59 research outputs found

    Neurodevelopmental Changes in Social Reinforcement Processing: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.

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    ObjectiveIn the current study we investigated neurodevelopmental changes in response to social and non-social reinforcement.MethodsFifty-three healthy participants including 16 early adolescents (age, 10-15 years), 16 late adolescents (age, 15-18 years), and 21 young adults (age, 21-25 years) completed a social/non-social reward learning task while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging. Participants responded to fractal image stimuli and received social or non-social reward/non-rewards according to their accuracy. ANOVAs were conducted on both the blood oxygen level dependent response data and the product of a context-dependent psychophysiological interaction (gPPI) analysis involving ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and bilateral insula cortices as seed regions.ResultsEarly adolescents showed significantly increased activation in the amygdala and anterior insula cortex in response to non-social monetary rewards relative to both social reward/non-reward and monetary non-rewards compared to late adolescents and young adults. In addition, early adolescents showed significantly more positive connectivity between the vmPFC/bilateral insula cortices seeds and other regions implicated in reinforcement processing (the amygdala, posterior cingulate cortex, insula cortex, and lentiform nucleus) in response to non-reward and especially social non-reward, compared to late adolescents and young adults.ConclusionIt appears that early adolescence may be marked by: (i) a selective increase in responsiveness to non-social, relative to social, rewards; and (ii) enhanced, integrated functioning of reinforcement circuitry for non-reward, and in particular, with respect to posterior cingulate and insula cortices, for social non-reward

    Decision-making after continuous wins or losses in a randomized guessing task: implications for how the prior selection results affect subsequent decision-making

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    BACKGROUND: Human decision-making is often affected by prior selections and their outcomes, even in situations where decisions are independent and outcomes are unpredictable. METHODS: In this study, we created a task that simulated real-life non-strategic gambling to examine the effect of prior outcomes on subsequent decisions in a group of male college students. RESULTS: Behavioral performance showed that participants needed more time to react after continuous losses (LOSS) than continuous wins (WIN) and discontinuous outcomes (CONTROL). In addition, participants were more likely to repeat their selections in both WIN and LOSS conditions. Functional MRI data revealed that decisions in WINs were associated with increased activation in the mesolimbic pathway, but decreased activation in the inferior frontal gyrus relative to LOSS. Increased prefrontal cortical activation was observed during LOSS relative to WIN and CONTROL conditions. CONCLUSION: Taken together, the behavioral and neuroimaging findings suggest that participants tended to repeat previous selections during LOSS trials, a pattern resembling the gambler’s fallacy. However, during WIN trials, participants tended to follow their previous lucky decisions, like the ‘hot hand’ fallacy

    How Airbnb Conveys Social and Economic Value through User Representation

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    New platforms for renting and sharing among private individuals are emerging in today’s e-commerce landscape. Airbnb can be regarded as a representative of many such platforms. Such accommodation rental commonly implies shared usage where both host and guest occupy a space at the same time, involving social interactions that can provide additional value. Drawing on social reward theory, this paper proposes a research model that links the guest’s intention to book to the host’s user representa-tion via the pathways of social and economic value. We propose a design to evaluate our research model by means of a scenario-based online experiment, including the common elements of user repre-sentation (1) text reviews, (2) profile information (e.g., occupation, hobbies and interests), (3) star rating, and (4) the listing price. With this, we expect to contribute to a better understanding of the driving factors behind guests’ booking decisions in accommodation sharing

    No evidence for inhibitory deficits or altered reward processing in ADHD: data from a new integrated incentive delay go/no-go task

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    Objective: Cognitive and motivational factors differentially affect individuals with mental health problems such as ADHD. Here we introduce a new task to disentangle the relative contribution of inhibitory control and reward anticipation on task performance in children with ADHD and/or autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Method: Typically developing children, children with ADHD, ASD, or both disorders worked during separate sessions for monetary or social rewards in go/no-go tasks with varying inhibitory load levels. Participants also completed a monetary temporal discounting (TD) task. Results: As predicted, task performance was sensitive to both the effects of anticipated reward amount and inhibitory load. Reward amount had different effects depending on inhibitory load level. TD correlated with inhibitory control in the ADHD group. Conclusion: The integration of the monetary incentive delay and go/no-go paradigms was successful. Surprisingly, there was no evidence of inhibitory control deficits or altered reward anticipation in the clinical groups

    Performing a Motor Action Enhances Social Reward Processing and Modulates the Neural Processing of Predictive Cues.

