417 research outputs found

    Communications Guide Version 1.0

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    This guide is focused on messaging about teacher residencies. It provides recommendations about branding, visual, narratives, and social media.https://educate.bankstreet.edu/pt/1040/thumbnail.jp

    Visualisations and narratives in digital media. Methods and current trends

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    The digital media have undergone an unprecedented transformation in recent years by exploiting the combined communicative potential of interaction and visualisation, generating, in this way, new narrative forms and journalistic stories. But this is not something that can be analysed in isolation. Understanding the digital media requires addressing the study of interactive texts and the platforms of the digital ecosystem from different perspectives.The digital media today have highly permeable boundaries, the guidelines that define them being subject to constant modification: their texts are dynamic and constantly changing, their systems operate, thanks to artificial intelligence, as just another actor that analyses, collects and manages information. The space separating senders and receivers of messages has become fuzzy and interwoven. For this reason, the study of digital journalism has to assume this unremitting transformation as simply one more element in the debate about the media, and accept it as a characteristic of the digital culture that defines the field of communication

    Utilizing Social Media in Marketing and in Strengthening the Corporate Image

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    The background of this thesis lies in the author’s interest in the possibilities the ever more popular different social media platforms offer to be utilized in companies’ marketing and communication purposes. The commissioning company of this thesis is Kiilto, the author’s workplace. The use of social media for company purposes is a timely issue and is considered currently at the commissioning company, so this thesis is intended to give ideas and food for thought for this process. The aim of this thesis is to study the possibilities the different social media platforms offer for marketing and company communications purposes and to generate ideas and suggestions for the commissioning company. This is to be achieved by studying in theory social media and marketing, researching and generating ideas how social media could be utilized in marketing and brand building and analyzing and assessing these possibilities from the perspective of the commissioning company. The theoretical part of this thesis contains theory on marketing, corporate image, a brand and social media studied from literacy, textbooks, articles and Internet. Field study method has been used for gathering information in the commissioning company, and field study has been carried out by interviewing the commissioning company’s employees, who are responsible for marketing and company communications. The work experience of the author in the commissioning company contributes to the background information, field study and the findings of this report. The conclusions of this thesis indicate that the success and popularity of social media should be a driving force for commercial companies to consider the use of social media platforms in their marketing and communicating with customers. The results of this thesis include several ideas how to use social media for these purposes and suggestions for the commissioning company how to proceed with its social media activities.Tämän lopputyön lähtökohtana on kirjoittajan oma mielenkiinto koko ajan suositummaksi tulevan sosiaalisen median hyödyntämiseen yritysten markkinointi- ja viestintätarkoituksiin. Toimeksiantajayritys on Kiilto, joka on myös kirjoittajan työpaikka. Sosiaalisen median hyödyntäminen on toimeksiantajayrityksessä juuri nyt ajankohtaista ja pohdinnan alla, joten tämän lopputyön toivotaan antavan ideoita ja ajateltavaa tähän prosessiin. Työn tarkoituksena on tutkia ja kartoittaa mahdollisuuksia, joita eri sosiaalisen median palvelut tarjoavat yritysten markkinointi- ja viestintätarpeisiin sekä kehittää ideoita ja ehdotuksia toimeksiantajayritykselle. Taustatietoa aiheeseen on hankittu opiskelemalla sosiaalisen median ja markkinoinnin teoriaa. Teoriaosuuden jälkeen kirjoittaja on tutkinut ja innovoinut, kuinka sosiaalista mediaa voi hyödyntää markkinoinnissa ja yrityskuvan rakentamisessa sekä analysoinut ja arvioinut näitä mahdollisuuksia toimeksiantajayrityksen näkökulmasta. Työn teoriaosuus sisältää teoriaa markkinoinnista, yrityskuvasta, brändistä ja sosiaalisesta mediasta. Tietolähteinä on käytetty kirjallisuutta, kurssikirjoja, artikkeleita ja internetiä. Toimeksiantajayritykseen liittyvää tietoa on hankittu kenttätutkimuksena haastattelemalla yrityksen markkinointi- ja viestintäasiantuntijoita. Kirjoittajan oma työkokemus toimeksiantajayrityksessä on myös suuresti edesauttanut yrityksen taustatietojen, kenttätutkimuksen ja lopputyön tulosten osalta. Tämän lopputyön yksi johtopäätös on, että sosiaalisen median suuren suosion tulisi kannustaa yrityksiä hyödyntämään sosiaalisen median sovelluksia markkinoinnissaan ja yhteydenpidossaan asiakkaiden kanssa. Lopputyön tulokset sisältävät myös ideoita, kuinka sosiaalista mediaa yleensä voisi hyödyntää näihin tarkoituksiin, sekä ehdotuksia, kuinka toimeksiantajayrityksessä voitaisiin edetä sosiaalisen median hyödyntämisessä

