26 research outputs found

    Innovación y estrategia: Inteligencia estratégica

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    La realización de este trabajo de fin de grado se basa en analizar la evolución de los conceptos económicos de innovación y estrategia. El trabajo de investigación lleva consigo conocer su aportación a la empresa hoy en día, así como determinar qué otros factores clave han derivado de los mismos. Para el desarrollo del mismo se han planteado tres hipótesis a resolver. En la primera hipótesis se plantea la relación entre los conceptos de innovación y estrategia. En la segunda hipótesis se plantea si esta relación ha ido aumentando y fortaleciéndose. En la tercera hipótesis se plantea conocer si la innovación y estrategia convergen en un nuevo concepto económico, el cual ha sido introducido recientemente en la literatura científica económica, llamado inteligencia estratégica. La inteligencia estratégica ha sido un término empleado en contextos militares, su reciente integración al ámbito empresarial, busca proporcionar a la empresa del conocimiento íntegro y necesario para dirigir su futuro

    An Approach Merging the IDM-Related Knowledge

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    Patents are one of the main innovation knowledge sources for engineers and companies. Inventive Design Method (IDM) – results from a research that extends from TRIZ and contains formal knowledge description components using ontologies, such as problems, partial solutions, and parameters. In this paper, we introduce IDM-Similar model that extends existing research work in IDM-related knowledge. A neural network named Word2vec and cosine similarity approach are used to build this model to compute the similarity among problems in wide range domains’ patents covering from the chemistry to mechanics and the computer to physics. Our model assumes that a partial solution of a patent could be used to solve the problem of another patent from a different domain if these two problems are similar enough. Experiments show that our model is a promising alternative to classical TRIZ for engineers to associate their problems in a field to solutions from patents of another field. Consequently, the step dedicated to solution concepts ideation is improved using our work


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    This research work highlights the importance of implementing a Tourism Intelligence System in destinations and the results show its advantages (improvement in decision-making and the tourist's experience) and barriers (need for resources and resistance to change of agents). In-depth interviews were conducted with 15 Spanish and international experts. This study contributes to the advancement of tourism intelligence, guides its implementation and is a pioneer in its practical application to improve tourism management.Este trabajo destaca la importancia de implantar un Sistema de Inteligencia Turística en destinos y los resultados muestran sus ventajas (mejora en la toma de decisiones y la experiencia del turista) y barreas (necesidad de recursos y resistencia al cambio de los agentes). Para ello, se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad a 15 expertos de España e internacionales. Este estudio contribuye en el avance de la inteligencia turística, orienta su implantación y es pionero en su aplicación práctica para mejorar la gestión turística

    A Method for the Detection and Characterization of Technology Fronts: Analysis of the Dynamics of Technological Change in 3D Printing Technology

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    This paper presents a method for the identification of the "technology fronts"-core technological solutions-underlying a certain broad technology, and the characterization of their change dynamics. We propose an approach based on the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model combined with patent data analysis and text mining techniques for the identification and dynamic characterization of the main fronts where actual technological solutions are put into practice. 3D printing technology has been selected to put our method into practice for its market emergence and multidisciplinarity. The results show two highly relevant and specialized fronts strongly related with mechanical design that evolve gradually, in our opinion acting as enabling technologies. On the other side, we detected three fronts undergoing significant changes, namely layer-by-layer multimaterial manufacturing, data processing and stereolithograpy techniques. Laser and electron-beam based technologies take shape in the latter years and show signs of becoming enabling technologies in the future. The technology fronts and data revealed by our method have been convincing to experts and coincident with many technology trends already pointed out in technical reports and scientific literature

    Competitive Intelligence Text Mining: Words Speak

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    Competitive intelligence (CI) has become one of the major subjects for researchers in recent years. The present research is aimed to achieve a part of the CI by investigating the scientific articles on this field through text mining in three interrelated steps. In the first step, a total of 1143 articles released between 1987 and 2016 were selected by searching the phrase "competitive intelligence" in the valid databases and search engines; then, through reviewing the topic, abstract, and main text of the articles as well as screening the articles in several steps, the authors eventually selected 135 relevant articles in order to perform the text mining process. In the second step, pre-processing of the data was carried out. In the third step, using non-hierarchical cluster analysis (k-means), 5 optimum clusters were obtained based on the Davies–Bouldin index, for each of which a word cloud was drawn; then, the association rules of each cluster was extracted and analyzed using the indices of support, confidence, and lift. The results indicated the increased interest in researches on CI in recent years and tangibility of the strong and weak presence of the developed and developing countries in formation of the scientific products; further, the results showed that information, marketing, and strategy are the main elements of the CI that, along with other prerequisites, can lead to the CI and, consequently, the economic development, competitive advantage, and sustainability in market

