7 research outputs found

    Enhancing Planning-Based Adaptation Middleware with Support for Dependability: a Case Study

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    Recent evolutions of mobile devices have opened up for new opportunities for building advanced mobile applications. In particular, these applications are capable of discovering and exploiting software and hardware resources that are made available in their environment. A possible approach for supporting these ubiquitous interactions consists in adapting the mobile application to reflect the functionalities that are provided by the environment. However, these approaches often fail in offering a sufficient degree of resilience to potential device, network, and software failures, which are particularly frequent in ubiquitous environments. Therefore, the contribution of this paper is to integrate the dependability concern in the process of mobile applications adaptation. In particular, we propose to reflect dependability mechanisms as alternative configurations for a given application. This reflection allows the planning-based adaptation middleware to automatically decide, based on contextual information, to enable the support for dependability or not

    Contributions aux systèmes répartis en environnements ubiquitaires : adaptation, sensibilité au contexte et tolérance aux fautes

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    D'années en années, nous observons l'arrivée sur le marche d'ordinateurs personnels de plus en plus petits pour des utilisateurs de plus en plus nombreux, ainsi des assistants personnels numériques et des objets dits connectés, en passant par les téléphones mobiles. Tous ces dispositifs tendent à être interchangeables du point de vue des ressources en mémoire, en calcul et en connectivité : par exemple, les téléphones mobiles sont devenus des équipements informatiques de moins en moins spécialisés ou de plus en plus universels et font dorénavant office en la matière de portails d'accès aux capteurs présents dans l'environnement immédiat de l'utilisateur. L'enjeu abordé dans nos travaux est la construction de systèmes répartis incluant ces nouveaux dispositifs matériels. L'objectif de mes recherches est la conception des paradigmes d'intermédiation génériques sous-jacents aux applications réparties de plus en plus ubiquitaires. Plus particulièrement, la problématique générale de mes travaux est la définition du rôle des intergiciels dans l'intégration des dispositifs mobiles et des objets connectés dans les architectures logicielles réparties. Ces architectures logicielles reposaient très majoritairement sur des infrastructures logicielles fixes au début des travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit. Dans ce manuscrit, je décris mes travaux sur trois sujets : 1) l'adaptation des applications réparties pour la continuité de service pendant les déconnexions, 2) la gestion des informations du contexte d'exécution des applications réparties pour leur sensibilité au contexte, et 3) les mécanismes de détection des entraves dans les environnements fortement dynamiques tels que ceux construits avec des réseaux mobiles spontanés. Sur le premier sujet, nous fournissons une couche intergicielle générique pour la gestion des aspects répartis de la gestion des déconnexions en utilisant une stratégie d'adaptation collaborative dans les architectures à base d'objets et de composants. Sur le deuxième sujet, nous étudions les paradigmes architecturaux pour la construction d'un service de gestion de contexte générique, afin d'adresser la diversité des traitements (fusion et agrégation, corrélation, détection de situation par apprentissage, etc.), puis nous adressons le problème de la distribution des informations de contexte aux différentes échelles de l'Internet des objets. Enfin, sur le troisième sujet, nous commençons par la détection des modes de fonctionnement pour l'adaptation aux déconnexions afin de faire la différence, lorsque cela est possible, entre une déconnexion et une défaillance, et ensuite nous spécifions et construisons un service de gestion de groupe partitionnable. Ce service est assez fort pour interdire la construction de partitions ne correspondant pas à la réalité de l'environnement à un instant donné et est assez faible pour être mis en oeuvre algorithmiquemen

    A model-driven approach to the conceptual modeling of situations : from specification to validation

