26 research outputs found

    Digital Humanities Data Processing

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    The editorial of this first issue of volume 9, corresponding to 2016, is devoted to digital humanities data processing

    Extending MOOC ecosystems using web services and software architectures

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    [EN]This paper present a research project that tries to extend the MOOC ecosystems by integrating external tools like social networks. This integration is developed by using a software architecture that mediate between the different systems and platforms establishing communication workflows and analyzing the information retrieved. This kind of system is applied in a real case, and it allows teachers and managers of the MOOC platform to get enhanced information and insights about users interaction with contents and MOOC tools, as well as some metrics impossible to retrieve or calculate manually in this kind of eLearning platforms with high amounts of users

    The Praxis of Learning Analytics for a Conceptual Open Textbooks System

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    Textbook costs have skyrocketed in recent years putting them beyond the reach of many students but there are options which can mitigate this problem Open textbooks an open educational resource have proven capable of making textbooks affordable to students There have been few educational development as promising as the development of open textbooks to lower costs for students While the last five years have witnessed unparalleled interest and significant advances in the development and dissemination of open textbooks one important aspect has until now remained unexplored the praxis of learning analytics for extracting information regarding how learners interact and learn with open textbooks which is crucial for their evaluation and iterative improvement process Learning analytics off ers a faster and more objective means of data collection and processing than traditional counterparts such as surveys and questionnaires and most importantly with their capability to provide direct evidence of learning they present the opportunity to enhance both learner performance and environmen

    Assessed by Machines: Development of a TAM-Based Tool to Measure AI-based Assessment Acceptance Among Students

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    In recent years, the use of more and more technology in education has been a trend. The shift of traditional learning procedures into more online and tech-ish approaches has contributed to a context that can favor integrating Artificial-Intelligence-based or algorithm-based assessment of learning. Even more, with the current acceleration because of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more learning processes are becoming online and are incorporating technologies related to automatize assessment or help instructors in the process. While we are in an initial stage of that integration, it is the moment to reflect on the students' perceptions of being assessed by a non-conscious software entity like a machine learning model or any other artificial intelligence application. As a result of the paper, we present a TAM-based model and a ready-to-use instrument based on five aspects concerning understanding technology adoption like the AI-based assessment on education. These aspects are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude towards use, behavioral intention, and actual use. The paper's outcomes can be relevant to the research community since there is a lack of this kind of proposal in the literature

    Assessed by Machines: Development of a TAM-Based Tool to Measure AI-based Assessment Acceptance Among Students

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    [EN]In recent years, the use of more and more technology in education has been a trend. The shift of traditional learning procedures into more online and tech-ish approaches has contributed to a context that can favor integrating Artificial-Intelligence-based or algorithm-based assessment of learning. Even more, with the current acceleration because of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more learning processes are becoming online and are incorporating technologies related to automatize assessment or help instructors in the process. While we are in an initial stage of that integration, it is the moment to reflect on the students' perceptions of being assessed by a non-conscious software entity like a machine learning model or any other artificial intelligence application. As a result of the paper, we present a TAM-based model and a ready-to-use instrument based on five aspects concerning understanding technology adoption like the AI-based assessment on education. These aspects are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude towards use, behavioral intention, and actual use. The paper's outcomes can be relevant to the research community since there is a lack of this kind of proposal in the literature

    Comprendiendo la comunicación visual en las redes sociales: una propuesta real de análisis

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    El presente trabajo se ha realizado dentro del Programa de Doctorado en Formación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento de la Universidad de Salamanca http://knowledgesociety.usal.es[ES]Este artículo presenta un proyecto de investigación actualmente en desarrollo que pretende implementar una serie de herramientas y sistemas que permitan a investigadores entender los flujos de comunicación visual que suceden en las redes sociales, permitiendo a su vez realizar análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre dichos procesos. Dicho análisis trata de descubrir los patrones de aprendizaje por imitación que se dan en los contextos visuales de las redes sociales, así como analizar el uso del lenguaje visual dentro de las mismas, todo ello apoyado por el descubrimiento de contextos conversacionales reales donde los procesos de comunicación se producen de forma puramente visual entre usuarios que no tienen porqué tener conocimientos sobre la semántica, gramática o vocabulario implícito en el lenguaje visual. Con el fin de explicar cómo los investigadores están desarrollando los sistemas y herramientas que permiten realizar dicho análisis, el presente artículo incluye una explicación sobre el contexto de problema real, las consideraciones generales presentes en esta área de investigación, y la propuesta que los autores presentan para hacer frente a los problemas que presenta este tipo de análisis sobre imágenes y redes sociales, explicando al mismo tiempo los conceptos principales necesarios para resolver dicho problema desde un punto de vista técnico.El presente trabajo se ha realizado dentro del Programa de Doctorado en Formación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento de la Universidad de Salamanca http://knowledgesociety.usal.e

    Changing the Channel - From Face to Face to Digital Space: Framing the Foundations of Video Based Presentation & Meeting Channels

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    Effective presentation skills never go out of style, however, the channel by which we deliver presentations has been rapidly changing over the past two decades. Technological developments have made it easier to bring audiences together in virtual spaces and as a result, more and more presentations are taking place every day through digital channels. The cornerstones of effective and engaging presentations have remained the same for hundreds of years, but digital presentation and meeting channels bring both new challenges and opportunities that need to be examined in order to ensure we as a field are applying and teaching the best practices for this new channel. While some face-to-face presentation skills and best practices carry over to the digital world, there are new and unique practices that must be considered when attempting to engage digital audiences. The primary aim of this manuscript is to provide presenters and facilitators an overview of the unique opportunities and challenges that digital channels present along with details on the best practices and approaches for engaging digital audiences in an effective manner. An examination of future challenges for training and coaching presenters within these digital channels is also discussed