1,541 research outputs found

    Smart tourism – city tourism radar : a tourism monitoring tool at the city of Lisbon

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceThe increasing demand for Lisbon has led to an uncontrolled access to the city’s main attractions, which is reflected in the number of visitors that can be encountered at the city. Smart Tourism Destinations are gaining relevance in Smart Cities in everyday life, and technology is intricated more than ever in the cities and its citizens. Open Governance is a vital concept in any modern city and data is shared and available like never before. It is proposed a conceptual model to a city tourism dashboard and its materialization using Open Data from the city’s public portal, produced by the Lisbon City Council and other partners. It is also suggested a method to the conception of this tool and the main indicators that must be included based on the actual state of the art. It concludes with a proposal of future developments to perform on the smart tourism destinations area.O aumento da procura de Lisboa como destino turístico conduziu a um acesso descontrolado aos seus principais pontos turísticos, refletindo-se no elevado número de visitantes que se visitam a cidade. As Smart Tourism Destinations estão a ganhar cada vez mais importância no dia-a-dia das Smart Cities, e a tecnologia está cada vez mais intrínseca nas cidades e nos seus cidadãos. Open Governance é um conceito vital em qualquer cidade atual, já que existem dados e informação disponíveis hoje em dia como nunca existiram antes. Neste trabalho, é proposta uma framework conceptual para visualizar a informação adequada à tomada de decisão no turismo de uma cidade onde são apresentados os principais indicadores que devem ser incluídos na mesma, com base no estado de arte atual. É também sugerido um método de instanciação desta ferramenta, utilizando dados abertos do portal público de dados abertos produzidos pela Câmara Municipal de Lisboa e por outras entidades. Este trabalho é concluído com uma proposta de futuros desenvolvimentos a realizar na área de Smart Tourism Destinations

    Business intelligence’s Self-Service tools evaluation

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    This project proposes a comparison analysis between 4 different tools, called Self-Service tools, from the Business Intelligence area. The comparison is done adapting a Systemic Quality Model and using some datasets simulated with R. The project was developed in a company

    The Impact of Dashboard Visualizations in CISCO’s: Operations & Decision-Making Processes

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceBusiness Intelligence has been growing significantly in recent years and has been more and more used in companies that strive for innovation and to always be up to date with their competitors. With this, there’s an increased need to have specialized professionals that deliver new perspectives and insights of looking at the data and allow for the companies to grow wisely and efficiently. It is crucial to understand in what ways the concept of Business Intelligence being implemented and a regular practice has an impact on the companies and how they function, that being the main subject of study of the report. This report is with regards to the one-year internship started in March of 2022 as a Business Operations Analyst at CISCO, with the aim of conducting a deep analysis and translating the data into actional business insights and assist business functions to create value for key strategic initiatives, namely by gathering data, creating dynamic visualizations through dashboards, and analyzing/investigating their impact and importance on the firm’s efficiency and how it influences its decision-making processes. With this internship I was able to not only learn but to also experience in first-hand the importance of business intelligence and have a practical example of how the outcomes changed when compared to previous solutions and practices

    Analysing Signal Strength and Connection Speed in Cloud Networks for Enterprise Business Intelligence

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    Signal strength and speed connection data which are collected and available in a company have not been optimally and beneficially processed and stored for more added value business purposes. Therefore, the collected data need to be utilized in more strategic way for business intelligent in the company that enables management to conduct better and smarter decision making. This research is aimed to develop a business intelligence system based on cloud computing platform which is more flexible and manageable in terms of cost and resources. The developed system adopts the three tier architectures of data warehouse that provides data extraction, transform, and load (ETL) functions and the creation of dimensional models and visualization in dashboard forms. Business intelligence solutions have been created based on cloud computing using Microsoft Azure SQL Database as database storage of data warehouse and Power BI as a dimensional model and dashboard visualization. The developed system prototype has been implemented and tested for its functionalities and capabilities in a web platform