    Conceitos Clássicos e Abordagens Correntes em Inteligência Competitiva: Um Estudo Bibliométrico de 2005 a 2015

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    This article aims to identify the concepts of Competitive Intelligence according to the approach of the main authors referenced to characterize their conceptual currents and their research areas. In order to do so, a bibliometric study was carried out in IC, from 2005 to 2015, during which time the CI began to establish itself as the main information provider in organizations. The data were collected in the international journals of the Web of Science. The compiled articles were processed through the Bibexcel Software, generating a matrix of citations and co-citations, which processed, resulted in exploratory factorial analysis, allowing to relate the main classical or seminal authors in the theme, as well as the main currents that they defend. It is the main conclusion that all the approaches of the identified chains, be it in marketing, knowledge management, business, technology, among others, allow organizations a better strategic structuring. It was also possible to identify the current authors who continue to publish, based on their research, on the classic themes as well as the evolutions of the conceptual approaches. As for the theoretical contribution, it is emphasized that in fact, there is little research on the theoretical foundations of competitive intelligence, revealing important areas such as maturity of use of intelligence in organizations and theory of intelligence processes.Este artigo identificar os conceitos da Inteligência Competitiva conforme a abordagem dos principais autores referenciados visando a mensuração da evolução do tema, por meio da caracterização das correntes conceituais e funcionais. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliométrica, em IC, nos anos de 2005 a 2015, período em que a IC começa a se firmar como principal provedora de informação nas organizações. Os dados foram coletados nos periódicos científicos da base internacional Web of Science. Os artigos compilados foram processados por meio do Software Bibexcel, gerando uma matriz de citações e co-citações, que processada, resultou na análise fatorial exploratória, permitindo relacionar os principais autores clássicos ou seminais no tema, bem como as principais correntes que os mesmos defendem. Apresenta-se como principal conclusão que todas as abordagens das correntes identificadas, seja no marketing, na gestão do conhecimento, nos negócios, na tecnologia entre outras, permitem às organizações uma melhor estruturação estratégica. Foi possível identificar também os autores atuais que continuam publicando, com base em suas pesquisas, sobre os temas clássicos bem como as evoluções das abordagens conceituais. Quanto à contribuição teórica destaca-se que de fato, há pouca pesquisa sobre os fundamentos teóricos da inteligência competitiva, deixando a descoberto áreas importantes, como maturidade de uso da inteligência em organizações e teoria dos processos de inteligência.

    Digital Analytics tools and their predictive power on performance: an analysis of the brazilian auto market

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    The objective of this paper is to understand how these companies are being mapped and analyzed in relation to sales, with the support of Digital Analytics tools. It was selected the top 10 automotive companies present in Brazil with the highest sales and data were collected on their pages through Digital Analytics tools during two months. It was chosen the multivariate technique of multiple linear regressions by analyzing the relation between the independent variables (collected attributes) with the dependent variable (sales). As a result, it was found that some tools have a better set of parameters that explains the sales of automakers. From the seven Digital Analytics software's observed, six-showed significance in explanatory power. This research was purely quantitative, in which the independent variables that were significant for this study could be grouped into: "Social Media" and "Not Social Media", overcoming a greater concentration of variables "Not Social Media".The objective of this paper is to understand how these companies are being mapped and analyzed in relation to sales, with the support of Digital Analytics tools. It was selected the top 10 automotive companies present in Brazil with the highest sales and data were collected on their pages through Digital Analytics tools during two months. It was chosen the multivariate technique of multiple linear regressions by analyzing the relation between the independent variables (collected attributes) with the dependent variable (sales). As a result, it was found that some tools have a better set of parameters that explains the sales of automakers. From the seven Digital Analytics software's observed, six-showed significance in explanatory power. This research was purely quantitative, in which the independent variables that were significant for this study could be grouped into: "Social Media" and "Not Social Media", overcoming a greater concentration of variables "Not Social Media".Universidade Federal de São Paulo – Unifesp, BrasilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo – Unifesp, Brasi

    PatMining - Wege zur Erschließung textueller Patentinformationen für das Technologie-Monitoring

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    Patent have often been seen as a useful information source for technology monitoring. Nevertheless, analyzing patent information remains a demanding task, and this is largely due to the ever increasing number and extent of patent documents. A very useful tool for dealing with the information overflow in order to analyze textual patent information can be found in the application of semantic patent analysis. Following up on this, approaches to the content-based analysis of textual patent information for technology monitoring are introduced in this thesis. Relating to the usefulness of patent information for technology monitoring, it is shown that technologies are published in patents on a large scale. Furthermore, patents provide information about new technologies at an early stage. From a methodological point of view, the role of design decisions for concept extraction is highlighted. Additionally, semantic patent analysis is adapted for technology monitoring and its specific tasks