3,421 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Dynamic Loop Self-Scheduling on Distributed-Memory Systems Using an MPI+MPI Approach

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    Computationally-intensive loops are the primary source of parallelism in scientific applications. Such loops are often irregular and a balanced execution of their loop iterations is critical for achieving high performance. However, several factors may lead to an imbalanced load execution, such as problem characteristics, algorithmic, and systemic variations. Dynamic loop self-scheduling (DLS) techniques are devised to mitigate these factors, and consequently, improve application performance. On distributed-memory systems, DLS techniques can be implemented using a hierarchical master-worker execution model and are, therefore, called hierarchical DLS techniques. These techniques self-schedule loop iterations at two levels of hardware parallelism: across and within compute nodes. Hybrid programming approaches that combine the message passing interface (MPI) with open multi-processing (OpenMP) dominate the implementation of hierarchical DLS techniques. The MPI-3 standard includes the feature of sharing memory regions among MPI processes. This feature introduced the MPI+MPI approach that simplifies the implementation of parallel scientific applications. The present work designs and implements hierarchical DLS techniques by exploiting the MPI+MPI approach. Four well-known DLS techniques are considered in the evaluation proposed herein. The results indicate certain performance advantages of the proposed approach compared to the hybrid MPI+OpenMP approach

    Dynamic Loop Scheduling Using MPI Passive-Target Remote Memory Access

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    Scientific applications often contain large computationally-intensive parallel loops. Loop scheduling techniques aim to achieve load balanced executions of such applications. For distributed-memory systems, existing dynamic loop scheduling (DLS) libraries are typically MPI-based, and employ a master-worker execution model to assign variably-sized chunks of loop iterations. The master-worker execution model may adversely impact performance due to the master-level contention. This work proposes a distributed chunk-calculation approach that does not require the master-worker execution scheme. Moreover, it considers the novel features in the latest MPI standards, such as passive-target remote memory access, shared-memory window creation, and atomic read-modify-write operations. To evaluate the proposed approach, five well-known DLS techniques, two applications, and two heterogeneous hardware setups have been considered. The DLS techniques implemented using the proposed approach outperformed their counterparts implemented using the traditional master-worker execution model

    Efficient Generation of Parallel Spin-images Using Dynamic Loop Scheduling

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    High performance computing (HPC) systems underwent a significant increase in their processing capabilities. Modern HPC systems combine large numbers of homogeneous and heterogeneous computing resources. Scalability is, therefore, an essential aspect of scientific applications to efficiently exploit the massive parallelism of modern HPC systems. This work introduces an efficient version of the parallel spin-image algorithm (PSIA), called EPSIA. The PSIA is a parallel version of the spin-image algorithm (SIA). The (P)SIA is used in various domains, such as 3D object recognition, categorization, and 3D face recognition. EPSIA refers to the extended version of the PSIA that integrates various well-known dynamic loop scheduling (DLS) techniques. The present work: (1) Proposes EPSIA, a novel flexible version of PSIA; (2) Showcases the benefits of applying DLS techniques for optimizing the performance of the PSIA; (3) Assesses the performance of the proposed EPSIA by conducting several scalability experiments. The performance results are promising and show that using well-known DLS techniques, the performance of the EPSIA outperforms the performance of the PSIA by a factor of 1.2 and 2 for homogeneous and heterogeneous computing resources, respectively

    rDLB: A Novel Approach for Robust Dynamic Load Balancing of Scientific Applications with Parallel Independent Tasks

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    Scientific applications often contain large and computationally intensive parallel loops. Dynamic loop self scheduling (DLS) is used to achieve a balanced load execution of such applications on high performance computing (HPC) systems. Large HPC systems are vulnerable to processors or node failures and perturbations in the availability of resources. Most self-scheduling approaches do not consider fault-tolerant scheduling or depend on failure or perturbation detection and react by rescheduling failed tasks. In this work, a robust dynamic load balancing (rDLB) approach is proposed for the robust self scheduling of independent tasks. The proposed approach is proactive and does not depend on failure or perturbation detection. The theoretical analysis of the proposed approach shows that it is linearly scalable and its cost decrease quadratically by increasing the system size. rDLB is integrated into an MPI DLS library to evaluate its performance experimentally with two computationally intensive scientific applications. Results show that rDLB enables the tolerance of up to (P minus one) processor failures, where P is the number of processors executing an application. In the presence of perturbations, rDLB boosted the robustness of DLS techniques up to 30 times and decreased application execution time up to 7 times compared to their counterparts without rDLB

