39,615 research outputs found

    An Architectural Approach to Ensuring Consistency in Hierarchical Execution

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    Hierarchical task decomposition is a method used in many agent systems to organize agent knowledge. This work shows how the combination of a hierarchy and persistent assertions of knowledge can lead to difficulty in maintaining logical consistency in asserted knowledge. We explore the problematic consequences of persistent assumptions in the reasoning process and introduce novel potential solutions. Having implemented one of the possible solutions, Dynamic Hierarchical Justification, its effectiveness is demonstrated with an empirical analysis

    Domain-specific trust for context-aware BDI Agents: preliminary work

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    Context-aware systems are capable of perceiving the physical environment where they are deployed and adapt their behavior accordingly. Multiagent systems based on the BDI architecture can be used to process contextual information in the form of beliefs. Contextual information can be divided and structured in the form of information domains. Information and experience sharing enables a single agent to receive data on different information domains from another agent. In this scenario, establishing a trust model between agents can take into account the relative perceptions each agent has of the others, as well as different trust degrees for different information domains. The objective of this work is to adapt an epistemic model to be used by agents with their belief revision in order to establish a mechanism of domain-specific relative trust attribution. Such mechanism will allow for each agent to possess different trust degrees associated with other agents regarding different information domains.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stigmergic epistemology, stigmergic cognition

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    To know is to cognize, to cognize is to be a culturally bounded, rationality-bounded and environmentally located agent. Knowledge and cognition are thus dual aspects of human sociality. If social epistemology has the formation, acquisition, mediation, transmission and dissemination of knowledge in complex communities of knowers as its subject matter, then its third party character is essentially stigmergic. In its most generic formulation, stigmergy is the phenomenon of indirect communication mediated by modifications of the environment. Extending this notion one might conceive of social stigmergy as the extra-cranial analog of an artificial neural network providing epistemic structure. This paper recommends a stigmergic framework for social epistemology to account for the supposed tension between individual action, wants and beliefs and the social corpora. We also propose that the so-called "extended mind" thesis offers the requisite stigmergic cognitive analog to stigmergic knowledge. Stigmergy as a theory of interaction within complex systems theory is illustrated through an example that runs on a particle swarm optimization algorithm

    An comparative analysis of different models of belief revision using information from multiple sources

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    In this work we analyze the problem of knowledge representation in a collaborative multi-agent system where agents can obtain new information from others through communication. Namely, we analyze several approaches of belief revision in multi-agent systems. We will describe different research lines in this topic and we will focus on Belief Revision using Information from Multiple Sources. For this, we are going to accomplish a comparative analysis of different models of belief revision that use information from multiple sources.Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    On the adaptive advantage of always being right (even when one is not)

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    We propose another positive illusion – overconfidence in the generalisability of one’s theory – that fits with McKay & Dennett’s (M&D’s) criteria for adaptive misbeliefs. This illusion is pervasive in adult reasoning but we focus on its prevalence in children’s developing theories. It is a strongly held conviction arising from normal functioning of the doxastic system that confers adaptive advantage on the individual

    Stigmergic epistemology, stigmergic cognition

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    To know is to cognize, to cognize is to be a culturally bounded, rationality-bounded and environmentally located agent. Knowledge and cognition are thus dual aspects of human sociality. If social epistemology has the formation, acquisition, mediation, transmission and dissemination of knowledge in complex communities of knowers as its subject matter, then its third party character is essentially stigmergic. In its most generic formulation, stigmergy is the phenomenon of indirect communication mediated by modifications of the environment. Extending this notion one might conceive of social stigmergy as the extra-cranial analog of an artificial neural network providing epistemic structure. This paper recommends a stigmergic framework for social epistemology to account for the supposed tension between individual action, wants and beliefs and the social corpora. We also propose that the so-called ‘‘extended mind’’ thesis offers the requisite stigmergic cognitive analog to stigmergic knowledge. Stigmergy as a theory of interaction within complex systems theory is illustrated through an example that runs on a particle swarm optimization algorithm.Social epistemology; Extended mind; Social cognition; Particle swarm optimization

    Presidential Election Methods and Urban-Ethnic Interests

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    Some approaches to Belief Bases Merge

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    In this work, we de fine some non-prioritized merge operators, that is, operators for the consistent union of belief bases. We de ne some postulates for several kinds of merge operator and we give different constructions: trivial merge, partial meet merge and kernel merge. For some constructions we provide representation theorems linking construction with a set of postulates. Finally, we propose that the formulated operators can be used in some multi-agent systemsVII Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI