10 research outputs found

    What Makes Consumers Recall Banner Ads in Mobile Applications

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    The uses of mobile advertisements are increasing their popularity across the world. Companies can gather information about the mobile users based on their locations, lifestyle, and preferences via GPS, cookies and browsing history and embed highly personalized banner ads in mobile applications. However, in the literature there is hardly any work on the effectiveness of these highly personalized in-app banner ads. The aim of the study is to reveal which factors affect the effectiveness of in-app banner ads. An experimental study was designed and 209 subjects participated. The results of Ordinal Logistic Regression indicated that prior brand attitude and attitude towards application have a positive effect, while brand engagement with self-concept has a negative effect on the recall of in-app banner ads. Moreover, in-app banner ads are recalled more when they are located in landscape applications and positioned at the top part of the screen. This research provides some implications for future studies and practitioners

    Celebrating Faculty Scholarship: Bibliography - 2011

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    A bibliography of faculty publications submitted for inclusion in the fourth annual \u27Celebrating Faculty Scholarship\u27 event sponsored by Loyola University Libraries. The event, which took place on October 24, 2012 in the Richard J. Klarchek Information Commons on the university\u27s Lake Shore Campus, featured articles, books, creative works, and other materials authored by Loyola University Chicago faculty in 2011

    Size does matter:Effects of in-game advertising stimuli on brand recall and brand recognition

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    Rapid growth in the global gaming industry has created substantial opportunities for marketers. The potential and effectiveness of in-game advertising have attracted increasing attention from academics.Drawing on product placement literature, this study explores the influence of size (small, large), order (primacy, recency) and level of absorption (low, high) on consumer memory (brand recall and recognition) of well-known brands placed in a racing game. Using a controlled experiment, 285 participants were recruited to play the sports video game Trackmania 2 Canyon. Results indicate a positive effect of size, but order and level of absorption had no effect on brand recall and brand recognition. In particular, large size brands are recalled and recognised significantly better. Findings offer important implicationsfor marketers in a global gaming industry that is steadily growing

    The impact of advertisements placement in the computer game on the effectiveness of social campaign messages

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    PURPOSE: The article focuses on two aspects, spatial location of advertisements and the engagement of the player during the gameplay and investigates, how they influence the effectiveness of advertising in the context of social campaign.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The analyses are conducted based on data collected in the survey and recorded by EEG and eye-tracker devices.FINDINGS: The results obtained for the memorization may indicate that message order (first or last) in a sequence of advertisements has major bearing on attention and recall. The computed outcomes of engagement indices show that, depending on the method of calculation, obtained results can differ. Moreover, research with the use of eye-tracking devices can allow for accurate predictions of advertising effectiveness, at least in terms of recall. Results allow to state that it would be recommended to place social advertisements in such spots where the player has less to do and is not distracted by any tasks required to achieve progress in the game.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The proposed solution of testing the effectiveness of computer games in presenting social campaigns messages can be used both by practitioners that develop such campaigns and by scientists aiming to conduct advertising research.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Taking into account data from two different sources allows to capture both conscious and subconscious opinions about the social advertsising message in the game, which shows the comprehensive image of the advertisement’s effectiveness.The project was financed with the National Science Centre funds allocated according to the decision DEC-2016/21/B/HS4/03036.peer-reviewe

    Suomalaisten pelaajien suhtautuminen tuotesijoitteluun peleissä

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    Tuotesijoittelu on oleellinen osa nykyisen markkinointiviestinnän kenttää. Viestintäkanavien tukkeutuessa tuotesijoittelu tarjoaa vaihtoehtoisen kanavan kommunikoida omasta tuotteesta tai brandista entistä selkeämmin. Tuotesijoitteluun liittyy kuitenkin myös eettisiä kysymyksiä ja kuluttajien hyväksyntä käytännön suhteen on tärkeää sen tehon varmistamiseksi. Tietokone- ja konsolipelaaminen on Suomessa ja maailmalla merkittävä viihteen muoto erityisesti nuorten miesten ja naisten keskuudessa. Tuotesijoittelua käytetään yhä enenevissä määrin myös peleissä, sillä pelien kasvavat tuotantokustannukset ajavat pelituottajat käyttämään entistä enemmän hyväkseen mainostajien tuomaa rahoitusta riskien hallitsemiseksi. Kuluttajien suhtautumista tuotesijoitteluun eri medioissa on tutkittu maailmanlaajuisesti jonkin verran, mutta Suomessa heikosti. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on antaa kuva suomalaisten pelaajien asennoitumisesta pelien tuotesijoittelua kohtaan. Tutkimus suoritettiin kyselytutkimuksena ja vastaajat hankittiin suomalaisen viihde- ja pelisivuston v2.fi uutisoinnin kautta sekä sosiaalista mediaa käyttäen. Tavoitteena oli saavuttaa erityisesti pelaamista harrastavat. Vastauksia kyselyyn saatiin 205. Tilastollisten menetelmien avulla aineistosta saatiin luotua yleiskuva suomalaisten pelaajien asenteista. Yleisesti ottaen tuotesijoitteluun suhtaudutaan neutraalisti tai hieman positiivisesti. Tutkimuksen avulla tunnistettiin kuitenkin pelityyppejä, joihin tuotesijoittelu ei pelaajien mielestä sovi lainkaan, ja toisia, joihin se sopii erityisen hyvin. Vastaavasti myös tuoteryhmällä on merkitystä sijoittelun hyväksyttävyyteen. Tuotesijoitteluun suhtautumista määrittelevät tämän tutkimuksen perusteella kolme ulottuvuutta: tuotesijoittelun eettisyys, tuotesijoittelun koettu tehokkuus ja tuotesijoittelun realistisuus. Tutkielma antaa yleiskuvan tuotesijoittelusta ilmiönä, peleistä tämän ilmiön erityisalueena sekä suomalaisten pelaajien suhtautumisesta tuotesijoitteluun peleissä

