23 research outputs found

    Spatial Management of Distributed Social Systems

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    The paper describes the use of invented, developed, and tested in different countries of the high-level spatial grasp model and technology capable of solving important problems in large social systems, which may be represented as dynamic, self-evolving and distributed social networks. The approach allows us to find important solutions on a holistic level by spatial navigation and parallel pattern matching of social networks with active self-propagating scenarios represented in a special recursive language. This approach effectively hides inside the distributed and networked language implementation traditional system management routines, often providing hundreds of times shorter and simpler high-level solution code. The paper highlights the demands to efficient simulation of social systems, briefs the technology used, and provides some programming examples for solutions of practical problems

    Real-time internet control of situated human agents

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    Investigating Nuclear War Dangers under Spatial Grasp Paradigm

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    The paper describes applicability of the developed Spatial Grasp Technology (SGT) for describing patterns of international relations that can hint on probability of nuclear wars, while applying them worldwide in parallel and distributed mode. These recursive patterns in high-level language can be regularly launched and spatially matched from any world points, allowing us to investigate world security more efficiently than in a traditional centralised way. SGT is ideologically based on quite different, holistic, world vision directly as integral shapes and patterns rather than traditional parts-to-whole models. Its key element is high-level recursive Spatial Grasp Language (SGL) which can express distributed spaces and operations in them in a way understandable to both manned and unmanned components.У статті описується застосування розробленої технології просторового захоплення (ТПЗ) для відображення складних структур-шаблонів міжнародних відносин, які можуть вказувати на ймовірність світових ядерних воєн. Ці активні рекурсивні шаблони на мові високого рівня можуть регулярно запускатися і просторово зіставлятися з будь-яких точок світу, що дозволяє досліджувати міжнародну безпеку ефективніше, ніж за допомогою інших методів. ТПЗ ґрунтується на баченні світу безпосередньо у вигляді інтегральних форм і структур у противагу традиційним моделям від частин до цілого. Її ключовим елементом є рекурсивна мова просторового захоплення (МПЗ), яка відображує розподілені простори і активність у них у вигляді, зрозумілому як для пілотованих, так і безпілотних компонентів.В статье описывается применение разработанной технологии пространственного захвата (ТПЗ) для отображения сложных структур-шаблонов международных отношений, которые могут указывать на вероятность мировых ядерных войн. Эти рекурсивные шаблоны на языке высокого уровня могут регулярно запускаться и пространственно сопоставляться из любых точек мира, позволяя исследовать международную безопасность эффективнее, чем с помощью других подходов. ТПЗ основывается на видении мира непосредственно в виде интегральных форм и структур в противовес традиционным моделям от части к целому. Ее ключевым элементом является рекурсивный язык пространственного захвата (ЯПЗ), отображающий распределенные пространства и активность в них в виде, понятном как для пилотируемых, так и беспилотных компонентов

    Questioning questions in psychotherapeutic practice: The dialogical dynamics of change in therapy through clients questioning therapists

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    The focus of this study is a particular type of questioning in psychotherapy: The unusual, yet recurrent, phenomenon of clients asking questions or making requests to the therapist and the way this alters the dialogical dynamics and therapeutic alliance between the two. Thus, we investigate how these types of question-answer cycles challenge the balance of the dialogical system of therapy including the normally accepted asymmetrical power relation between therapist and client. The analysis is informed by an ecological perspective which views the dialogical collaboration of therapist and client as forming a distributed cognitive system. The study shows how disaffiliation to questioning cycles on one hand stress the dialogical system through changing the language game, yet on the other hand, also entertain a subtle form of cooperativeness. The questioning cycles inform the dyadic system of therapist and client so that precautions can be made in order to secure the therapeutic alliance

    Reputation Systems of Online Communities Establishing a Research Agenda

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    Although online communities make it possible for a far greater number of participants to interact on the Web, there are challenges in creating mechanisms that reveal reputations for participants. Reputation Systems provide a proxy that establishes trust in e-commerce communities, social communities, and social news communities. There remain questions as to how reputation systems can be more widely used in online communities without damaging user confidence because participants have strong privacy expectations. This paper will review reputation systems in online communities, examine types, properties, and issues of reputation systems, survey the use of social networks and reputation systems in popular online communities, and present a research agenda to address issues of reputation systems

    Towards Ethics in Robotic Cities

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    A new concept has emerged from the Internet of Things (IoT) called the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT). Within urban environments, decisions concerning our habitat are commonly made via democratically or by consensus. Future systems involving IoT and IoRT will include, not only hard elements, but also software, (such as bots) and social to soft system interactions, with many stakeholders resulting in ambiguity and unclear requirements. In the case of wicked problems, this research looks into the area of knowledge co-creation and Problem Structuring Methods (PSM), which work better. In the near future, we will be surrounded by a large number of software and hardware systems that uses collaborative AI, or at least co-dependent AI. Similar to the science of human to computer interaction, we will have distributed social systems to distributed AI interaction. This research sheds light on ethics as a socio-technical element when modelling robotic cities infrastructures. The paper considers full actuation autonomy and control by IoT/IoRT, therefore adding software bots and social soft systems into the mix, as well as interdependencies of infrastructure hard-systems. Past robotics research of ethics debates whether ethics should be taught to robots vs hard programmed into robots, whilst a third school of thought discusses the philosophical implications. This research takes an alternative route to that. It provides definitions, establishes common grounds and opens discussions regarding how we can model our societies' interactions with a distributed Artificial Intelligent (AI) system; replacing the various human experts running the autonomous city. The research concludes with a preliminary proposal that is an abstraction resulted from a literature review conducted in this topic area