    Digital strategy in master programs in management in Portugal

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    The Portuguese Higher Education portfolio has expanded over the years and is characterized by a range of universities. Not only with the transformation that the industry suffered through the Bologna Process, but also with the mobility between the members of the EU, the number of graduates with master’s degree has grown as well. Many universities have started showing signs of adaption of digital marketing to promote the programs towards its audience. It sounds pertinent to develop this study to analyze the implications of the adoption of digital infrastructure for the attraction and retention of its primary stakeholders and, this thesis consists in analyzing that. Many higher education programs worldwide have been using digital marketing in its activities, so analyzing the opportunity in the Portuguese market can come as a benefit for Portugal. After a precise definition of a set of concepts regarding strategy, marketing, digital and higher education market, an online questionnaire took place, and the results show students are digitally present. However. this does not happen for institutions, and there is a gap that needs to be tackled. After analyzing them in the following section, discussion on the analysis and recommendation for higher education programs such as management in Portugal follows.Esta tese debruça-se em analisar os possíveis efeitos de uma abordagem digital de marketing para as universidades portuguesas do ensino superior, nomeadamente no mestrado de Gestão. Por sua vez, é possível criar uma relação mais harmoniosa com o alvo, conquistando um leque maior com futuros estudantes. Nos últimos anos, foi registado um crescimento da adoção da tecnologia e da sua respetiva prática para promover os programas de instrução. No entanto, as universidades, apesar de adotarem conceitos de marketing e beneficiarem de vantagens, necessitam de adaptar-se às mudanças potenciadas pela revolução digital. Este tópico desenvolvido na tese surgiu com a noção do crescimento da competitividade do mercado no ensino superior, tanto no publico como no privado. Os números registados cresceram com a entrada de Portugal na União Europeia e pela alteração da educação no país com a Declaração de Bolonha. Consecutivamente, aumentou o número de estudantes com o título de mestre em área abordada. Nesta investigação, realizou-se um inquérito com o intuitivo de conhecer quais são os fatores e critérios mais relevantes na escolha de um programa de mestrado em Gestão. Com base no questionário online, foi possível indagar possíveis oportunidades a aproveitar pelas instituições do ensino, como forma de melhorar e inovar o programa de ensino, tendo em conta outros valores

    Creating value throughout the marketing process with artificial intelligence

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    Understand the relationship among marketing, the marketing process,digital marketing and AI as a requirement for the incorporation of digital marketing and AI to the marketing process.•Analyze and prove that Artificial Intelligence can be applied to the Marketing Process in order to create value. 2•Demonstrate the presence of Artificial Intelligence in every stage of the Marketing Process through cases or examples in real companies.•Demonstrate that the application of AI in the Marketing Process can even make enhancements in this process or optimize it.•Demonstrate the huge potential that Artificial Intelligence has in the marketing are

    I Wanna Know Where the Rule Book Is : YouTube as a Site of Counternarratives to Transnormativity

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    In June 2015, Caitlyn Jenner created waves of excitement with her coming out announcement on the cover of Vanity Fair: “Call me Caitlyn.” From the perspective of critical trans politics, however, the heightened visibility of trans people in mainstream media does not call for unequivocal celebration. Though trans women of color, such as Laverne Cox and Janet Mock, are more visible in mainstream media than ever before, mainstream media still largely depicts trans people through white constructs of what it means to be trans, namely medicalized binary transitions. Many trans people who deviate from mainstream media’s depiction of trans people are creating their own media on YouTube to voice their lived experiences. I argue that while YouTube is a particularly accessible platform for trans people to challenge transnormativity, the reach of trans YouTubers’ messages are highly limited by the medium’s design and genre conventions

    Teaching Classics in the Digital Age

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    The papers and videos presented here are the result of the international conference 'Teaching Classics in the Digital Age' held online on the 15 and 16 June 2020. As digital media provide new possibilities for teaching and outreach in Classics, the conference 'Teaching Classics in the Digital Age' aimed at presenting current approaches to digital teaching and sharing best practices by bringing together different projects and practitioners from all fields of Classics (including Classical Archaeology, Greek and Latin Studies and Ancient History). Furthermore, it aimed at starting a discussion about principles, problems and the future of teaching Classics in the 21st century within and beyond its single fields

    Making Institutional Repositories Work

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    Making Institutional Repositories Work takes novices as well as seasoned practitioners through the practical and conceptual steps necessary to develop a functioning institutional repository, customized to the needs and culture of the home institution. The first section covers all aspects of system platforms, including hosted and open-source options, big data capabilities and integration, and issues related to discoverability. The second section addresses policy issues, from the basics to open-source and deposit mandates. The third section focuses on recruiting and even creating content. Authors in this section will address the ways that different disciplines tend to have different motivations for deposit, as well as the various ways that institutional repositories can serve as publishing platforms. The fourth section covers assessment and success measures for all involved—librarians, deans, and administrators. The theory and practice of traditional metrics, alt metrics, and peer review receive chapter-length treatment. The fifth section provides case studies that include a boots-on-the-ground perspective of issues raised in the first four sections. By noting trends and potentialities, this final section, authored by Executive Director of SPARC Heather Joseph, makes future predictions and helps managers position institutional repositories to be responsive to change and even shape the evolution of scholarly communication.https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/purduepress_ebooks/1040/thumbnail.jp