76 research outputs found

    On a conjecture of Helleseth

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    We are concern about a conjecture proposed in the middle of the seventies by Hellesseth in the framework of maximal sequences and theirs cross-correlations. The conjecture claims the existence of a zero outphase Fourier coefficient. We give some divisibility properties in this direction

    Kloosterman sums, elliptic curves, and irreducible polynomials with prescribed trace and norm

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    Let \F_q (q=prq=p^r) be a finite field. In this paper the number of irreducible polynomials of degree mm in \F_q[x] with prescribed trace and norm coefficients is calculated in certain special cases and a general bound for that number is obtained improving the bound by Wan if mm is small compared to qq. As a corollary, sharp bounds are obtained for the number of elements in \F_{q^3} with prescribed trace and norm over \F_q improving the estimates by Katz in this special case. Moreover, a characterization of Kloosterman sums over \F_{2^r} divisible by three is given generalizing the earlier result by Charpin, Helleseth, and Zinoviev obtained only in the case rr odd. Finally, a new simple proof for the value distribution of a Kloosterman sum over the field \F_{3^r}, first proved by Katz and Livne, is given.Comment: 21 pages; revised version with somewhat more clearer proofs; to appear in Acta Arithmetic

    Proof of a Conjectured Three-Valued Family of Weil Sums of Binomials

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    We consider Weil sums of binomials of the form WF,d(a)=xFψ(xdax)W_{F,d}(a)=\sum_{x \in F} \psi(x^d-a x), where FF is a finite field, ψ ⁣:FC\psi\colon F\to {\mathbb C} is the canonical additive character, gcd(d,F×)=1\gcd(d,|F^\times|)=1, and aF×a \in F^\times. If we fix FF and dd and examine the values of WF,d(a)W_{F,d}(a) as aa runs through F×F^\times, we always obtain at least three distinct values unless dd is degenerate (a power of the characteristic of FF modulo F×|F^\times|). Choices of FF and dd for which we obtain only three values are quite rare and desirable in a wide variety of applications. We show that if FF is a field of order 3n3^n with nn odd, and d=3r+2d=3^r+2 with 4r1(modn)4 r \equiv 1 \pmod{n}, then WF,d(a)W_{F,d}(a) assumes only the three values 00 and ±3(n+1)/2\pm 3^{(n+1)/2}. This proves the 2001 conjecture of Dobbertin, Helleseth, Kumar, and Martinsen. The proof employs diverse methods involving trilinear forms, counting points on curves via multiplicative character sums, divisibility properties of Gauss sums, and graph theory.Comment: 19 page

    The Divisibility Modulo 4 of Kloosterman Sums over Finite Fields of Characteristic 3

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    Recently Garashuk and Lisonek evaluated Kloosterman sums K (a) modulo 4 over a finite field F3m in the case of even K (a). They posed it as an open problem to characterize elements a in F3m for which K (a) ≡ 1 (mod4) and K (a) ≡ 3 (mod4). In this paper, we will give an answer to this problem. The result allows us to count the number of elements a in F3m belonging to each of these two classes

    On the Distribution of the Number of Points on Algebraic Curves in Extensions of Finite Fields

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    Let \cC be a smooth absolutely irreducible curve of genus g1g \ge 1 defined over \F_q, the finite field of qq elements. Let # \cC(\F_{q^n}) be the number of \F_{q^n}-rational points on \cC. Under a certain multiplicative independence condition on the roots of the zeta-function of \cC, we derive an asymptotic formula for the number of n=1,...,Nn =1, ..., N such that (# \cC(\F_{q^n}) - q^n -1)/2gq^{n/2} belongs to a given interval \cI \subseteq [-1,1]. This can be considered as an analogue of the Sato-Tate distribution which covers the case when the curve \E is defined over \Q and considered modulo consecutive primes pp, although in our scenario the distribution function is different. The above multiplicative independence condition has, recently, been considered by E. Kowalski in statistical settings. It is trivially satisfied for ordinary elliptic curves and we also establish it for a natural family of curves of genus g=2g=2.Comment: 14 page

    Artin Conjecture for p-adic Galois Representations of Function Fields

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    For a global function field K of positive characteristic p, we show that Artin conjecture for L-functions of geometric p-adic Galois representations of K is true in a non-trivial p-adic disk but is false in the full p-adic plane. In particular, we prove the non-rationality of the geometric unit root L-functions.Comment: Remove the condition 6|k in Lemma 3.8; final versio