61 research outputs found

    Transformation theory and e-commerce adoption

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    This thesis investigates business transformation on the Internet; particularly the nature and significance of Cyber transformation theory and the Marketspace Model as a framework for E-commerce adoption. E-commerce can raise a firm\u27s productivity, transform customer relationships and open up new markets. The extent to which nations become adopters of E-commerce is set to become a source of comparative national competitive advantage (or disadvantage) in the twenty first century

    Development of a co-creation model that streamlines the fashion process from the consumer to the manufacture

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    Nowadays, co-creation, a relatively new concept in the fashion field, is managing to approach consumers directly and thus get a detailed understanding of their needs and desires. Some brands already use this concept as the basis of their business, which is an added value for the product and consequently for its suitability. However, the adoption of this concept has been addressed in the literature in an isolated way concerning consumers or brands, and its impact on the supply chain is still unknown, so its applicability also needs research. There is also no clear idea of the role of the fashion designer in co-creation fashion brands, and its role has also not been taken into account in the literature. In a real business context, the management of the processes of the different brands is done autonomously. There is no pre-defined model for the structuration or application that can serve as a basis for brands that want to adopt this concept. Thus, this research focused on creating a co-creation model that can simplify the process from consumer to production, focusing on fashion design, the product and the fashion designer, and the supply chain, with the aim of creating a co-creation model, so that brands that want to adopt the co-creation concept can apply it in real life. An initial literature review revealed problems in the co-creation process that need a solution and helped to identify the research problems. Subsequently, a comprehensive literature review was carried out on co-creation, other concepts complementary to cocreation, fashion design and the fashion business, consumers and the supply chain. Secondly, a cases study focused on fashion brands already working with co-creation was done to better understand how it works. Finally, a survey to consumers and interviews with fashion designers and supply chain experts were conducted to understand each party's point of view. These contributed to the revelation of important information, subsequently implemented in the new co-creation model that allowed the simplification of the process and its simultaneous suitability to consumers, brands and supply chain. The results obtained allowed answering the research questions, the proposed objectives and structuring a new co-creation model.Atualmente, a co-criação, um conceito relativamente novo no campo da moda, está a conseguir abordar os consumidores diretamente, conseguindo desta forma perceber com detalhe as suas necessidades e desejos. Algumas marcas já utilizam este conceito como base do seu negócio, o que é um valor acrescentado para o produto e para a sua consequente adequação. No entanto, a adoção deste conceito tem sido abordada na literatura de forma isolada relativamente aos consumidores ou marcas, e o seu impacto na cadeia de abastecimento é ainda desconhecido, pelo que a sua aplicabilidade também necessita de investigação. Também não há uma ideia clara do papel do designer de moda em marcas de moda de co-criação, e o seu papel também não foi explorado na literatura. Num contexto empresarial real, a gestão dos processos das diferentes marcas é feita de forma autónoma. Não existe um modelo pré-definido para a estruturação ou aplicação que possa servir de base para as marcas que queiram adotar este conceito. Assim, esta investigação centrou-se na criação de um modelo de co-criação que pudesse simplificar o processo desde o consumidor até à produção, concentrando-se no design de moda, no produto, no designer de moda e na cadeia de abastecimento, com o objetivo de criar um modelo de co-criação para que as marcas que queiram adotar o conceito de co-criação o possam aplicar na vida real. A revisão bibliográfica prévia revelou problemas no processo de co-criação que necessitam de uma solução que ajudaram a identificar os problemas de investigação. Posteriormente foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica completa sobre a co-criação, outros conceitos complementares à co-criação, design de moda e o negócio da moda, consumidores e a cadeia de abastecimento. Segundo, foi feito um estudo de casos centrado em marcas de moda que já trabalham com a co-criação para melhor compreender o seu funcionamento. Finalmente, foi feito um questionário aos consumidores e entrevistas a designers de moda e especialistas da cadeia de abastecimento para compreender o ponto de vista de cada parte. Estes contribuíram para a revelação de informações importantes, posteriormente implementadas no novo modelo de co-criação que permitiram a simplificação do processo e a sua adequação simultânea aos consumidores, marcas e cadeia de abastecimento. Os resultados obtidos permitiram responder às questões de investigação, aos objetivos propostos e estruturar um novo modelo de co-criação

    Marketing plan for Semear program - product/service development for the B2c market segment

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    This work project consisted of developing a Marketing Plan for SEMEAR, a program of a social organization with the mission to help the full integration of people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) in society. The group focused on the role of SEMEAR na Mercearia business unit to help improve SEMEAR’s overall performance and, for that purpose, conducted a strategic diagnosis and analyzed the market and consumers of artisan al products. Each member of the group suggested one strategic initiative, each one with three tactics, presented as recommendations to SEMEAR, focusing on fighting seasonality and increasing the financial stability all yearlong (a key step towards financial self-sustainability) and on increasing brand awareness with the ultimate goal of promoting the inclusion of disabled people in our society

    The International Conference on Industrial Engineeering and Business Management (ICIEBM)

