and supporting features provided by the BASAbali Wiki website, and in-depth interviews with one of the BASAbali Wiki community administrators. The results of the study show that the BASAbali Wiki community is able to utilize information technology through the process of digitizing dictionaries and libraries through the website by involving practitioners and community leaders who are experts in their fields. The public can also actively participate in website development by adding data or editing data that is already available. With the presence of a digital Balinese dictionary and other supporting features on the BASAbali Wiki website, it is hoped that it can increase the frequency of use of the Balinese language by Balinese people, as well as introduce Balinese language and culture on a massive and more in-depth basis to the general public. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the BASAbali Wiki organization actively participates in efforts to preserve Balinese language, script, culture and literature by utilizing digital technology   Keywords: BASAbali WIKI, Balinese Language, Digitalization, Websit

    Movimientos sociales, redes sociales y Web 2.0: el caso del Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad

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    Empirical studies have pointed out that interaction in the technological platforms used by social movements is usually very low, even if other authors have argued that Web 2.0 increases the possibilities for participation and interaction. This article presents a quali-quantitative analysis of the Facebook page of the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity. The aim is to investigate whether this page is a space for dialogue and interaction or whether the dominant logic is the simple diffusion of online content. Results reveal that Facebook appears as a space for the publication of information, rather than a network for building a participatory debate

    Movimientos sociales, redes sociales y Web 2.0: el caso del Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad

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    Estudios empíricos han señalado que la interacción en las plataformas de los movimientos sociales suele ser muy baja, aunque otros autores argumentan que la Web 2.0 aumenta las posibilidades de participación y de interacción. Este artículo presenta un análisis cuali-cuantitativo de la página Facebook del Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad. El objetivo consiste en investigar si esta página constituye un espacio de diálogo e interacción o si en cambio prevalece una lógica de difusión de contenidos online. Los resultados revelan que Facebook aparece como espacio de publicación de informaciones, no como red para un debate participativo.Empirical studies have pointed out that interaction in the technological platforms used by social movements is usually very low, even if other authors have argued that Web 2.0 increases the possibilities for participation and interaction. This article presents a quali-quantitative analysis of the Facebook page of the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity. The aim is to investigate whether this page is a space for dialogue and interaction or whether the dominant logic is the simple diffusion of online content. Results reveal that Facebook appears as a space for the publication of information, rather than a network for building a participatory debate

    Estrategias comunicativas en Twitter de los ayuntamientos españoles gobernados por plataformas ciudadanas

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    Las redes sociales se han convertido en herramientas clave para la movilización ciudadana y, por ello, han pasado a formar parte de las estrategias de movimientos sociales y partidos políticos. Twitter destaca sobre el resto por las posibilidades de interacción que permite entre los usuarios. Esta plataforma ha pasado a ser un elemento común tanto en las campañas electorales como en la comunicación institucional de las administraciones. En España, los nuevos partidos políticos, como Podemos, en parte surgidos del descontento social del movimiento 15M, han explotado las posibilidades de Twitter con éxito para sumar respaldo ciudadano y mejorar sus resultados electorales. Esta investigación se propone como objetivo analizar la comunicación institucional en Twitter de tres ayuntamientos españoles gobernados por plataformas ciudadanas, vinculadas a los nuevos movimientos políticos, desde las elecciones celebradas en mayo de 2015: Barcelona, Zaragoza y Cádiz. El análisis toma como periodo de estudio las fiestas patronales celebradas en las tres ciudades y somete 677 tweets a un examen de contenido cuantitativo. La investigación compara la actividad municipal en Twitter de los nuevos gobiernos con la comunicación desarrollada por las administraciones del año anterior, cuando los tres ayuntamientos estaban en manos de partidos políticos tradicionales. Las hipótesis de partida indican que los nuevos equipos de gobierno aprovecharán la experiencia de la movilización social y de partidos como Podemos para hacer un uso más eficiente e interactivo de Twitter. Sin embargo, los resultados señalan que el uso de esta aplicación no se diferencia sustancialmente del de los gobiernos anteriores. Social networks have become key tools for citizen mobilization and that is the reason why they form part of current social movements' and political parties' action strategies. Twitter stands above the rest due to its possibilities for interaction. This platform is nowadays a common component in both electoral campaigns and institutional communication of public administrations. In Spain, new political parties, as Podemos, partially arising from the social unrest of the 15M movement have successfully exploited the possibilities of Twitter to add public support and improve their election results. This research aims to analyse the institutional communication in Twitter of three Spanish municipalities governed by citizen platforms, linked to the Spanish new political scene, since the elections in May 2015: Barcelona, Zaragoza and Cadiz. The analysis takes as study period the festivities held in the three cities and 677 tweets have been quantitatively examined. The research compares the activity on Twitter of the new governments with the communication strategy developed by the governments in power the previous year, when the three city councils were administered by traditional political parties. The hypothesis suggests that the new government teams take advantage of the experience of social mobilization and parties as Podemos in order to make a more efficient and interactive use of Twitter. However, the results indicate that the use of this application does not differ substantially from that of previous governments