    Mosaic Warfare: from philosophy to model to solutions

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    The paper relates to advanced management of large distributed dynamic systems in unpredictable and crisis situations. It briefs the newest DARPA Mosaic Warfare concept oriented on rapidly composable networks of low-cost sensors, multi-domain command and control nodes, and cooperative manned and unmanned systems, with runtime integration of scattered resources which should operate together as one holistic system. It may have the highest value for solving complex national and international defense and security problems for which scattered throughout the world mosaic resources should be quickly integrated to collectively fight disaster and crisis situations, with separate nations unable of doing this individually. The paper shows how distributed mosaic systems can be modeled under the developed Spatial Grasp Technology (SGT) using active distributed knowledge networks, with solving such exemplary problems on them as runtime collection of scattered resources into integral forces operating under unified control, and grouping of certain distributed resources for the surrounding and collective elimination of unwanted phenomena.Стаття присвячена розширеному управлінню великими розподіленими динамічними системами в непередбачуваних і кризових ситуаціях. Викладено новітню концепцію Агентства оборонних проектів (DARPA) Мозаїчні війни, орієнтовану на швидко компоновану мережу сенсорів, багатодоменних вузлів управління, а також спільні пілотовані і безпілотні системи з інтеграцією розкиданих ресурсів, які повинні працювати разом як єдина система. Це може мати особливе значення для вирішення складних національних і міжнародних проблем оборони і безпеки, де розкидані по всьому світу мозаїчні ресурси повинні швидко об’єднуватися для колективної боротьби з лихами і кризами, оскільки окремі країни не в змозі здійснювати це самостійно. Показано, як розподілені мозаїчні системи можна моделювати за допомогою розробленої Технології просторового захоплення (ТПЗ), яка використовує активні розподілені мережі знань, вирішуючи такі проблеми, як збір і інтеграція в реальному часі поширених ресурсів під єдиним управлінням і групування таких ресурсів для колективної ліквідації небажаних явищ.Статья посвящена расширенному управлению большими распределенными динамическими системами в непредсказуемых и кризисных ситуациях. Изложена новейшая концепция Агентства оборонных проектов (DARPA) Мозаичные войны, ориентированная на быстро компонуемые сети сенсоров, многодоменных узлов управления, а также совместные пилотируемые и беспилотные системы с интеграцией разбросанных ресурсов, которые должны работать вместе как единая система. Это может иметь особое значение для решения сложных национальных и международных проблем обороны и безопасности, где разбросанные по всему миру мозаичные ресурсы должны быстро объединяться для коллективной борьбы с бедствиями и кризисами, поскольку отдельные страны не в состоянии осуществлять это самостоятельно. Показано, как распределенные мозаичные системы можно моделировать с помощью разработанной Технологии пространственного захвата (ТПЗ), использующей активные распределенные сети знаний, решая такие проблемы, как сбор и интеграция в реальном времени распространенных ресурсов под единым управлением и группирование таких ресурсов для коллективной ликвидации нежелательных явлений

    Ant colonies: building complex organizations with minuscule brains and no leaders

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    Thus far the articles in the series JOD calls the “Organization Zoo” have employed the notion of a “zoo” metaphorically to describe an array of human institutions. Here we take the term literally to consider the design of the most complex organizations in the living world beside those of humans, a favorite of insect zoos around the world: ant colonies. We consider individuality and group identity in the functioning of ant organizations; advantages of a flat organization without hierarchies or leaders; self-organization; direct and indirect communication; job specialization; labor coordination; and the role of errors in innovation. The likely value and limitations of comparing ant and human organizations are briefly examined

    Empiricism and Philosophy

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    Though Quine's argument against the analytic-synthetic distinction is widely disputed, one of the major effects of his argument has been to popularise the belief that there is no sharp distinction between science and philosophy. This thesis begins by distinguishing reductive from holistic empiricism, showing why reductive empiricism is false, refuting the major objections to holistic empiricism and stating the limits on human knowledge it implies. Quine's arguments (and some arguments that have been mistakenly attributed to him) from holism against the analytic-synthetic are considered, and while many of them are found wanting one good argument is presented. Holism does not, however, imply that there is no sharp distinction between science and philosophy, and indeed implies that the distinction between scientific and philosophical disputes is perfectly sharp. The grounds upon which philosophical disputes may be resolved are then sought for and deliniated

    Empiricism and Philosophy

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    Though Quine's argument against the analytic-synthetic distinction is widely disputed, one of the major effects of his argument has been to popularise the belief that there is no sharp distinction between science and philosophy. This thesis begins by distinguishing reductive from holistic empiricism, showing why reductive empiricism is false, refuting the major objections to holistic empiricism and stating the limits on human knowledge it implies. Quine's arguments (and some arguments that have been mistakenly attributed to him) from holism against the analytic-synthetic are considered, and while many of them are found wanting one good argument is presented. Holism does not, however, imply that there is no sharp distinction between science and philosophy, and indeed implies that the distinction between scientific and philosophical disputes is perfectly sharp. The grounds upon which philosophical disputes may be resolved are then sought for and deliniated