369,658 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine and analyze the influence of social needs, appreciation, and self-actualization needs on the learning achievement of members of the Islamic Student Association of Malang Islamic University. In this study the data collection method used a questionnaire method (questionnaire). The type of data used in this study is primary data. The method of analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression. This study uses data from a questionnaire distributed to members of the HMJM Islamic University of Malang and the sample is taken using purposive sampling. The number of samples taken was 64 respondents The results showed that social needs had no effect on learning achievement. While rewards and self-actualization needs affect learning achievementKeywords: Social Needs, Appreciation, Self Actualization Needs, Learning Achievemen

    Exploring Business Students’ Perceptions on Social Network Sites (SNSs) and its Influence on Learning

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    Social Network Sites (SNSs) is becoming one of the global phenomena with millions of users around the world. One of the issues that arise due to the growth of SNSs is the effect towards students’ learning. The aim of this study is to explore business students’ perceptions on SNSs and its effects on their learning experience. 327 survey questionnaires were distributed to business students in one of the public university in Malaysia via a random sampling approach. The results demonstrated that students use SNSs to get help from their course mates as well as their tutors on academic matters. In addition, students also found it more convenient to discuss course matters with their colleagues.  Majority of the students agreed that SNSs should be used for teaching and learning. Bearing the positive feedbacks from the students, the university management could exploit the advantage by incorporating SNSs as part of the business students’ learning process. Keywords: Social Network Sites, Learning experience, Business student

    Determinants of Freshmen’ Behavioral Intention and Use Behavior of Ubiquitous Learning in Chengdu, China: A Case of Three Universities

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    Purpose: This study aims to explore the factors that influence first-year students’ behavioral intention and use behavior when using ubiquitous learning in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. The key variables are understanding u-learning, assimilating u-learning, applying u-learning, perceived usefulness, e-learning motivation, social influence, behavioral intention, and use behavior. Research design, data, and methodology: Quantitative methods and questionnaires were used to collect sample data from the target population. The sampling methods are purposive, quota, and convenience sampling. The index of item-objective congruence and Cronbach's Alpha pilot tests were used to test the validity and reliability of the content before the questionnaire was distributed. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model were used to analyze the data, verify the model's goodness of fit, and confirm the causal relationship between variables for hypothesis testing. Results: The findings indicate that the conceptual model can effectively predict behavioral intention and usage behavior. Assimilating u-learning, applying u-learning significantly influence perceived usefulness. Perceived usefulness, e-learning motivation, social influence significantly influences behavioral intention towards use behavior. In opposite, understanding u-learning has no significant influence on perceived usefulness. Conclusions:  It is found that the conceptual model of this study can predict and explain the behavioral intent and usage behavior of college students when using u-learning


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    This research purposed to know the influence of learning PBI+STAD towards higher level of social and thinking skill of 10th grade students in SMA Negeri Colomadu school year 2011/2012. PBI+STAD are combined learning models of syntax PBI on STAD. This research is a quasi experimental research using Posttest Only Control Group Design. The independent variable was the model of PBI+STAD learning. The dependent variable is the higher order thinking and social skill of students. General population is all 10th grade students from second semester in SMA Negeri Colomadu Karanganyar school year 2011/2012. The sampling technique used Cluster random Sampling. Samples in this research are class X-2 as an experiment class using a model of PBI+STAD and the class X-7 as a control class using models of learning that vary with lectures, discussions, and demonstrations. The technique of data collection of higher order thinking skill used technique test. The measurement of social skill used a questionnaire. Prerequisite test analysis consisted of normality test and homogeneity test. Normality test was done with Kolmogorov Smirnov method. Normality test results indicated that the data were normally distributed. Homogeneity test applied Levene’s Test The result showed that all groups are homogeneous. Data analysis technique for testing of hypothesis in this research is t-test with the aid of SPSS program version 16 significance level 5%. The result showed that higher order thinking are t0 > ttabel = 2.00 > 0.104 and social skill are t0 > ttabel = 2.00 > 1.51. The research concluded that (1) PBI+STAD learning model does not affect the higher order thinking skills in 10th grade students in SMA Negeri Colomadu Karanganyar, (2) PBI+STAD learning model does not affect the social skills in 10th grade students in SMA Negeri colomadu Karanganyar