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    A modelagem de situações para aplicações sensíveis ao contexto, também chamadas de aplicações sensíveis a situações, é, por um lado, uma tarefa chave para o funcionamento adequado dessas aplicações. Por outro lado, essa também é uma tafera árdua graças à complexidade e à vasta gama de tipos de situações possíveis. Com o intuito de facilitar a representação desses tipos de situações em tempo de projeto, foi criada a Linguagem de Modelagem de Situações (Situation Modeling Language - SML), a qual se baseia parcialmente em ricas teorias ontológicas de modelagem conceitual, além de fornecer uma plataforma de detecção de situação em tempo de execução. Apesar do benefício da existência dessa infraestrutura, a tarefa de definir tipos de situação é ainda não-trivial, podendo carregar problemas que dificilmente são detectados por modeladores via inspeções manuais. Esta dissertação tem o propósito de melhorar e facilitar ainda mais a definição de tipos de situação em SML propondo: (i) uma maior integração da linguagem com as teorias ontológicas de modelagem conceitual pelo uso da linguagem OntoUML, visando aumentar a expressividade dos modelos de situação; e (ii) uma abordagem para validação de tipos de situação usando um método formal, visando garantir que os modelos criados correspondam à intenção do modelador. Tanto a integração quanto a validação são implementadas em uma ferramenta para especificação, verificação e validação de tipos de situação ontologicamente enriquecidos.The modeling of situation types for context-aware applications, also called situationaware applications, is, on the one hand, a key task to the proper functioning of those applications. On the other hand, it is also a hard task given the complexity and the wide range of possible situation types. Aiming at facilitating the representation of those types of situations at design-time, the Situation Modeling Language (SML) was created. This language is based partially on rich ontological theories of conceptual modeling and is accompanied by a platform for situation-detection at runtime. Despite the benefits of the availability of this suitable infrastructure, the definition of situation types, being a non-trivial task, can still pose problems that are hardly detected by modelers by manual model inspection. This thesis aims at improving and facilitating the definition of situation types in SML by proposing: (i) the integration between the language and the ontological theories of conceptual modeling by using the OntoUML language, with the purpose of increasing the expressivity of situation type models; and (ii) an approach for the validation of situation type models using a lightweight formal method, aiming at increasing the correspondence between the created models’ instances and the modeler’s intentions. Both the integration and the validation are implemented in a tool for specification, verification and validation of ontologically-enriched situation types.CAPE

    Performance evaluation and model checking of probabilistic real-time actors

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    This dissertation is composed of two parts. In the first part, performance evaluation and verification of safety properties are provided for real-time actors. Recently, the actor-based language, Timed Rebeca, was introduced to model distributed and asynchronous systems with timing constraints and message passing communication. A toolset was developed for automated translation of Timed Rebeca models to Erlang. The translated code can be executed using a timed extension of McErlang for model checking and simulation. In the first part of this dissertation, we induce a new toolset that provides statistical model checking of Timed Rebeca models. Using statistical model checking, we are now able to verify larger models against safety properties comparing to McErlang model checking. We examine the typical case studies of elevators and ticket service to show the efficiency of statistical model checking and applicability of our toolset. In the second part of this dissertation, we enhance our modeling ability and cover more properties by performance evaluation and model checking of probabilistic real-time actors. Distributed systems exhibit probabilistic and nondeterministic behaviors and may have time constraints. Probabilistic Timed Rebeca (PTRebeca) is introduced as a timed and probabilistic actor-based language for modeling distributed real-time systems with asynchronous message passing. The semantics of PTRebeca is a Timed Markov Decision Process (TMDP). We provide SOS rules for PTRebeca, and develop two toolsets for analyzing PTRebeca models. The first toolset automatically generates a TMDP model from a PTRebeca model in the form of the input language of the PRISM model checker. We use PRISM for performance analysis of PTRebeca models against expected reachability and probabilistic reachability properties. Additionally, we develop another toolset to automatically generate a Markov Automaton from a PTRebeca model in the form of the input language of the Interactive Markov Chain Analyzer (IMCA). The IMCA can be used as the back-end model checker for performance analysis of PTRebeca models against expected reachability and probabilistic reachability properties. We present the needed time for the analysis of different case studies using PRISM-based and IMCA-based approaches. The IMCA-based approach needs considerably less time, and so has the ability of analyzing significantly larger models. We show the applicability of both approaches and the efficiency of our tools by analyzing a few case studies and experimental results.Þessi ritgerð er tvískipt. Í fyrri hlutanum er farið í mat og sannprófun á eiginleikum öryggis í rauntímalíkönum. Fyrir stuttu síðan var leikendabyggða málið, Timed Rebeca, notað við líkana dreifingu og ósamstillt kerfi með tímastillingu og samskipti í skilaboðum. Búið var til verkfærasett fyrir sjálfvirka þýðingu á Timed Rebeca líkön yfir í Erlang. Hægt er að nota þýdda kóðann með því að nota tímastillta framlengingu af McErlang fyrir líkanaprófun og hermun. Í fyrri hluta þessarar ritgerðar, ætlum við að kynna verkfærasettið sem veitir tölfræðilega prófun á líkön á Timed Rebeca líkön. Með því að nota tölfræðileg próf á líkön er núna hægt að sannreyna stærri líkön eins og í öryggiskröfum McErlang. Við rannsökum dæmigerðar ferilsathuganir af lyftum og miðasölu til að sýna fram á skilvirkni tölfræðilegra líkana og beitingu verkfærasettsins okkar. Í seinni hluta þessarar ritgerðar aukum við við getu líkanagerðarinnar og við náum yfir fleiri eiginleika með mati á framkvæmd og prófunum á líkönum á líkinda rauntíma leikara. Dreifð kerfi sýna líkindi og brigðgenga hegðun sem kunna að hafa tímamörk. Probabilistic Timed Rebeca (PTRebeca) er kynnt sem tímastillt og líkinda leikarabyggt mál líkindadreifðra rauntímakerfa með ósamstillta sendingu skilaboða. Merkingarfræði PTRebeca er Timed Markov Decision Process (TMDP). Við verðum með SOS reglur fyrir PTRebeca, og þróum tvö verkfærasett til að greina PTRebeca líkön.The work on this dissertation was supported by the project "Timed Asynchronous Reactive Objects in Distributed Systems: TARO" (nr.110020021) of the Icelandic Research Fund

