278 research outputs found

    Review of Artifact Rejection Methods for Electroencephalographic Systems

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    Technologies using electroencephalographic (EEG) signals have been penetrated into public by the development of EEG systems. During EEG system operation, recordings ought to be obtained under no restriction of movement for routine use in the real world. However, the lack of consideration of situational behavior constraints will cause technical/biological artifacts that often mixed with EEG signals and make the signal processing difficult in all respects by ingeniously disguising themselves as EEG components. EEG systems integrating gold standard or specialized device in their processing strategies would appear as daily tools in the future if they are unperturbed to such obstructions. In this chapter, we describe algorithms for artifact rejection in multi-/single-channel. In particular, some existing single-channel artifact rejection methods that will exhibit beneficial information to improve their performance in online EEG systems were summarized by focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of algorithms

    A Light on Physiological Sensors for Efficient Driver Drowsiness Detection System

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    International audienceThe significant advance in bio-sensor technologies hold promise to monitor human physiologicalsignals in real time. In the context of public safety, such technology knows notable research investigations toobjectively detect early stage of driver drowsiness that impairs driver performance under various conditions.Seeking for low-cost, compact yet reliable sensing technology that can provide a solution to drowsy stateproblem is challenging. While some enduring solutions have been available as prototypes for a while, many ofthese technologies are now in the development, validation testing, or even commercialization stages. Thecontribution of this paper is to assess current progress in the development of bio-sensors based driver drowsinessdetection technologies and study their fundamental specifications to achieve accuracy requirements. Existingmarket and research products are then ranked following the discussed specifications. The finding of this work isto provide a methodology to facilitate making the appropriate hardware choice to implement efficient yet lowcostdrowsiness detection system using existing market physiological based sensors

    A hybrid brain-computer interface based on motor intention and visual working memory

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    Non-invasive electroencephalography (EEG) based brain-computer interface (BCI) is able to provide alternative means for people with disabilities to communicate with and control over external assistive devices. A hybrid BCI is designed and developed for following two types of system (control and monitor). Our first goal is to create a signal decoding strategy that allows people with limited motor control to have more command over potential prosthetic devices. Eight healthy subjects were recruited to perform visual cues directed reaching tasks. Eye and motion artifacts were identified and removed to ensure that the subjects\u27 visual fixation to the target locations would have little or no impact on the final result. We applied a Fisher Linear Discriminate (FLD) analysis for single-trial classification of the EEG to decode the intended arm movement in the left, right, and forward directions (before the onsets of actual movements). The mean EEG signal amplitude near the PPC region 271-310 ms after visual stimulation was found to be the dominant feature for best classification results. A signal scaling factor developed was found to improve the classification accuracy from 60.11% to 93.91% in the two-class (left versus right) scenario. This result demonstrated great promises for BCI neuroprosthetics applications, as motor intention decoding can be served as a prelude to the classification of imagined motor movement to assist in motor disable rehabilitation, such as prosthetic limb or wheelchair control. The second goal is to develop the adaptive training for patients with low visual working memory (VWM) capacity to improve cognitive abilities and healthy individuals who seek to enhance their intellectual performance. VWM plays a critical role in preserving and processing information. It is associated with attention, perception and reasoning, and its capacity can be used as a predictor of cognitive abilities. Recent evidence has suggested that with training, one can enhance the VWM capacity and attention over time. Not only can these studies reveal the characteristics of VWM load and the influences of training, they may also provide effective rehabilitative means for patients with low VWM capacity. However, few studies have investigated VWM over a long period of time, beyond 5-weeks. In this study, a combined behavioral approach and EEG was used to investigate VWM load, gain, and transfer. The results reveal that VWM capacity is directly correlated to the reaction time and contralateral delay amplitude (CDA). The approximate magic number 4 was observed through the event-related potentials (ERPs) waveforms, where the average capacity is 2.8-item from 15 participants. In addition, the findings indicate that VWM capacity can be improved through adaptive training. Furthermore, after training exercises, participants from the training group are able to improve their performance accuracies dramatically compared to the control group. Adaptive training gains on non-trained tasks can also be observed at 12 weeks after training. Therefore, we conclude that all participants can benefit from training gains, and augmented VWM capacity can be sustained over a long period of time. Our results suggest that this form of training can significantly improve cognitive function and may be useful for enhancing the user performance on neuroprosthetics device

    Enhanced EEG classification using adaptive DWT and heuristic-ICA algorithm

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) signals contain important information about the inner functioning of the brain. Effective extraction of this information will help in the detection of brain-related health conditions and emotions of a person or it can also be used as a communication medium between humans and machines. In our proposed system, we introduced Adaptive DWT by combining the temporal resolution capability of DWT, with the special capability of Fourier transform to remove the artefacts in the signal. This is achieved by using an adaptive thresholding function rather than hard or soft thresholding to improve the quality parameters of the signal. The proposed filtering model has improved the Signal to Noise ratio when compared to traditional filtering techniques. EEG features are extracted with the help of Heuristic-Independent Component Analysis (ICA) by applying covariance to equalize or improve the data. The main drawback with the existing CNN algorithm is gradient vanishing during training, this reduces the overall performance of the algorithm during classification. Therefore, using the memory function to store the previous value of iteration improves the classification accuracy and reduces the gradient vanishing problem. The proposed technique is found to have better accuracy of about 98% in classifying autism and epilepsy datasets

