34 research outputs found

    A Literature Review of Cuckoo Search Algorithm

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    Optimization techniques play key role in real world problems. In many situations where decisions are taken based on random search they are used. But choosing optimal Optimization algorithm is a major challenge to the user. This paper presents a review on Cuckoo Search Algorithm which can replace many traditionally used techniques. Cuckoo search uses Levi flight strategy based on Egg laying Radius in deriving the solution specific to problem. CS optimization algorithm increases the efficiency, accuracy, and convergence rate. Different categories of the cuckoo search and several applications of the cuckoo search are reviewed. Keywords: Cuckoo Search Optimization, Applications , Levy Flight DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-8-01 Publication date:March 31st 202

    A hybrid Grey Wolf optimizer with multi-population differential evolution for global optimization problems

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    The optimization field is the process of solving an optimization problem using an optimization algorithm. Therefore, studying this research field requires to study both of optimization problems and algorithms. In this paper, a hybrid optimization algorithm based on differential evolution (DE) and grey wolf optimizer (GWO) is proposed. The proposed algorithm which is called “MDE-GWONM” is better than the original versions in terms of the balancing between exploration and exploitation. The results of implementing MDE-GWONM over nine benchmark test functions showed the performance is superior as compared to other stat of arts optimization algorithm

    Finding the best tour for travelling salesman problem using artificial ecosystem optimization

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    This paper presents a new method based on the artificial ecosystem optimization (AEO) algorithm for finding the shortest tour of the travelling salesman problem (TSP). Wherein, AEO is a newly developed algorithm based on the idea of the energy flow of living organisms in the ecosystem consisting of production, consumption and decomposition mechanisms. In order to improve the efficiency of the AEO for the TSP problem, the 2-opt movement technique is equipped to enhance the quality of the solutions created by the AEO. The effectiveness of AEO for the TSP problem has been verified on four TSP instances consisting of the 14, 30, 48 and 52 cities. Based on the calculated results and the compared results with the previous methods, the proposed AEO method is one of the effective approaches for solving the TSP problem

    Cuckoo search algorithm: A plastic waste collection example

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    Gezgin satıcı ve araç rotalama problemleri polinom zamanda çözümlenemediği için NP-Zor sınıfında yer alırlar. Veri sayısı az olan küçük problemler için kesin matematiksel yöntemler geliştirilmiş olsa da büyük problemler için bu yöntemlerle çözüme ulaşmak bazen olanaksız bazen de zaman karmaşıklığı kabul edilemeyecek kadar büyük olmaktadır. Bu nedenle araştırmacılar daha çok sezgisel algoritmalar üzerindeki çalışmalara yoğunlaşmışlardır. Bu çalışmada, sezgisel algoritmalar arasında yer alan guguk kuşu algoritması gezgin satıcı problemine uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca, elde edilen çözümlerin 2-opt yerel arama algoritması ile çözüm kalitesi geliştirilmiştir. Literatürde yer alan, Sırbistan’ın Niş şehrindeki 20 bölgeye konumlandırılmış plastik atık konteynerlerinde yer alan atıkların kamyonlarla toplanmasına ilişkin problem ele alınmış, literatürdeki çözüm, tasarruf algoritması çözümü ve önerilen yöntem ile elde edilen çözüm karşılaştırılmıştır. Literatürde yer alan çözümün ve Tasarruf Algoritması çözümünün rota uzunluklarının sırası ile 1507 km, 1074 km olduğu hesaplanmıştır. Önerilen çözümün ise 10 çalıştırmanın en iyi sonucu olarak rota uzunluğunu 1069 km olarak elde ettiği görülmüştür. Önerilen çözümün, hem Tasarruf hem de literatürde yer alan çözüm sonuçlarından daha üstün olduğu görülmektedir

    Water Flow-Like Algorithm with Simulated Annealing for Travelling Salesman Problems

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    Water Flow-like Algorithm (WFA) has been proved its ability obtaining a fast and quality solution for solving Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). The WFA uses the insertion move with 2-neighbourhood search to get better flow splitting and moving decision. However, the algorithms can be improved by making a good balance between its solution search exploitation and exploration. Such improvement can be achieved by hybridizing good search algorithm with WFA.  This paper presents a hybrid of WFA with various three neighbourhood search in Simulated Annealing (SA) for TSP problem. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated using 18 large TSP benchmark datasets. The experimental result shows that the hybrid method has improved the solution quality compare with the basic WFA and state of art algorithm for TSP

    Discrete penguins search optimization algorithm to solve flow shop scheduling problem

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    Flow shop scheduling problem is one of the most classical NP-hard optimization problem. Which aims to find the best planning that minimizes the makespan (total completion time) of a set of tasks in a set of machines with certain constraints. In this paper, we propose a new nature inspired metaheuristic to solve the flow shop scheduling problem (FSSP), called penguins search optimization algorithm (PeSOA) based on collaborative hunting strategy of penguins.The operators and parameter values of PeSOA redefined to solve this problem. The performance of the penguins search optimization algorithm is tested on a set of benchmarks instances of FSSP from OR-Library, The results of the tests show that PeSOA is superior to some other metaheuristics algorithms, in terms of the quality of the solutions found and the execution time

    Robust LPV Control for Attitude Stabilization of a Quadrotor Helicopter under Input Saturations

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    This article investigates the robust stabilization of the rotational subsystem of a quadrotor against external inputs (disturbances, noises, and parametric uncertainties) by the LFT-based LPV technique. By establishing the LPV attitude model, the LPV robust controller is designed for the system. The weighting functions are computed by Cuckoo Search, a meta-heuristic optimization algorithm. Besides, the input saturations are also taken into account through the Anti-Windup compensation technique. Simulation results show the robustness of the closed-loop system against disturbances, measurement noises, and the parametric uncertainties

    An adaptive stochastic resonance method based on multi-agent cuckoo search algorithm for bearing fault detection

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    Bearing is widely used in the rotating machinery and prone to failure due to the harsh working environment. The bearing fault-induced impulses are weak because of poor background noise, long vibration transmission path, and slight fault degree. Therefore, the bearing fault detection is difficult. A novel adaptive stochastic resonance method based on multi-agent cuckoo search algorithm for bearing fault detection is proposed. Stochastic resonance (SR) is like a nonlinear filter, which can enhance the weak fault-induced impulses while suppressing the noise. However, the parameters of the nonlinear system exert an influence on the SR effect, and the optimal parameters are difficult to be found. Multi-agent cuckoo search (MACS) algorithm is an excellent heuristic optimization algorithm and can be used to search the parameters of nonlinear system adaptively. Two bearing fault signals are used to validate the effectiveness of our proposed method. Three other adaptive SR methods based on cuckoo search algorithm, particle swarm optimization or genetic algorithm are also used for comparison. The results show that MACS can find the optimal parameters more quickly and more accurately, and our proposed method can enhance the fault-induced impulses efficiently

    Using 2-Opt based evolution strategy for travelling salesman problem

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    Harmony search algorithm that matches the (µ+ 1) evolution strategy, is a heuristic method simulated by the process of music improvisation. In this paper, a harmony search algorithm is directly used for the travelling salesman problem. Instead of conventional selection operators such as roulette wheel, the transformation of real number values of harmony search algorithm to order index of vertex representation and improvement of solutions are obtained by using the 2-Opt local search algorithm. Then, the obtained algorithm is tested on two different parameter groups of TSPLIB. The proposed method is compared with classical 2-Opt which randomly started at each step and best known solutions of test instances from TSPLIB. It is seen that the proposed algorithm offers valuable solutions