    Brand logos versus brand names: A comparison of the memory effects of textual and pictorial brand elements placed in computer games

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    While a plethora of studies on gamification of advertising exists, little is known about how consumers process different types of brand elements (logos and names) placed in computer games, and whether differences in information processing lead to variations in brand memory. This gap is addressed by conducting three rigorous experiments. In Study 2 we find that, in general, brand logos lead to stronger memory than brand names – something known as the picture superiority effect. Study 3 examines the condition where the picture superiority effect is neutralized. We find that when the speed of a computer game is reduced, names and logos develop similar memory. Finally, in Study 4, we examine whether the picture superiority effect can be neutralized also in the context of high-speed games. We find that in fast games if the physical distinctiveness of the brand elements is increased, both logos and names yield in similar memory

    Do Violent Video Games Impair the Effectiveness of In-Game Advertisements? The Impact of Gaming Environment on Brand Recall, Brand Attitude, and Purchase Intention

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    The present study examined whether a violent video game impairs the effectiveness of in-game advertisements compared to a nonviolent video game. Participants recalled and evaluated in-game ads after navigating identical violent or nonviolent game scenarios. Participants' brand recall, recognition, and attitudes were comparatively lower after navigating the violent video game. Also, females in the violent game condition reported lower brand attitudes in comparison to males in the violent game condition, thus suggesting that the effects of gaming environment interacts with participants' gender. The findings supported the predictions of the limited capacity model of attention and cognitive priming effects. The results also extend previous studies on how violent media impair advertising effectiveness and provide practical implications for researchers and practitioners.Advertisin

    Something is Rotten in the State of Aggression Research: Novel Methodological and Theoretical Approaches to Research on Digital Games and Human Aggression

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    This dissertation offers a comprehensive critique of the current state of research on violent game playing and aggressive outcomes. It discusses twenty-five years of research on violence in digital games and aggression, including empirical evidence, theoretical perspectives, and the heated debates in both the public and academia. The main focus here is on methodological issues limiting the conclusiveness of the research, particularly experiments conducted in psychological laboratories. By suggesting methodological advancements in the study of game violence effects, the thesis wants to offer new perspectives on digital games and aggression to move forward the field and the ideological debates that surround it. The thesis comprises a total of 5 peer-reviewed journal articles (of which 3 are published, one is accepted and in press, and one is under review) that include data from one original study and a secondary analyses of 3 further studies. The first part of the thesis consists of a detailed review of the current scientific literature on violent game effects with a focus on the theories that have been developed to explain the relationship between the use of digital games and aggression. Important theoretical shortcomings and fallacies of social-cognitive perspectives on how aggression is acquired through violent media contents are identified and discussed. The second part is a methodological critique of laboratory experiments in research on the effect of violent games. First, common problems and pitfalls in the manipulation of violence as an independent variable and improper control of relevant confounding factors are discussed. The modification of game content (“modding”) is suggested as a novel method to meet the requirements of rigorous internal validity and sufficient external validity in psychological laboratory experiments. The advantages of this method are illustrated by the results of an experiment in which it was used. This is followed by an examination of one of the most popular laboratory measures of aggressive behavior (the Competitive Reaction Time Task), providing evidence from three studies that the unstandardized use in the scholarly literature poses a threat to its interpretability and generalizability. The dissertation concludes with an analysis of the scientific discourse on the game violence-aggression link, and the ways in which it is shaped by ideological convictions that affect both the theoretical assumptions and the methodological procedures. This duality of ideologies present in theory and methods constitutes a threat to violent game effects research, as it causes the field to stagnate. It is argued that this stagnancy can only be resolved through methodological rigor that will, ultimately, advance inadequate theories of media effects