222 research outputs found

    How to communicate risks to the public? : research on risk communication about the food safety of fresh produce

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    Bridging the gender gap in computing: An integrative approach to content design for girls

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    Although some observed differences in males\u27 and females\u27 attitudes toward and uses of computers appear to be narrowing, the gender gap remains widest in relation to programming and software design, which are still male preserves. In response, software and Web site designers have applied feminist theories to develop three distinct approaches to creating content for girls that might increase their interest in computers. These approaches involve appealing to girls\u27 traditional “feminine” interests, nontraditional “masculine” interests, and gender-neutral interests. This study proposes that to bridge today\u27s gender gap, prior approaches need to integrate appeals to girls\u27 traditional and nontraditional interests, and focus content more clearly on learning about computer design itself. An experimental test of this integrative strategy, used to develop a prototype World Wide Web site tested on girls in their homes (n = 125), obtained significant increases in the treatment group\u27s interest in, sense of relevancy of, and motivation to use computers, compared to a control group

    Insiders\u27 Guide to the Student Academic Conference: 11th Annual SAC

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    Minnesota State University Moorhead Student Academic Conference abstract book

    Designing for women experiencing intimate partner violence

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    This thesis explores design issues that should be taken into account when developing mobile services for women experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV). The aim of the thesis was to apply user-centred design methods and gain understanding of the situation and the needs of potential users of a mobile application aimed at women under a threat of abuse. The thesis explores the opportunities mobile technology could offer to women recovering from IPV. The threats posed by the violent environment and the attempt to develop ways to reduce the risks were emphasised in the research and design project. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the definition of intimate partner violence, the consequences of violence from a survivor point of view and the means of surviving violence. In addition, this section examines the risks and opportunities that information technology enables in abusive situations. The theoretical part is followed by a description of a design project aimed at developing a concept for a mobile application for women experiencing violence. The research on which the design work was based was carried out using user-centered design methods such as interviews, surveys and mapping the current operating environment and available services for survivors. The concept of the mobile application related to the thesis was evaluated using prototyping and usability tests. The thesis introduces the application concept that emerged from the design work and suggests principles to be used to support design in situations where users live under a threat of violence. The following principles emerged from the study: 1) safety and privacy, 2) validation and support for empowerment and 3) encouragement to reach out. The findings indicate that mobile applications developed with user-centred design approach can provide beneficial tools for coping with IPV. The potential features were for example anonymous contact to support organisation, diary, and information on violence and safety arrangements. The study implies that it is possible to reduce the threat of violence related to the use situations. The study implies that the risk of violence when using the application can be reduced by for example protecting the content with a password, hiding the actual content of the application and sharing information about security and privacy. It is also important to recommend that the users evaluate their own security situation and act on their own assessment.Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii suunnittelutyöhön liittyviä kysymyksiä, jotka tulisi ottaa huomioon kehitettäessä mobiilipalveluita parisuhdeväkivaltaa kokeville naisille. Opinnäytetyön tavoite oli selvittää käyttäjälähtöisen suunnittelun keinoin potentiaalisten käyttäjien tilannetta ja tarpeita sekä kartoittaa mobiiliteknologian mahdollistamien työkalujen hyödyllisyyttä väkivallasta selviytymisen prosessissa. Väkivaltaisen ympäristön aiheuttamien uhkien tarkastelu ja pyrkimys kehittää keinoja riskien pienentämiseen painottuivat tutkimus- ja suunnitteluprojektissa. Opinnäytteen teoreettinen osa käsittelee parisuhdeväkivallan määritelmää, väkivallan seurauksia väkivaltaa kokevan näkökulmasta sekä väkivallasta selviytymisen keinoja. Lisäksi osio käy läpi kirjallisuutta tietoteknologian ja parisuhdeväkivallan riskeistä ja mahdollisuuksista. Teoreettista osuutta seuraa kuvaus suunnitteluprojektista, jonka tavoitteena oli kehittää konsepti mobiilisovellukselle, joka on suunnattu väkivaltaisessa parisuhteessa oleville naisille. Suunnittelutyön pohjana käytetty tutkimus toteutettiin käyttäjälähtöisen suunnittelun metodein. Menetelmät sisälsivät mm. haastatteluja, kyselyjä ja väkivaltatyön nykyisen toimintaympäristön ja palveluiden kartoittamista. Opinnäytetyöhön liittyvän mobiilisovelluksen konseptia arvioitiin prototyypin ja käytettävyystutkimuksen keinoin. Opinnäytetyön lopuksi tutustutaan suunnittelutyön tuloksena syntyneeseen sovelluskonseptiin ja esitellään suunnittelua tukevat periaatteet tilanteisiin, joissa potentiaaliset käyttäjät elävät väkivallan uhan alla. Suunnitteluperiaatteet on ryhmitelty seuraaviin kategorioihin: 1) turvallisuus ja yksityisyys, 2) kokemuksen validointi ja voimaantumisen tukeminen 3) hiljaisuuden rikkominen. Löydösten perusteella vaikuttaa siltä, että käyttäjälähtöisesti suunnitelluilla mobiilisovelluksilla voi tarjota välineitä väkivaltaisesta parisuhteesta selviytymiseen. Tärkeiksi toiminnoiksi koettiin mm. anonyymi yhteydenotto, päiväkirjatoiminto ja tieto väkivallasta ja turvallisuudesta. Tutkimuksen perusteella käyttötilanteisiin liittyvää väkivallan uhkaa on mahdollista vähentää erilaisin keinoin. Riskejä pienentää mm. sisällön suojaaminen salasanalla, sovelluksen varsinaisen sisällön kätkeminen sekä tietoturvainformaation jakaminen. Käyttäjiä on myös tärkeätä ohjata arvioimaan omaa turvallisuustilannettaan ja toimimaan oman arviointinsa perusteella

    Comparative Study of Needs-Assessment Methodologies as They Apply to the Development of a University Computer Science Curriculum in a Central African Country

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    A Central African society consisting of two local ethnic groups, as well as Europeans, Asians [Pakistanis and Indians), and North Americans, provided a milieux for the evaluations of five needs-assessment methodologies as to their appropriateness in a multi-ethnic environment. Five methodologies, a questionnaire, a job analysis log, audio and video interviews, and an informal indigenous contact, were used in a needs assessment for the computer science department of the Adventist University of Central Africa, a private church-operated university, located at Mudende, Gisenyi, Rwanda, Central Africa. The five methodologies were evaluated in two different manners: 1. An evaluation of the appropriateness of the methodology based on 12 modified standards selected from those suggested by The Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (1994), designed to assess the complete evaluation process (In this dissertation, the 12 selected standards were chosen and adapted to examine the impact of culture on the methodologies and to determine the appropriateness of the use of the methodologies in a needs assessment in the Fourth World.) 2. A comparison of the number of recommendations provided by each methodology. The numbering included the total count of recommendations provided by each methodology, the number of nonunique recommendations, as well as the number of unique recommendations. The recommendations were classified in new, consider. and improve categories. The recommendations were also examined as to how they were implemented. The results of the study indicate th at all five methodologies had their own set of unique strengths and weaknesses when used in a Fourth World setting. In fact, no one methodology would have been appropriate if used by itself. In this study, reducing the number of methodologies would have resulted in a loss of vital information needed for decision making. The greatest amount of information came from methods th at allowed the researcher to develop a researcher-respondent relationship prior to collection of information. The single most productive methodology was the audio interview, with its greater use of affective communication

    Aging between Participation and Simulation

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    This publication aims to initiate an interdisciplinary discourse on the ethical, legal, and social implications of socially assistive technologies in healthcare. It combines practically relevant insights and examples from current research and development with ethical analysis to uncover moral pitfalls at the intersection between the promotion of social participation and well-being, and risks that may diminish the achievement of these ends

    Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking

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    Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking features two key themes. First it focuses on helping students become more seasoned and polished public speakers, and second is its emphasis on ethics in communication. It is this practical approach and integrated ethical coverage that sets Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking apart from the other texts in this market

    Study of Factors Which Influence the Involvement of Baby Boomers in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Metro-atlanta

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    Task. The task of this project was to determine the level of church involvement of Adventist baby boomers in metropolitan Atlanta, to identify factors that contribute to that level of involvement, and to suggest a strategy for intentional ministry to this population. Method. Questionnaires were sent to 344 households in the metro-Atlanta area identified by pastors as containing young professionals. After three mailings, 260 individual responses were received (a response rate of 54.2 percent). The tabulation process identified an effective survey base of 161 individuals which met the combined requirements of age and income (earning more than $30,000 per year). Study bias can be traced to the method of developing the population sample. By relying on pastors to formulate this mailing list, the likelihood of sampling inactive members is decreased while the potential for hearing from active and involved members is increased. Findings. Most respondents described themselves as active,” claimed to attend Sabbath worship weekly, said they helped with church planning or programming, and held offices or served on committees. Respondents generally found their church involvement satisfying, rated their local church and its leadership favorably, and were strongly supportive of their pastor. While tithing and giving to the local church tended to increase with involvement, tithing decreased among those in the highest income category. Involvement increased with income. Concerns include weak participation in spiritual disciplines, a fragile friendship base, and marginal support of Adventist lifestyle issues. Personal soul-winning was nearly non-existent. Implications and Conclusions. Baby boomers seem heavily involved in maintaining a church organization without involvement in its mission. Concerns about retention of this generation and the transmission of values to the next generation appear justified. Restructuring the worship service or developing innovative marketing and fund-raising techniques may be tempting but superficial remedies. A practical emphasis on a personal relationship with Christ, a fresh understanding of Adventist doctrines (particularly distinguishing principles from practice), and renewed ownership of vision and mission are suggested

    The Murray Ledger and Times, November 10, 2001

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    The Murray Ledger and Times, June 7, 2000

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