170,841 research outputs found

    Gainsharing: A Critical Review and a Future Research Agenda

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    This paper provides a critical review of the extensive literature on gainsharing. It examines the reasons for the fast growth in these programs in recent years and the major prototypes used in the past. Different theoretical formulations making predictions about the behavioral consequences and conditions mediating the success of these programs are discussed and the supporting empirical evidence is examined. The large number of a theoretical case studies and practitioner reports or gainsharing are also summarized and integrated. The article concludes with a suggested research agenda for the future

    Exploring the evidence base for national and regional policy interventions to combat resistance

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    The effectiveness of existing policies to control antimicrobial resistance is not yet fully understood. A strengthened evidence base is needed to inform effective policy interventions across countries with different income levels and the human health and animal sectors. We examine three policy domains—responsible use, surveillance, and infection prevention and control—and consider which will be the most effective at national and regional levels. Many complexities exist in the implementation of such policies across sectors and in varying political and regulatory environments. Therefore, we make recommendations for policy action, calling for comprehensive policy assessments, using standardised frameworks, of cost-effectiveness and generalisability. Such assessments are especially important in low-income and middle-income countries, and in the animal and environmental sectors. We also advocate a One Health approach that will enable the development of sensitive policies, accommodating the needs of each sector involved, and addressing concerns of specific countries and regions

    Institutional aspects of credit cooperatives

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    The most common form of government intervention in the rural sector has been massive lending at subsidized interest rates. Credit programs generally aim to reach small farmers. However, despite the expansion of credit over the last three decades, few farmers in low income countries seem to have received or benefited from such credit. It has thus been common for small-scale farmers to resort to the formation of organized credit groups or cooperatives. This paper is a normative analysis of cooperatives viewed as institutions to improve the plight of small-scale farmers. The purpose is to analyze which structures are most successful, then to promote credit cooperatives and to design an optimal incentive scheme in place of subsidized credit policies of the past. The paper concludes by stating that a policy of providing assistance to existing and potential credit groups on how to set incentives, implement monitoring schemes and develop centralized resources is more desirable and more cost effective than the old fashioned and largely regressive subsidized credit policies.Banks&Banking Reform,Strategic Debt Management,Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Insurance&Risk Mitigation

    Meeting rural demand: a case for combining community-based distribution and social marketing of injectable contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia.

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    BackgroundIn Sub-Saharan Africa, policy changes have begun to pave the way for community distribution of injectable contraceptives but sustaining such efforts remains challenging. Combining social marketing with community-based distribution provides an opportunity to recover some program costs and compensate workers with proceeds from contraceptive sales. This paper proposes a model for increasing access to injectable contraceptives in rural settings by using community-based distributers as social marketing agents and incorporating financing systems to improve sustainability.MethodsThis intervention was implemented in three districts of the Central Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia and program data has been collected from November 2011 through October 2012. A total of 137 Community Based Reproductive Health Agents (CBRHAs) were trained to provide injectable contraceptives and were provided with a loan of 25 injectable contraceptives from a drug revolving fund, created with project funds. The price of a single dose credited to a CBRHA was 3 birr (0.17)andtheyprovideinjectionstowomenfor5birr(0.17) and they provide injections to women for 5 birr (0.29), determined with willingness-to-pay data. Social marketing was used to create awareness and generate demand. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to examine important feasibility aspects of the intervention.ResultsForty-four percent of CBRHAs were providing family planning methods at the time of the training and 96% believed providing injectable contraceptives would improve their services. By October 2012, 137 CBRHAs had successfully completed training and provided 2541 injections. Of total injections, 47% were provided to new users of injectable contraceptives. Approximately 31% of injections were given for free to the poorest women, including adolescents.ConclusionsInsights gained from the first year of implementation of the model provide a framework for further expansion in Tigray, Ethiopia. Our experience highlights how program planners can tailor interventions to match family planning preferences and create more sustainable contraceptive service provision with greater impact