    Laufzeitadaption von zustandsbehafteten Datenstromoperatoren

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    Änderungen von Datenstromanfragen zur Laufzeit werden insbesondere durch zustandsbehaftete Datenstromoperatoren erschwert. Da die Zustände im Arbeitsspeicher abgelegt sind und bei einem Neustart verloren gehen, wurden in der Vergangenheit Migrationsverfahren entwickelt, um die inneren Operatorzustände bei einem Änderungsvorgang zu erhalten. Die Migrationsverfahren basieren auf zwei unterschiedlichen Ansätzen - Zustandstransfer und Parallelausführung - sind jedoch aufgrund ihrer Realisierung auf eine zentrale Ausführung beschränkt. Mit wachsenden Anforderungen in Bezug auf Datenmengen und Antwortzeiten werden Datenstromsysteme vermehrt verteilt ausgeführt, beispielsweise durch Sensornetze oder verteilte IT-Systeme. Zur Anpassung der Anfragen zur Laufzeit sind existierende Migrationsstrategien nicht oder nur bedingt geeignet. Diese Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur Lösung dieser Problematik und zur Optimierung der Migration in Datenstromsystemen. Am Beispiel von präventiven Instandhaltungsstrategien in Fabrikumgebungen werden Anforderungen für die Datenstromverarbeitung und insbesondere für die Migration abgeleitet. Das generelle Ziel ist demnach eine möglichst schnelle Migration bei gleichzeitiger Ergebnisausgabe. In einer detaillierten Analyse der existierenden Migrationsstrategien werden deren Stärken und Schwächen bezüglich der gestellten Anforderungen diskutiert. Für die Adaption von laufenden Datenstromanfragen wird eine allgemeine Methodik vorgestellt, welche als Basis für die neuen Strategien dient. Diese Adaptionsmethodik unterstützt zwei Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Migrationskonfigurationen - ein numerisches Verfahren für periodische Datenströme und ein heuristisches Verfahren, welches auch auf aperiodische Datenströme angewendet werden kann. Eine wesentliche Funktionalität zur Minimierung der Migrationsdauer ist dabei die Beschränkung auf notwendige Zustandswerte, da in verteilten Umgebungen eine Übertragungszeit für den Zustandstransfer veranschlagt werden muss - zwei Aspekte, die bei existierenden Verfahren nicht berücksichtigt werden. Durch die Verwendung von neu entwickelten Zustandstransfermethoden kann zudem die Übertragungsreihenfolge der einzelnen Zustandswerte beeinflusst werden. Die Konzepte wurden in einem OSGi-basierten Prototyp implementiert und zudem simulativ analysiert. Mit einer umfassenden Evaluierung wird die Funktionsfähigkeit aller Komponenten und Konzepte demonstriert. Der Performance-Vergleich zwischen den existierenden und den neuen Migrationsstrategien fällt deutlich zu Gunsten der neuen Strategien aus, die zudem in der Lage sind, alle Anforderungen zu erfüllen