6 research outputs found

    Kuyruk teorisi : Web of Science indeksinde yayinlanan akademik makalelerin bibliyometrik haritasi

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    This study aims to determine the articles that are most concerned with the subject of queuing theory in the world, most cited studies, the scientific meetings that related to the topic and the most used keywords based on Web of Science (WOS) bibliographic database. The study is intended a bibliometric mapping and analysis of academic papers that carried out in the field of queuing theory in the international area. The search that made on WOS, includes between 1990 and 2015 November. According to the initial screening result on WOS, it has seen that a total of 59 studies were published since 1990 with the topic of "queuing theory" in social sciences and in operations research indexes. Then these studies were analyzed.peer-reviewe

    Performance analysis of priority queueing systems in discrete time

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    The integration of different types of traffic in packet-based networks spawns the need for traffic differentiation. In this tutorial paper, we present some analytical techniques to tackle discrete-time queueing systems with priority scheduling. We investigate both preemptive (resume and repeat) and non-preemptive priority scheduling disciplines. Two classes of traffic are considered, high-priority and low-priority traffic, which both generate variable-length packets. A probability generating functions approach leads to performance measures such as moments of system contents and packet delays of both classes

    Discrete time GI/Geom/1 queueing system with priority

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    We study a discrete time single server system with generic distribution of the number of arrivals in a time slot, geometric distribution of the service time and two classes of customers. The customers can be served only when each time slot begins. The customers of the second class can be served only if the customers of the first class are absent. The model is motivated by the description of the congestion in the information networks. We give a complete description of this systems: we are able to compute the expected waiting time of the customers of the two classes, and solving a boundary value problem we are able to write the probability distribution of the length of the queue. To obtain these results, we use judiciously the standard technique of the generating function of the probability distribution. Although the boundary value problem is relatively easy, it is has to be pointed out that the generating function is not simply the product of two independent generating functions for the two classes.

    Discrete time GI/Geom/1 queueing system with priority

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    We study a discrete time single server system with generic distribution of the number of arrivals in a time slot, geometric distribution of the service time and two classes of customers. The customers can be served only when each time slot begins. The customers of the second class can be served only if the customers of the first class are absent. The model is motivated by the description of the congestion in the information networks. We give a complete description of this systems: we are able to compute the expected waiting time of the customers of the two classes, and solving a boundary value problem we are able to write the probability distribution of the length of the queue. To obtain these results, we use judiciously the standard technique of the generating function of the probability distribution. Although the boundary value problem is relatively easy, it is has to be pointed out that the generating function is not simply the product of two independent generating functions for the two classes. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V

    Discrete-time queueing models: generalized service mechanisms and correlation effects

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    Sistemas de colas en tiempo discreto con entradas y servicios en bloque: estudio teórico y simulaciones comparativas

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    Los sistemas de colas se vienen estudiando desde inicios del siglo XX. Suele formarse una cola ante una instalación que proporciona determinado servicio. La teoría de colas pretende estudiar las fluctuaciones que se producen en estas situaciones: el número de clientes, el tiempo que debe esperar cada uno antes de ser atendido, la duración del tiempo de servicio … En este trabajo se plantean algunos modelos de colas con un solo servidor en los que los clientes llegan y son atendidos en grupos, no necesariamente del mismo tamaño. El estudio se hace mediante simulación y mediante análisis probabilístico y se comparan los resultados obtenidos por ambos procedimientos. Se mide la eficiencia de cada modelo en términos de acumulación de clientes y tiempos de espera de acuerdo con los parámetros que los gobiernan. También se comparan las eficiencias de los modelos planteados