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    Sustainable actions adapted to luxury strategy : Case Bulgari, Tiffany & Co., Pomellato & Qeelin: A critical discourse analysis

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    This research aims to understand how luxury jewelry brands communicate their sustainable actions. Despite the conventional view that sustainability and luxury are divergent concepts, this study challenges this notion and highlights their interdependence. By examining case studies of four luxury companies, the study investigates how they communicate sustainability efforts to bridge the gap between sustainability and luxury. The research findings indicate the diversity of communication styles luxury brands use to convey their sustainability efforts and the importance of tailoring sustainability communication to specific target audiences and different sustainability initiatives. Effective communication is crucial for building trust with stakeholders and engaging them in a company's sustainability journey. The study also sheds light on the paradox of sustainability and luxury strategy, which can seem at odds. However, the increasing interest in sustainable products and ethical consumption has led many luxury brands to adopt sustainable practices in their production and supply chains. Some luxury brands have even started using sustainable materials, reducing waste, and implementing eco-friendly initiatives while maintaining their high-end brand image. Therefore, while sustainable and luxury strategies differ in their purpose, target audience, and production methods, they share a focus on quality, brand image, innovation, and consumer experience. As new luxury consumers increasingly value social and environmental values and engage in more sustainable consumption patterns, luxury companies must innovate through technology, procurement, production, and recycling practices to strengthen the link between the three main pillars of sustainability: environmental, economic, and social. This study provides valuable insights into the intersection of sustainability and luxury in the jewelry industry and offers important contributions to future research and practice.Tämä tutkimus pyrkii ymmärtämään, miten luksuskorumerkit viestivät kestävistä toimistaan. Vaikka perinteinen näkemys kestävyydestä ja luksuksesta ovatkin eriäviä käsitteitä, tämä tutkimus haastaa tämän käsityksen ja korostaa niiden riippuvuutta toisistaan. Tutkimus tarkastelee neljän luksusyrityksen tapaustutkimuksia ja tutkii, miten ne viestivät kestävän kehityksen pyrkimyksistään ylittääkseen kestävyyden ja luksuksen välisen kuilun. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat luksusbrändien moninaiset viestintätavat kestävyyden edistämisessä ja kestävyyteen liittyvien aloitteiden kohdentamisen tärkeyden eri kohderyhmille. Tehokas viestintä on keskeistä sidosryhmien luottamuksen rakentamisessa ja heidän sitouttamisessaan yrityksen kestävän kehityksen matkaan. Tutkimus myös valaisee kestävyyden ja luksusstrategian paradoksia, joka voi tuntua ristiriitaiselta. Kuitenkin kestävien tuotteiden ja eettisen kulutuksen kasvava kiinnostus on saanut monet luksusbrändit omaksumaan kestäviä käytäntöjä tuotannossaan ja toimitusketjuissaan. Jotkut luksusbrändit ovat jopa aloittaneet kestävien materiaalien käytön, jätteen vähentämisen ja ympäristöystävällisten aloitteiden toteuttamisen säilyttäen samalla korkealaatuisen brändi-imagon. Vaikka kestävän kehityksen strategia ja luksusstrategiat eroavat tarkoituksessaan, kohderyhmässä ja tuotantomenetelmissä, ne jakavat fokuksen laadussa, brändi-imagossa, innovaatiossa, sekä kuluttajakokemuksessa. Uudet luksuskuluttajat arvostavat yhä enemmän sosiaalisia- ja ympäristöarvoja ja sitoutuvat kestävämpään kulutukseen. Luksusyritysten onkin innovoitava teknologiassa, hankinnassa, tuotannossa ja kierrätyskäytännöissä vahvistaakseen kestävän kehityksen kolmen pilarin: ympäristön, talouden ja sosiaalisen vastuun välistä yhteyttä. Tämä tutkimus tarjoaa arvokkaita näkemyksiä kestävyyden ja luksuksen risteyksestä korualalla ja tarjoaa tärkeitä panoksia tulevaan tutkimukseen ja käytäntöön tällä alalla

    Purchasing food becomes omnichannel: understanding food shopper segments and lifestyles

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    Global consumption trends and technological disruption is creating the path towards an omnichannel approach in food B2C selling. Food companies have seen an unprecedented evolution in this context, that is challenging their marketing strategies. This thesis tackles this problem by developing a segmentation study in France, employing Latent Class Analysis, based on the use of multiple touchpoints across the food purchase process, aiming to identify customer profiles, channel allocation, and psychographic characteristics related to food consumption. Three segments were identified: Early Omnichannel Adopters, Curious Conservatives, and Uninterested Traditional shoppers. The findings reveal key differences in their adoption of online and mobile touchpoints across the purchase stages, in their expertise purchasing food online, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in channel allocation. A Multinomial logistic regression was then performed to determine psychodemographic differences between the segments and allowing to characterize their food-related lifestyles. The insights developed in this research confirms the utility of LCA analysis to segment customers considering different food purchase phases and multiple touchpoints, using the most recent programming language software, and integrating specific covariates relevant to food shoppers. Food marketers can find valuable to implement a similar approach to reinvent strategies