    Public Service Delivery: Role of Information and Communication Technology in Improving Governance and Development Impact

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    The focus of this paper is on improving governance through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the delivery of services to the poor, i.e., improving efficiency, accountability, and transparency, and reducing bribery. A number of papers recognize the potential benefits but they also point out that it has not been easy to harness this potential. This paper presents an analysis of effective case studies from developing countries where the benefits have reached a large number of poor citizens. It also identifies the critical success factors for wide-scale deployment. The paper includes cases on the use of ICTs in the management of delivery of public services in health, education, and provision of subsidized food. Cases on electronic delivery of government services, such as providing certificates and licenses to rural populations, which in turn provide entitlements to the poor for subsidized food, fertilizer, and health services are also included. ICT-enabled provision of information to enhance rural income is also covered

    Autonomous Mobility and Energy Service Management in Future Smart Cities: An Overview

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    With the rise of transportation electrification, autonomous driving and shared mobility in urban mobility systems, and increasing penetrations of distributed energy resources and autonomous demand-side management techniques in energy systems, tremendous opportunities, as well as challenges, are emerging in the forging of a sustainable and converged urban mobility and energy future. This paper is motivated by these disruptive transformations and gives an overview of managing autonomous mobility and energy services in future smart cities. First, we propose a three-layer architecture for the convergence of future mobility and energy systems. For each layer, we give a brief overview of the disruptive transformations that directly contribute to the rise of autonomous mobility-on-demand (AMoD) systems. Second, we propose the concept of autonomous flexibility-on-demand (AFoD), as an energy service platform built directly on existing infrastructures of AMoD systems. In the vision of AFoD, autonomous electric vehicles provide charging flexibilities as a service on demand in energy systems. Third, we analyze and compare AMoD and AFoD, and we identify four key decisions that, if appropriately coordinated, will create a synergy between AMoD and AFoD. Finally, we discuss key challenges towards the success of AMoD and AFoD in future smart cities and present some key research directions regarding the system-wide coordination between AMoD and AFoD.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Entry strategy concepts, determinants and options of US firms into Romania

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    This article looks at entry strategy concepts and options, taking into account cultural and organizational parameters which influence success. Export, licensing and distribution, as well as joint ventures and facilities management are critically examined, from the point of view of the foreign companies intending to access Romanian market.strategic marketing, entry strategies, US companies, Romanian market.

    Low-cost, multi-agent systems for planetary surface exploration

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    The use of off-the-shelf consumer electronics combined with top-down design methodologies have made small and inexpensive satellites, such as CubeSats, emerge as viable, low-cost and attractive space-based platforms that enable a range of new and exciting mission scenarios. In addition, to overcome some of the resource limitation issues encountered with these platforms, distributed architectures have emerged to enable complex tasks through the use of multiple low complexity units. The low-cost characteristics of such systems coupled with the distributed architecture allows for an increase in the size of the system beyond what would have been feasible with a monolithic system, hence widening the operational capabilities without significantly increasing the control complexity of the system. These ideas are not new for Earth orbiting devices, but excluding some distributed remote sensing architectures they are yet to be applied for the purpose of planetary exploration. Experience gained through large rovers demonstrates the value of in-situ exploration, which is however limited by the associated high-cost and risk. The loss of a rover can and has happened because of a number of possible failures: besides the hazards directly linked to the launch and journey to the target-body, hard landing and malfunctioning of parts are all threats to the success of the mission. To overcome these issues this paper introduces the concept of using off-the-shelf consumer electronics to deploy a low-cost multi-rover system for future planetary surface exploration. It is shown that such a system would significantly reduce the programmatic-risk of the mission (for example catastrophic failure of a single rover), while exploiting the inherent advantages of cooperative behaviour. These advantages are analysed with a particular emphasis put upon the guidance, navigation and control of such architectures using the method of artificial potential field. Laboratory tests on multi-agent robotic systems support the analysis. Principal features of the system are identified and the underlying advantages over a monolithic single-agent system highlighted