703 research outputs found

    Dissecting the Workload of a Major Adult Video Portal

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    Adult content constitutes a major source of Internet traffic. As with many other platforms, these sites are incentivized to engage users and maintain them on the site. This engagement (e.g., through recommendations) shapes the journeys taken through such sites. Using data from a large content delivery network, we explore session journeys within an adult website. We take two perspectives. We first inspect the corpus available on these platforms. Following this, we investigate the session access patterns. We make a number of observations that could be exploited for optimizing delivery, e.g., that users often skip within video streams

    Evaluation of the ICT Test Bed Project : the qualitative report

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    Health information technology and digital innovation for national learning health and care systems

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    Health information technology can support the development of national learning health and care systems, which can be defined as health and care systems that continuously use data-enabled infrastructure to support policy and planning, public health, and personalisation of care. The COVID-19 pandemic has offered an opportunity to assess how well equipped the UK is to leverage health information technology and apply the principles of a national learning health and care system in response to a major public health shock. With the experience acquired during the pandemic, each country within the UK should now re-evaluate their digital health and care strategies. After leaving the EU, UK countries now need to decide to what extent they wish to engage with European efforts to promote interoperability between electronic health records. Major priorities for strengthening health information technology in the UK include achieving the optimal balance between top-down and bottom-up implementation, improving usability and interoperability, developing capacity for handling, processing, and analysing data, addressing privacy and security concerns, and encouraging digital inclusivity. Current and future opportunities include integrating electronic health records across health and care providers, investing in health data science research, generating real-world data, developing artificial intelligence and robotics, and facilitating public–private partnerships. Many ethical challenges and unintended consequences of implementation of health information technology exist. To address these, there is a need to develop regulatory frameworks for the development, management, and procurement of artificial intelligence and health information technology systems, create public–private partnerships, and ethically and safely apply artificial intelligence in the National Health Service

    Comparison of clinical and physiologic parameters, complications, and techniques, between laparoscopic ovariectomy and ovariohysterectomy in dogs

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaGonadectomy is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures in veterinary medicine, this can be achieved by several techniques, for example ovariohysterectomy (OVH) or laparoscopic ovariectomy (LapOVE). Given that these procedures are performed routinely, the objective of this work is to compare the parameters temperature and glucose, complications (intraoperative and post-operative), the time it takes to execute the surgical techniques and pain to evaluate if one is superior to the other. This study was done throughout the six months of traineeship at Kingston Veterinary Group at Park Street Hospital. To accomplish it, two groups were used, - the LapOVE with 14 animals and the OVH with 10 animals, in which the parameters above mention, were recorded and compared. We can conclude from the results obtained, that the time to prepare the patient, perform the surgical procedure and the total procedure is longer for the LapOVE group as opposed to the OVH group. To evaluate if there was a significant effect of the procedure over temperature and glucose a linear mixed model analysis was performed. There was a significant effect of the procedures over time on temperature levels (P <0.0003) with OVH having a less impact on the patient, given that the temperature before and after the surgery varied less. The procedure chosen had a significant effect on glucose P (<0.016). Which can mean less operative pain in the LapOVE procedure. Regarding post-operative pain, although a very slight difference existed in the first three hours after the patients were extubated, there were no major differences between the two procedures, even when the pain score in the OVH group was higher than the LapOVE. In the LapOVE group there were more intraoperative and postoperative complications. Even though the laparoscopic technique presented several advantages, for this specific procedure, gonadectomy, they were not substantial or important enough to choose performing a LapOVE over a conventional OVH.RESUMO - Comparação de parâmetros clínicos e fisiológicos, complicações e técnicas entre ovariectomia por laparoscopia e ovariohisterectomia em cães - A gonadectomia é um dos procedimentos cirúrgicos realizados com maior frequência na medicina veterinária, podendo ser realizado por várias técnicas como por exemplo, a ovariohisterectomia (OVH) ou ovariectomia por laparoscopia (LapOVE). Uma vez que estes procedimentos são realizados por rotina na prática clínica, este trabalho tem por objetivo comparar os parâmetros temperatura e glucose, as complicações (intraoperatórias e pósoperatórias), os tempos de execução das técnicas cirúrgicas e dor para avaliar se alguma delas poderá ser superior à outra.. Este estudo decorreu ao longo de seis meses do estágio intracurricular no “Kingston Veterinary Group”, no Hospital de Park Street. Para o realizar utilizaram-se dois grupos, - o da LapOVE com 14 animais e o da OVH com 10 animais, nos quais se registaram e de seguida compararam os parâmetros já mencionados. Os resultados obtidos permitem verificar que o tempo necessário para preparar o paciente e para realizar a cirurgia, bem como o tempo total do procedimento foram superiores no grupo LapOVE do que no grupo OVH. Para se avaliar se houve um efeito significativo do procedimento sobre a temperatura e a glucose realizou-se uma análise com modelos lineares mistos, tendo-se verificado um efeito significativo do procedimento ao longo do tempo na temperatura (P <0.0003) tendo a OVH um menor impacto sobre o paciente pois a temperatura antes e depois da cirurgia variou menos. O procedimento escolhido teve um efeito significativo na glucose (P<0.016), o que poderá ser indicativo de menor dor cirúrgica no procedimento da LapOVE. Em relação à dor pós-cirúrgica, apesar de existir uma pequena diferença nas primeiras três horas após os pacientes serem extubados, não houve diferença pronunciada entre os dois procedimentos, mesmo quando a pontuação da dor no grupo OVH foi superior ao grupo LapOVE. No grupo LapOVE houve mais complicações intraoperatórias e pós-operatórias. Assim e apesar da técnica laparoscópica, apresentar algumas vantagens para este procedimento específico, a gonadectomia, as mesmas não são suficientemente fortes ou importantes para que se prefira a realização da LapOVE em vez de OVH convencional.N/

    Work, aging, mental fatigue, and eye movement dynamics

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    A Captive Care Guide, Teaching Curriculum and Animal Care References for Amphibians and Reptiles in a Secondary Education Classroom

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    The objective of this project is to create teaching curriculum as w ell as ancillary resources regarding the use of native, captive bred and/or commonly used pet trade amphibian and reptile species in a secondary education classroom. The project will include a detailed list of reptile and amphibian veterinarians from around the state, a discussion regarding disposal of captives and rescues, information on housing, life expectancy, adult size, nutrition, good and bad choices of species to have in classrooms and/or nature center (both wild and captive list), and disclaimers (school policies, state and regional permits and policies, health and safety for your protection and the protection of the animal) all with emphasis on the instructor being the advocate for the animal as well as an emphasis for common or captive bred species being used instead of rare species.Master of ScienceBiologyUniversity of Michigan-Flinthttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143442/1/HarrisE.pd

    Program Review: Psychology Department

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