    A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing

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    With the advent of Grid and application technologies, scientists and engineers are building more and more complex applications to manage and process large data sets, and execute scientific experiments on distributed resources. Such application scenarios require means for composing and executing complex workflows. Therefore, many efforts have been made towards the development of workflow management systems for Grid computing. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy that characterizes and classifies various approaches for building and executing workflows on Grids. We also survey several representative Grid workflow systems developed by various projects world-wide to demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the taxonomy. The taxonomy not only highlights the design and engineering similarities and differences of state-of-the-art in Grid workflow systems, but also identifies the areas that need further research.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure

    Cluster-Based Load Balancing Algorithms for Grids

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    E-science applications may require huge amounts of data and high processing power where grid infrastructures are very suitable for meeting these requirements. The load distribution in a grid may vary leading to the bottlenecks and overloaded sites. We describe a hierarchical dynamic load balancing protocol for Grids. The Grid consists of clusters and each cluster is represented by a coordinator. Each coordinator first attempts to balance the load in its cluster and if this fails, communicates with the other coordinators to perform transfer or reception of load. This process is repeated periodically. We analyze the correctness, performance and scalability of the proposed protocol and show from the simulation results that our algorithm balances the load by decreasing the number of high loaded nodes in a grid environment.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures; International Journal of Computer Networks, volume3, number 5, 201

    Revisiting Matrix Product on Master-Worker Platforms

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    This paper is aimed at designing efficient parallel matrix-product algorithms for heterogeneous master-worker platforms. While matrix-product is well-understood for homogeneous 2D-arrays of processors (e.g., Cannon algorithm and ScaLAPACK outer product algorithm), there are three key hypotheses that render our work original and innovative: - Centralized data. We assume that all matrix files originate from, and must be returned to, the master. - Heterogeneous star-shaped platforms. We target fully heterogeneous platforms, where computational resources have different computing powers. - Limited memory. Because we investigate the parallelization of large problems, we cannot assume that full matrix panels can be stored in the worker memories and re-used for subsequent updates (as in ScaLAPACK). We have devised efficient algorithms for resource selection (deciding which workers to enroll) and communication ordering (both for input and result messages), and we report a set of numerical experiments on various platforms at Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon and the University of Tennessee. However, we point out that in this first version of the report, experiments are limited to homogeneous platforms

    Towards a Mini-App for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics at Exascale

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    The smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) technique is a purely Lagrangian method, used in numerical simulations of fluids in astrophysics and computational fluid dynamics, among many other fields. SPH simulations with detailed physics represent computationally-demanding calculations. The parallelization of SPH codes is not trivial due to the absence of a structured grid. Additionally, the performance of the SPH codes can be, in general, adversely impacted by several factors, such as multiple time-stepping, long-range interactions, and/or boundary conditions. This work presents insights into the current performance and functionalities of three SPH codes: SPHYNX, ChaNGa, and SPH-flow. These codes are the starting point of an interdisciplinary co-design project, SPH-EXA, for the development of an Exascale-ready SPH mini-app. To gain such insights, a rotating square patch test was implemented as a common test simulation for the three SPH codes and analyzed on two modern HPC systems. Furthermore, to stress the differences with the codes stemming from the astrophysics community (SPHYNX and ChaNGa), an additional test case, the Evrard collapse, has also been carried out. This work extrapolates the common basic SPH features in the three codes for the purpose of consolidating them into a pure-SPH, Exascale-ready, optimized, mini-app. Moreover, the outcome of this serves as direct feedback to the parent codes, to improve their performance and overall scalability.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing proceedings for WRAp1

    Hierarchical Parallelisation of Functional Renormalisation Group Calculations -- hp-fRG

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    The functional renormalisation group (fRG) has evolved into a versatile tool in condensed matter theory for studying important aspects of correlated electron systems. Practical applications of the method often involve a high numerical effort, motivating the question in how far High Performance Computing (HPC) can leverage the approach. In this work we report on a multi-level parallelisation of the underlying computational machinery and show that this can speed up the code by several orders of magnitude. This in turn can extend the applicability of the method to otherwise inaccessible cases. We exploit three levels of parallelisation: Distributed computing by means of Message Passing (MPI), shared-memory computing using OpenMP, and vectorisation by means of SIMD units (single-instruction-multiple-data). Results are provided for two distinct High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms, namely the IBM-based BlueGene/Q system JUQUEEN and an Intel Sandy-Bridge-based development cluster. We discuss how certain issues and obstacles were overcome in the course of adapting the code. Most importantly, we conclude that this vast improvement can actually be accomplished by introducing only moderate changes to the code, such that this strategy may serve as a guideline for other researcher to likewise improve the efficiency of their codes
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