78 research outputs found

    IDA-PBC for LTI dynamics under input delays: a reduction approach

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    In this paper, the problem of stabilizing linear port-controlled Hamiltonian dynamics through interconnection and damping assignment in presence of input delays is considered. The contribution exploits the reduction approach allowing to reveal and shape the energy properties of the time-delay dynamics. Performances are illustrated on a simple mechanical system

    Experimental results on an IDA-PBC controller for a full-bridge boost converter

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    Experimental results of a new controller able to support bidirectional power flow in a full-bridge rectifier with boost-like topology are obtained. The controller is computed using port Hamiltonian passivity techniques for a suitable generalized state space averaging truncation system, which transforms the control objectives, namely constant output voltage dc-bus and unity input power factor, into a regulation problem. Simulation results for the full system show the essential correctness of the simplifications introduced to obtain the controller, although some small experimental discrepancies point to several aspects that need further improvement

    Discrete IDA-PBC control law for Newtonian mechanical port-Hamiltonian systems

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    This paper deals with the stability of discrete closed-loop dynamics arising from digital IDA-PBC controller design. This work concerns the class of Newtonian mechanical port-Hamiltonian systems (PHSs), that is those having separable energy being quadrating in momentum (with constant mass matrix). We first introduce a discretization scheme which ensures a passivity equation relatively to the same storage and dissipation functions as the continuous-time PHS. A discrete controller is then obtained following the IDA-PBC design procedure applied to the discrete PHS system. This method guarantees that, from an energetic viewpoint, the discrete closed-loop behavior is similar to the continuous one. Under zero-state observability assumption, closed-loop stability then follows from LaSalle principle. The method is illustrated on an inertia wheel pendulum model

    Stabilization with Guaranteed Safety of Nonlinear Systems

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    Robust and Safe Autonomous Navigation for Systems with Learned SE(3) Hamiltonian Dynamics

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    Stability and safety are critical properties for successful deployment of automatic control systems. As a motivating example, consider autonomous mobile robot navigation in a complex environment. A control design that generalizes to different operational conditions requires a model of the system dynamics, robustness to modeling errors, and satisfaction of safety \NEWZL{constraints}, such as collision avoidance. This paper develops a neural ordinary differential equation network to learn the dynamics of a Hamiltonian system from trajectory data. The learned Hamiltonian model is used to synthesize an energy-shaping passivity-based controller and analyze its \emph{robustness} to uncertainty in the learned model and its \emph{safety} with respect to constraints imposed by the environment. Given a desired reference path for the system, we extend our design using a virtual reference governor to achieve tracking control. The governor state serves as a regulation point that moves along the reference path adaptively, balancing the system energy level, model uncertainty bounds, and distance to safety violation to guarantee robustness and safety. Our Hamiltonian dynamics learning and tracking control techniques are demonstrated on \Revised{simulated hexarotor and quadrotor robots} navigating in cluttered 3D environments

    A Constructive Methodology for the IDA-PBC of Underactuated 2-DoF Mechanical Systems with Explicit Solution of PDEs

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    This paper presents a passivity-based control strategy dealing with underactuated two-degree-of-freedom (2-DoF) mechanical systems. Such a methodology, which is based on the interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control (IDA-PBC), rooted within the port-controlled Hamiltonian framework, can be applied to a very large class of underactuated 2-DoF mechanical systems. The main contribution, compared to the previous literature, is that the new methodology does not involve the resolution of any partial differential equation, since explicit solutions are given, while no singularities depending on generalised momenta are introduced by the controller. The proposed strategy is applied to two case studies: a) the stabilisation of a translational oscillator with a rotational actuator (TORA) system; b) the gait generation for an underactuated compass-like biped robot. The performances of the presented solution are evaluated through numerical simulations

    Passivity-Based Control with Guaranteed Safety via Interconnection and Damping Assignment

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    In this paper, we study a Passivity-Based Control (PBC) design that solves asymptotic stability with guaranteed safety problem via Interconnection and Damping Assignment (IDA) approach. Akin to the classical IDA-PBC method, the original system is transformed via a state-feedback to a port- Hamiltonian system where the corresponding interconnection and damping matrices and the energy function are shaped according to the given set of unsafe states and to the desired equilibrium point. By embedding it in a hybrid control framework, we show how the global results can also be obtained. We illustrate the efficacy of our proposed method on a nonlinear second-order system

    Energy Shaping of Underactuated Systems via Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control with Applications to Planar Biped Robots

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    The sought goal of this thesis is to show that total energy shaping is an effective and versatile tool to control underactuated mechanical systems. The performance of several approaches, rooted in the port-Hamiltonian formalism, are analyzed while tackling distinct control problems: i) equilibrium stabilization; ii) gait generation; iii) gait robustication. Firstly, a constructive solution to deal with interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control (IDA-PBC) for underactuated two-degree-of-freedom mechanical systems is proposed. This strategy does not involve the resolution of any partial differential equation, since explicit solutions are given, while no singularities depending on generalized momenta are introduced by the controller. The methodology is applied to the stabilization of a translational oscillator with a rotational actuator system, as well as, to the gait generation for an underactuated compass-like biped robot (CBR). Then, the problem of gait generation is addressed using dissipative forces in the controller. In this sense, three distinct controllers are presented, namely simultaneous interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control with dissipative forces, energy pumping-and-damping passivity-based control (EPD-PBC), and energy pumping-or-damping control. Finally, EPD-PBC is used to increase the robustness of the gait exhibited by the CBR over uncertainties on the initial conditions. The passivity of the system is exploited, as well as, its hybrid nature (using the hybrid zero dynamics method) to carry out the stability analysis. Besides, such an approach is applied to new gaits that are generated using IDA-PBC. Numerical case studies, comparisons, and critical discussions evaluate the performance of the proposed approaches
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