    Kombinasi Sinyal EEG Dan Giroskop Untuk Kendali Mobil Virtual Dengan Menggunakan Modifikasi ICA Dan SVM

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    . Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals has been widely researched and developed in many fields of science. EEG signals could be classified into useful information for the application of Brain Computer Interface topic (BCI). In this research, we focus in a topic about driving a car using EEG signal. There are many approaches in EEG signal classification, but some approaches do not robust EEG signals that have many artifacts and have been recorded in real time. This research aims to classify EEG signals to obtain more optimal results, especially EEG signals with many artifacts and can be recorded in realtime. This research uses Emotiv EPOC device to record EEG signals in realtime. In this research, we propose the combination of Automatic Artifact Removal (AAR) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) which has 71% of accuracy that can be applied to drive a virtual car

    Development of a practical and mobile brain-computer communication device for profoundly paralyzed individuals

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityBrain-computer interface (BCI) technology has seen tremendous growth over the past several decades, with numerous groundbreaking research studies demonstrating technical viability (Sellers et al., 2010; Silvoni et al., 2011). Despite this progress, BCIs have remained primarily in controlled laboratory settings. This dissertation proffers a blueprint for translating research-grade BCI systems into real-world applications that are noninvasive and fully portable, and that employ intelligent user interfaces for communication. The proposed architecture is designed to be used by severely motor-impaired individuals, such as those with locked-in syndrome, while reducing the effort and cognitive load needed to communicate. Such a system requires the merging of two primary research fields: 1) electroencephalography (EEG)-based BCIs and 2) intelligent user interface design. The EEG-based BCI portion of this dissertation provides a history of the field, details of our software and hardware implementation, and results from an experimental study aimed at verifying the utility of a BCI based on the steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP), a robust brain response to visual stimulation at controlled frequencies. The visual stimulation, feature extraction, and classification algorithms for the BCI were specially designed to achieve successful real-time performance on a laptop computer. Also, the BCI was developed in Python, an open-source programming language that combines programming ease with effective handling of hardware and software requirements. The result of this work was The Unlock Project app software for BCI development. Using it, a four-choice SSVEP BCI setup was implemented and tested with five severely motor-impaired and fourteen control participants. The system showed a wide range of usability across participants, with classification rates ranging from 25-95%. The second portion of the dissertation discusses the viability of intelligent user interface design as a method for obtaining a more user-focused vocal output communication aid tailored to motor-impaired individuals. A proposed blueprint of this communication "app" was developed in this dissertation. It would make use of readily available laptop sensors to perform facial recognition, speech-to-text decoding, and geo-location. The ultimate goal is to couple sensor information with natural language processing to construct an intelligent user interface that shapes communication in a practical SSVEP-based BCI

    A Hybrid Approach to Detect Driver Drowsiness Utilizing Physiological Signals to Improve System Performance and Wearability

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    Driver drowsiness is a major cause of fatal accidents, injury, and property damage, and has become an area of substantial research attention in recent years. The present study proposes a method to detect drowsiness in drivers which integrates features of electrocardiography (ECG) and electroencephalography (EEG) to improve detection performance. The study measures differences between the alert and drowsy states from physiological data collected from 22 healthy subjects in a driving simulator-based study. A monotonous driving environment is used to induce drowsiness in the participants. Various time and frequency domain feature were extracted from EEG including time domain statistical descriptors, complexity measures and power spectral measures. Features extracted from the ECG signal included heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV), including low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF) and LF/HF ratio. Furthermore, subjective sleepiness scale is also assessed to study its relationship with drowsiness. We used paired t-tests to select only statistically significant features (p < 0.05), that can differentiate between the alert and drowsy states effectively. Significant features of both modalities (EEG and ECG) are then combined to investigate the improvement in performance using support vector machine (SVM) classifier. The other main contribution of this paper is the study on channel reduction and its impact to the performance of detection. The proposed method demonstrated that combining EEG and ECG has improved the system’s performance in discriminating between alert and drowsy states, instead of using them alone. Our channel reduction analysis revealed that an acceptable level of accuracy (80%) could be achieved by combining just two electrodes (one EEG and one ECG), indicating the feasibility of a system with improved wearability compared with existing systems involving many electrodes. Overall, our results demonstrate that the proposed method can be a viable solution for a practical driver drowsiness system that is both accurate and comfortable to wear

    Multifunctional wearable epidermal device for physiological signal monitoring in sleep study

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    Sleep is the essential part of life. Thousands of people are suffering from different kinds sleep disorders. Clinical diagnosing and treating for such disorders are costly, painful and quite sluggish. To reach the demand many commercial products are into the market to encourage home based sleep studies using portable devices. These portable devices are limited in use, cannot be handled easily and quite costly. Advancements in technology miniaturized these portable devices to wearable devices to make them convenient and economical. Elastic, soft and thin silicon membrane with physical properties well matched with that of the epidermis provides conformal and robust contact with the skin. Integration of an elastic and flexible electronics to such a membrane provides an epidermal electronic system (EES) that can enhance the robustness in operation for electrophysiological signal measurement. Biocompatible and non-invasive over the skin are the advantages of this class of technology that lie beyond those available with conventional, point-contact electrode interfaces to the skin. Recording of various long-term physiological signals relevant in various sleep studies can be performed using this multifunctional device. Optimized design of EES for monitoring various physiological signals like surface electroencephalography (EEG), electrooculography (EOG) and electromyography (EMG) are presented in this project --Abstract, page iii
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