    Faktor-faktor Penentu Tingkat Pemahaman Mahasiswa Akuntansi

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    Due to the current change and development of accounting in Indonesia, accounting students\u27 performance in terms of high Grade Point Average (GPA) alone is not enough. The students must also be able to show that they really understand accounting concepts. Thus far, higher education of accounting focuses more to theories which would be very different from the reality at work. As a consequence, the quality of accounting graduates is still far from what is being expected by the job market. This study aims to examine the effects of emotional intelligence, social intelligence, spiritual intelligence, learning behavior, secondary education background and college origin towards students\u27 level of understanding of accounting. A total of 100 respondents manually filled in questionnaires distributed in this study. The sampling method used was purposive sampling where only students from year 2013 were selected to be sampled. Data were analyzed by using multiple linier regression analysis. The results of the data analysis show that simultaneously, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, spiritual intelligence, learning behavior, middle school background and college origin, have a positive and significant effect on the students\u27 level of understanding of accounting with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. The findings of this study can be used as feedback for universities to understand the factors that affect the level of understanding of accounting students and could aid in designing a learning system that aims to improve the level of understanding of accounting

    The Roles of Emotional Intelligence in Developing Optimism among Public University Students in Perak, Malaysia

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    When Covid-19 hit the globe, Malaysia was specifically affected by the implementation of MCO which restricted its citizens from having their normal daily activities. Malaysian students are especially distressed by the implementation of online learning, whereby they need to cope with the burden of learning without having physical consultation with their lecturers while indulging the ‘nuisance’ of the home environment. This cross-sectional study was conducted to examine the relationship and impact of emotional intelligence which comprised self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management components toward optimism among public university students in Perak, Malaysia. Convenience sampling was applied as the sampling technique in selecting the required sample size of 441 respondents. A set of questionnaires comprised of three sections was used as the instrument and was virtually distributed to the respondents via Google form through their acquaintances. Descriptive analysis findings have demonstrated male students have greater levels of emotional intelligence and optimism as compared to female students. Meanwhile, results from correlation analysis projected each component of emotional intelligence has a large relationship with optimism except for social awareness with a medium relationship. Subsequently, the multiple regression analysis revealed that self-awareness was the strongest predictor of the dependent variable. This study has achieved all research objectives and the hypotheses were supported by the findings. Therefore, a few recommendations for educational institutions as well as future researchers were suggested accordingly


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    Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh masih rendahnya kemampuan metakognitif siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas XI IIS SMA Negeri di Kota Cimahi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh self regulated learning (SRL) terhadap metakognitif siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi di kelas XI IIS SMA Negeri Kota Cimahi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey eksplanatori. Populasi dalam penelitian ini siswa pada kelas XI IIS dari setiap SMA Negeri di Kota Cimahi. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan proporsional random sampling. Data primer diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner kepada 280 siswa yang menjadi sampel penelitian. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan: (i) memory strategy berpengaruh negatif terhadap metakognitif siswa. (ii) goal setting berpengaruh positif terhadap metakognitif siswa. (iii) organizing berpengaruh positif terhadap metakognitif siswa. (iv) self evaluation berpengaruh positif terhadap metakognitif siswa. (v) learning responsibility berpengaruh positif terhadap metakognitif siswa. (vi) seeking assistance berpengaruh positif terhadap metakognitif siswa, dan (vii) environmental structuring berpengaruh positif terhadap metakognitif siswa. Dengan demikian, self regulated learning berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap tingkat metakognitif siswa. Kata Kunci: Self Regulated Learning, Metakognitif ABSTRACT This study is conducted because of the sense of dissatisfaction of students’skills in students’ metacognitive skills on Economic Subject at 11th grade social sciences of Senior High School in Cimahi.This study aims to explain effect of self regulated learning (SRL) on metacognitive students in economic subject in class at 11th grade social sciences of Senior High School in Cimahi. The explanatory survey was used as a method of the study. The population in this study was 11th grade social sciences students from each Senior High School in Cimahi. The population were chosen using random sampling method. The primary data of the study were collected from the questionnaires that were distributed to 280 students. Furthermore, this study used multiple regression as data analysis techniques. The results showed that: (i) memory strategy has a negative effect on students’metacognitive. (ii) goal setting has a positive effect on students’metacognitive. (iii) organizing has a positive effect on students’metacognitive. (iv) self evaluation has a positive effect on students’metacognitive. (v) learning responsbility has a positive effect on students’metacognitive. (vi) seeking assistance has a positive effect on students’metacognitive. (vii) environmental structuring has a positive effect on students’metacognitive. Therefore, the level of self-regulated learning has a positive and significant influence on students’ metacognitive. Keywords: Self Regulated Learning, Metacognitiv

    Graph Signal Processing: Overview, Challenges and Applications

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    Research in Graph Signal Processing (GSP) aims to develop tools for processing data defined on irregular graph domains. In this paper we first provide an overview of core ideas in GSP and their connection to conventional digital signal processing. We then summarize recent developments in developing basic GSP tools, including methods for sampling, filtering or graph learning. Next, we review progress in several application areas using GSP, including processing and analysis of sensor network data, biological data, and applications to image processing and machine learning. We finish by providing a brief historical perspective to highlight how concepts recently developed in GSP build on top of prior research in other areas.Comment: To appear, Proceedings of the IEE