    Immigration in Portugal: Migratory movements and economic impact through a Business Intelligence approach

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceDue to the fast growth in the number of immigrants in Portugal, there is an increasing need to examine data and values related to the subject, particularly in understanding the relation on the country's economy and the local community. Therefore, it is essential to visualize the official data in a more accessible manner to facilitate decision-making regarding immigration. In line with the global trend of increasing reliance on Business Intelligence (BI) solutions, this project proposes the implementation of a BI solution using Power BI. The initial step involved creating a conceptual model. Followed by an extensive data collection process from multiple sources. Subsequently, various transformations were applied to the collected data to prepare it for further analysis and usage. Finally, a data visualization report was developed, aiming to provide a clear overview of the immigration trends, the geographical distribution of immigrants, their countries of origin, demographic characteristics, and its connection with economy. The objective is to enhance the decision-making process by providing accurate and visually appealing representations of the data. The results obtained from the implementation of the Business Intelligence solution indicated that, overall, it has the potential to be useful for decision-making and supporting studies related to immigration in Portugal. The system offers valuable insights into immigration patterns, enabling to make informed decisions and better understand the implications of immigration on various aspects of society and the economy

    Business Intelligence Tools: overview and comparison study of analytic solutions

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceBusiness intelligence (BI) proves to bring the companies competitive advantages, providing for an easier and clear decision-making process through the analysis of data. The growth in the BI tools market is clear and can be verified by the increase in tools being offered and the number of users looking for the right system to apply in their companies. However, it can be overwhelming to choose one tool considering the ocean of BI tools available in the market. It is key to understand which tool applies the best to certain business specifications before committing to a sometimes rather considerable investment. This work aims to give business intelligence users proximity to some business specifications and the tools that most apply to them. This is possible through the creation of use cases that exemplify business needs of fictitious companies and by using six BI tools to then test how the tools answer to each business needs. The work carried out holds out a capability matrix as output that compares how each tool works when facing a specific topic, to understand at the end which is the best tool for each use case

    A tourism monitoring tool at the city of Lisbon

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    Lobao, F., de Castro Neto, M., & Aparicio, M. (2019). Smart tourism – City tourism radar: A tourism monitoring tool at the city of Lisbon. In Atas da Conferencia da Associacao Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informacao 2019: 19ª Conferencia da Associacao Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informacao, CAPSI 2019 [19th Conference of the Portuguese Association for Information Systems, CAPSI 2019], Lisboa; Portugal; 11 October 2019 through 12 October 2019 (Atas da Conferencia da Associacao Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informacao). Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação.The increasing demand for Lisbon has led to an uncontrolled access to the city’s main attractions, which is reflected in the number of visitors that can be encountered at the city. Smart tourism destinations are gaining relevance in smart cities in everyday life, and technology is intricated more than ever in the cities and its citizens. In the present work it is proposed a conceptual model to a city tourism dashboard and its materialization using open data from the city’s public portal, produced by the Lisbon City Council and other partners. It is also suggested a method to the conception of this tool and the main indicators that must be included based on the actual state of the art. It concludes with a proposal of future developments to perform on the smart tourism destinations area.publishersversionpublishe

    SMART TOURISM – CITY TOURISM RADAR: A Tourism Monitoring Tool at the City of Lisbon

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    The increasing demand for Lisbon has led to an uncontrolled access to the city’s main attractions, which is reflected in the number of visitors that can be encountered at the city. Smart tourism destinations are gaining relevance in smart cities in everyday life, and technology is intricated more than ever in the cities and its citizens. In the present work it is proposed a conceptual model to a city tourism dashboard and its materialization using open data from the city’s public portal, produced by the Lisbon City Council and other partners. It is also suggested a method to the conception of this tool and the main indicators that must be included based on the actual state of the art. It concludes with a proposal of future developments to perform on the smart tourism destinations area
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