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    This study discusses a children's folksong which is usually sung in a children game. The folksong, then, is analyzed using an anthropological linguistics approach. Anthropological linguistics emphasizes on language as a major source as expressing mindset of society. Cublak-CublakSuweng is a games song that comes from Central Java. Song -which is part of the culture of grown society- in essence, teaches children about life precepts. This study uses a structural approach which analyzes the use of language in the cultural dimensions include: form, meaning, and value. Having studied the song, it turns out that Cublak-CublakSuweng has great philosophy that reflects the Javanese society

    Stylistic Communication Deciphered from Goo Goo Dolls' "Iris"

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    This essay deals with features of stylistic communication deciphered from Goo Goo Dolls’ Iris. The features are patterned in the text and discourse of the song lyric. The features are patterned as sound devices, process participants and vocabulary communicated within the song lyric. The analysis caters for relationship between grammaticalness and interpretability of the lyric. The analysis is framed within nature of literary communication in stylistics. The pattern creates communication act which is self-contained, independent of social context and expressive of reality

    Lyric - keeper of the past : on the poetics of popular poetry in T. Percy's "Reliques of ancient poetry" and J. G. Herder's "Volkslieder"

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    Both Percy and Herder establish popular poetry within the horizon of modern literature, accentuating its strangeness compared to learned poetry or "Kunstdichtung". But there is a decisive difference between Percy's and Herder's handling of this strangeness. Percy tries to bridge the gap by way of historico-philological explanation and reconstruction. In the „Reliques“, he not only chooses, corrects and groups his poems. He also adds four historical essays to his edition […] and provides numerous introductory remarks, footnotes, bibliographical references, and glossaries of archaic words and idioms. Contrary to Percy, Herder preserves and even enforces the strangeness of the texts. On the other hand, he also wants his reader to bridge the gap […] through the modern reader's empathic grasping of the supposed archaic face-to-face-communication between poet-singer and audience. In order to reach this goal, the reader must try to supplement the fragmentary text through the intuition of the authentic situation in which the text originally was communicated. Such a supplement seems possible because popular poetry deals with stock situations common to all people. […] In order to reach this goal, by the way, Herder simulates in the „Auszug aus einem Briefwechsel“ and in the introduction to the „Volkslieder“ the same attitude which he wants to convey to his readers. Both essays display the rhetoric of an emphatic, fragmentary and consensual dialogue between friends

    Markers of Performance: Emotion Marking and Sacral Bonds in White Supremacist Discourse

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    Using lyric data from white supremacist musicians, I build upon theories of social marking to develop emotion marking: i.e., the practice of using emotional labels to discursively differentiate social actors. Projections of shame and claims to pride are analyzed here as markers used within white supremacist discourse to differentiate movement loyalists from opposed others in relation to the state of their relative sacral bonds--that is, moral commitments to their perceived sacred social order. Borrowing from social bond theory, it is posited here that when sacral bonds are perceived to be threatened, shame is made manifest; when bonds are maintained, pride is present. White supremacists use multiple frames and discourses to mark the affective contrast between movement loyalists and opposed others. White supremacists claim pride through the maintaining of their bonds; opposed others are met with projected shame for threatening bonds, both their own and those of whites

    Kognitywna rama epicka w psalmach : studium przypadku polskich przekładów psalmu 137

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    The main aim of this article is an attempt to rede ne the genre of Psalm 137 with the notion of the epic cognitive framework of the Psalms. Analysis of the prevailing aesthetic value (PAV) and co- gnitive frameworks in Compositional Slots Analysis (CSA) identi es two basic types: a lament and a great story of liberation, which was also a component of revenge. To de ne the aesthetic value and the cognitive framework author analyzed the composition of Psalm 137 and examined 14 examples and compared them with 15 English, 2 Swedish, and 1 Czech. In total, 32 texts were compared with the classic texts of the Psalms in Hebrew, Greek and Latin. During the analysis, a parameter of cultural archaism is used (PCA).Głównym celem artykułu jest próba ponownego zdefiniowania przynależności gatunkowej psalmu 137 przy użyciu pojęcia kognitywnej ramy epickiej psalmów. Analiza dominującej wartości estetycznej oraz ram kognitywnych pozwala zidentyfikować dwa podstawowe gatunki: lament oraz wielką opowieść o wyzwoleniu, której składnikiem jest także zemsta. Aby zdefiniować wartość estetyczną (PAV) oraz ramy kognitywne (CSA) autor analizuje kompozycyjne sloty psalmu 137. Przebadano 14 polskich przykładów i porównano je z 15 angielskimi, 2 szwedzkimi, 1 czeskim. W sumie porównano 32 teksty i odniesiono je do klasycznych tekstów psalmów po hebrajsku, grecku i łacinie. Podczas analizy użyto także pojęcia parametru archaiczności kulturowej

    Analysis of Lexical and Contextual Meaning in Raef’s Song Lyric of the Path Album as the Holy Qur’an Values

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    The Holy Qur’an is guidance to live, some of its meaning can be inserted into the lyric of the song, such as Raef’s song lyrics. Three research focuses are proposed, i.e how are the lexical meaning, how are the contextual meanings, and what are the Holy Qur’an values consists of Raef’s song lyric in The Path album. This study is a library. The data sources are Raef’s song lyric of The Path album which consists of 12 lyrics of songs, and the Holy Qur'an values. The finding revealed that in the lexical analysis, the meaning of a word is varied, for example, the keyword of "words" in Peace and Blessing lexically means languages, utterances, promises, signals, and teachings. And contextually, the intended meaning of it is sunnah, then from those meanings, it will relate to the Holy Qur'an value which supports the lyric of song, namely an-Nur (24): 54 which contains the value of Sunnah and the obligation to follow sunnah of Rasulullah, and it relates to the lyric of song when it also talks about the same thing. That kind of findings is also similar to the other analysis in all Raef’s song lyrics of The Path albu