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    Associative learning affects many areas of human behavior. Recently, we showed that the neural response to monetary reward is enhanced by performing an action, suggesting interactions between neural systems controlling motor behavior and reward processing. Given many psychiatric disorders are associated with social anhedonia, a key open question is whether such effects generalize to social rewards, and in how far they affect associative learning. We developed a novel task in which participants (n = 66) received social reward feedback and social punishment either by pressing a button or waiting. Predictive cues were linked to feedback valence with 80% accuracy. Using EEG, we measured the neural response to both predictive cues and social feedback. We found enhanced reward positivity for social reward preceded by an action, and an enhanced N2 for cues predicting negative feedback. Cue-locked P3 amplitude was reduced for cues associated with negative feedback in passive trials only, showing a modulation of outcome anticipation by performing a motor action. This was supported by connectivity analyses showing stronger directed theta synchronization, in line with increased top-down modulation of attention, in active compared with passive trials. These findings suggest that actively obtaining social feedback enhances reward sensitivity and modulates outcome anticipation

    Anticipatory and Consummatory Responses to Touch and Food Rewards: A Protocol for Human Research

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    Understanding the neural basis of reward processing is a major concern, as it holds the key to alleviating symptoms of addiction and poor mental health. However, this goal seems difficult to attain as long as research on reward processing cannot easily be compared across species and reward types, due to methodological differences and the presence of confounding factors. We recently developed an experimental paradigm that allows monitoring anticipatory and consummatory responses to matched social (touch) and nonsocial (food) rewards in adult humans. The following protocol describes in detail the materials and the paradigm, which measures reward wanting and liking with a real effort task and subjective ratings. It can also be used in combination with facial electromyography (EMG), brain imaging (e.g., fMRI), and pharmacological interventions. It is our firm belief that the field will profit greatly from more research being conducted on reward processing using this and similarly controlled paradigms, which allow for cross-species comparison

    Alcohol Clin Exp Res

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    Background:Low levels of response (low LR) to alcohol predict heavy drinking and alcohol problems. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of emotion processing have demonstrated low LR individuals exhibit lower activation in task-related brain regions following both placebo and alcohol administration but the studies did not examine functional brain networks that might contribute to the phenomena. The current study expands upon those earlier results by evaluating if functional connectivity differences between the amygdala and other brain regions modulated by emotional face processing are likewise associated with LR. Based on the prior study, we hypothesized that low LR will be related to lower functional connectivity in fronto-amygdalar functional circuits underlying processing of emotional stimuli.Methods:Secondary analyses were conducted on data from a double-blind, placebo controlled, within-subjects, cross-over study in 108 18-to-25-year-old low and high LR sex matched pairs without an alcohol use disorder at baseline. Participants performed modified emotional faces processing tasks after placebo or approximately 0.7 mL/kg of ethanol. Psychophysiological interaction analyses examined functional connectivity between left and right amygdala and related brain circuits using LR-by-alcohol general linear models. The data included 54 sex-matched pairs with 216 fMRI scans comprising alcohol and placebo conditions.Results:Compared with individuals with high LR, low LR subjects demonstrated lower functional connectivity between the amygdala and the frontal lobes, insula, and parietal regions, respectively, while processing angry and happy faces. Interactions showed lower connectivity following alcohol in low LR and higher connectivity in high LR groups.Conclusions:Low LR individuals demonstrated lower functional connectivity both with placebo and in response to a modest ethanol dose. Attenuated connectivity among low LR individuals when processing emotional faces may contribute to an impaired ability to recognize alcohol intoxication in social situations and impaired ability to make appraisals of angry and happy emotions irrespective of consuming alcohol.R01 AA021162/AA/NIAAA NIH HHSUnited States/R21 AA027634/AA/NIAAA NIH HHSUnited States/UO1 DA051077/DA/NIDA NIH HHSUnited States/U01 IP000379/IP/NCIRD CDC HHSUnited States/U01 DA041731/DA/NIDA NIH HHSUnited States/U01 DA051077/DA/NIDA NIH HHSUnited States

    Working definitions, subjective and objective assessments and experimental paradigms in a study exploring social withdrawal in schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease

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    Social withdrawal is one of the first and common signs of early social dysfunction in a number of important neuropsychiatric disorders, likely because of the enormous amount and complexity of brain processes required to initiate and maintain social relationships (Adolphs, 2009). The Psychiatric Ratings using Intermediate Stratified Markers (PRISM) project focusses on the shared and unique neurobiological basis of social withdrawal in schizophrenia, Alzheimer and depression. In this paper, we discuss the working definition of social withdrawal for this study and the selection of objective and subjective rating scales to assess social withdrawal chosen or adapted for this project. We also discuss the MRI and EEG paradigms selected to study the systems and neural circuitry thought to underlie social functioning and more particularly to be involved in social withdrawal in humans, such as the social perception and the social affiliation networks. A number of behavioral paradigms were selected to assess complementary aspects of social cognition. Also, a digital phenotyping method (a smartphone application) was chosen to obtain real-life data
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