18 research outputs found

    Parallel discrete event simulation: A shared memory approach

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    With traditional event list techniques, evaluating a detailed discrete event simulation model can often require hours or even days of computation time. Parallel simulation mimics the interacting servers and queues of a real system by assigning each simulated entity to a processor. By eliminating the event list and maintaining only sufficient synchronization to insure causality, parallel simulation can potentially provide speedups that are linear in the number of processors. A set of shared memory experiments is presented using the Chandy-Misra distributed simulation algorithm to simulate networks of queues. Parameters include queueing network topology and routing probabilities, number of processors, and assignment of network nodes to processors. These experiments show that Chandy-Misra distributed simulation is a questionable alternative to sequential simulation of most queueing network models

    Compositional competitiveness for distributed algorithms

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    We define a measure of competitive performance for distributed algorithms based on throughput, the number of tasks that an algorithm can carry out in a fixed amount of work. This new measure complements the latency measure of Ajtai et al., which measures how quickly an algorithm can finish tasks that start at specified times. The novel feature of the throughput measure, which distinguishes it from the latency measure, is that it is compositional: it supports a notion of algorithms that are competitive relative to a class of subroutines, with the property that an algorithm that is k-competitive relative to a class of subroutines, combined with an l-competitive member of that class, gives a combined algorithm that is kl-competitive. In particular, we prove the throughput-competitiveness of a class of algorithms for collect operations, in which each of a group of n processes obtains all values stored in an array of n registers. Collects are a fundamental building block of a wide variety of shared-memory distributed algorithms, and we show that several such algorithms are competitive relative to collects. Inserting a competitive collect in these algorithms gives the first examples of competitive distributed algorithms obtained by composition using a general construction.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures; full version of STOC 96 paper titled "Modular competitiveness for distributed algorithms.

    Optimal Oblivious Routing in Polynomial Time

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    A recent seminal result of Räcke is that for any network there is an oblivious routing algorithm with a polylog competitive ratio with respect to congestion. Unfortunately, Räcke's construction is not polynomial time. We give a polynomial time construction that guarantee's Räcke's bounds, and more generally gives the true optimal ratio for any network

    Utility-Based Decision-Making in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    We consider challenges associated with application domains in which a large number of distributed, networked sensors must perform a sensing task repeatedly over time. For the tasks we consider, there are three significant challenges to address. First, nodes have resource constraints imposed by their finite power supply, which motivates computations that are energy-conserving. Second, for the applications we describe, the utility derived from a sensing task may vary depending on the placement and size of the set of nodes who participate, which often involves complex objective functions for nodes to target. Finally, nodes must attempt to realize these global objectives with only local information. We present a model for such applications, in which we define appropriate global objectives based on utility functions and specify a cost model for energy consumption. Then, for an important class of utility functions, we present distributed algorithms which attempt to maximize the utility derived from the sensor network over its lifetime. The algorithms and experimental results we present enable nodes to adaptively change their roles over time and use dynamic reconfiguration of routes to load balance energy consumption in the network.National Science Foundation (ANIR-9986397

    A distribute deadlock detection and resolution algorithm using agents

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    Deadlock is an intrinsic bottleneck in Distributed Real-Time Database Systems (DRTDBS). Deadlock detection and resolution algorithms are important because in DRTDBS, deadlocked transactions are prone to missing deadlines. We propose an Agent Deadlock Detection and Resolution algorithm (ADCombine), a novel framework for distributed deadlock handling using stationary agents, to address the high overhead suffered by current agent-based algorithms. We test a combined deadlock detection and resolution algorithm that enables the Multi Agent System to adjust its execution based on the changing system load, and that selects its victim transactions more judiciously. We demonstrate the advantages of ADCombine over existing algorithms that use agents or traditional edge-chasing through simulation experiments that measure overhead and performance under a widely varying of experimental conditions.deadlockdistribute real-time database systemsdrtdbsalgorithmmulti agent syste

    A distributed scheduling algorithm for quality of service support in multiaccess networks

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    Thesis (S.B. and M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 94-95).This thesis presents a distributed scheduling algorithm for the support of quality of service in multiaccess networks. Unlike most contention-based multiaccess protocols which offer no quality of service guarantee and suffer the problems of fairness and low throughput at high load, our algorithm provides fairness and bandwidth reservation in an integrated services environment and at the same time achieves high throughput. Moreover, while most reservation-based multiaccess protocols require a centralized scheduler and a separate channel for arbitration, our algorithm is truly distributed in the sense that network nodes coordinate their transmissions only via headers in the packets. We derive theoretical bounds illustrating how our distributed algorithm approximates the optimal centralized algorithm. Simulation results are also presented to justify our claims.by Craig Ian Barrack.S.B.and M.Eng

    Distributed control architecture for multiservice networks

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    The research focuses in devising decentralised and distributed control system architecture for the management of internetworking systems to provide improved service delivery and network control. The theoretical basis, results of simulation and implementation in a real-network are presented. It is demonstrated that better performance, utilisation and fairness can be achieved for network customers as well as network/service operators with a value based control system. A decentralised control system framework for analysing networked and shared resources is developed and demonstrated. This fits in with the fundamental principles of the Internet. It is demonstrated that distributed, multiple control loops can be run on shared resources and achieve proportional fairness in their allocation, without a central control. Some of the specific characteristic behaviours of the service and network layers are identified. The network and service layers are isolated such that each layer can evolve independently to fulfil their functions better. A common architecture pattern is devised to serve the different layers independently. The decision processes require no co-ordination between peers and hence improves scalability of the solution. The proposed architecture can readily fit into a clearinghouse mechanism for integration with business logic. This architecture can provide improved QoS and better revenue from both reservation-less and reservation-based networks. The limits on resource usage for different types of flows are analysed. A method that can sense and modify user utilities and support dynamic price offers is devised. An optimal control system (within the given conditions), automated provisioning, a packet scheduler to enforce the control and a measurement system etc are developed. The model can be extended to enhance the autonomicity of the computer communication networks in both client-server and P2P networks and can be introduced on the Internet in an incremental fashion. The ideas presented in the model built with the model-view-controller and electronic enterprise architecture frameworks are now independently developed elsewhere into common service delivery platforms for converged networks. Four US/EU patents were granted based on the work carried out for this thesis, for the cross-layer architecture, multi-layer scheme, measurement system and scheduler. Four conference papers were published and presented

    Fault-tolerant and transactional mobile agent execution

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    Mobile agents constitute a computing paradigm of a more general nature than the widely used client/server computing paradigm. A mobile agent is essentially a computer program that acts autonomously on behalf of a user and travels through a network of heterogeneous machines. However, the greater flexibility of the mobile agent paradigm compared to the client/server computing paradigm comes at additional costs. These costs include, among others, the additional complexity of developing and managing mobile agent-based applications. This additional complexity comprises such issues as reliability. Before mobile agent technology can appear at the core of tomorrow's business applications, reliability mechanisms for mobile agents must be established. In this context, fault tolerance and transaction support are mechanisms of considerable importance. Various approaches to fault tolerance and transaction support exist. They have different strengths and weaknesses, and address different environments. Because of this variety, it is often difficult for the application programmer to choose the approach best suited to an application. This thesis introduces a classification of current approaches to fault-tolerant and transactional mobile agent execution. The classification, which focuses on algorithmic aspects, aims at structuring the field of fault-tolerant and transactional mobile agent execution and facilitates an understanding of the properties and weaknesses of particular approaches. In a distributed system, any software or hardware component may be subject to failures. A single failing component (e.g., agent or machine) may prevent the agent from proceeding with its execution. Worse yet, the current state of the agent and even its code may be lost. We say that the agent execution is blocked. For the agent owner, i.e., the person or application that has configured the agent, the agent does not return. To achieve fault-tolerance, the agent owner can try to detect the failure of the agent, and upon such an event launch a new agent. However, this requires the ability to correctly detect the crash of the agent, i.e., to distinguish between a failed agent and an agent that is delayed by slow processors or slow communication links. Unfortunately, this cannot be achieved in systems such as the Internet. An agent owner who tries to detect the failure of the agent thus cannot prevent the case in which the agent is mistakenly assumed to have crashed. In this case, launching a new agent leads to multiple executions of the agent, i.e., to the violation of the desired exactly-once property of agent execution. Although this may be acceptable for certain applications (e.g., applications whose operations do not have side-effects), others clearly forbid it. In this context, launching a new agent is a form of replication. In general, replication prevents blocking, but may lead to multiple executions of the agent, i.e., to a violation of the exactly-once execution property. This thesis presents an approach that ensures the exactly-once execution property using a simple principle: the mobile agent execution is modeled as a sequence of agreement problems. This model leads to an approach based on two well-known building blocks: consensus and reliable broadcast. We validate this approach with the implementation of FATOMAS, a Java-based FAult-TOlerant Mobile Agent System, and measure its overhead. Transactional mobile agents execute the mobile agent as a transaction. Assume, for instance, an agent whose task is to buy an airline ticket, book a hotel room, and rent a car at the flight destination. The agent owner naturally wants all three operations to succeed or none at all. Clearly, the rental car at the destination is of no use if no flight to the destination is available. On the other hand, the airline ticket may be useless if no rental car is available. The mobile agent's operations thus need to execute atomically, i.e., either all of them or none at all. Execution atomicity also needs to be ensured in the event of failures of hardware or software components. The approach presented in this thesis is non-blocking. A non-blocking transactional mobile agent execution has the important advantage that it can make progress despite failures. In a blocking transactional mobile agent execution, by contrast, progress is only possible when the failed component has recovered. Until then, the acquired locks generally cannot be freed. As no other transactional mobile agents can acquire the lock, overall system throughput is dramatically reduced. The present approach reuses the work on fault-tolerant mobile agent execution to prevent blocking. We have implemented the proposed approach and present the evaluation results