19 research outputs found

    Directed Hamiltonicity and Out-Branchings via Generalized Laplacians

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    We are motivated by a tantalizing open question in exact algorithms: can we detect whether an nn-vertex directed graph GG has a Hamiltonian cycle in time significantly less than 2n2^n? We present new randomized algorithms that improve upon several previous works: 1. We show that for any constant 0<λ<10<\lambda<1 and prime pp we can count the Hamiltonian cycles modulo p⌊(1−λ)n3p⌋p^{\lfloor (1-\lambda)\frac{n}{3p}\rfloor} in expected time less than cnc^n for a constant c<2c<2 that depends only on pp and λ\lambda. Such an algorithm was previously known only for the case of counting modulo two [Bj\"orklund and Husfeldt, FOCS 2013]. 2. We show that we can detect a Hamiltonian cycle in O∗(3n−α(G))O^*(3^{n-\alpha(G)}) time and polynomial space, where α(G)\alpha(G) is the size of the maximum independent set in GG. In particular, this yields an O∗(3n/2)O^*(3^{n/2}) time algorithm for bipartite directed graphs, which is faster than the exponential-space algorithm in [Cygan et al., STOC 2013]. Our algorithms are based on the algebraic combinatorics of "incidence assignments" that we can capture through evaluation of determinants of Laplacian-like matrices, inspired by the Matrix--Tree Theorem for directed graphs. In addition to the novel algorithms for directed Hamiltonicity, we use the Matrix--Tree Theorem to derive simple algebraic algorithms for detecting out-branchings. Specifically, we give an O∗(2k)O^*(2^k)-time randomized algorithm for detecting out-branchings with at least kk internal vertices, improving upon the algorithms of [Zehavi, ESA 2015] and [Bj\"orklund et al., ICALP 2015]. We also present an algebraic algorithm for the directed kk-Leaf problem, based on a non-standard monomial detection problem

    Computing Permanents and Counting Hamiltonian Cycles by Listing Dissimilar Vectors

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    Exploiting Sparsity for Bipartite Hamiltonicity

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    Patching Colors with Tensors

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    An Asymptotically Fast Polynomial Space Algorithm for Hamiltonicity Detection in Sparse Directed Graphs

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    Deterministic Constrained Multilinear Detection

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    Faster Detours in Undirected Graphs

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    The Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem In Sparse Digraphs

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    Faster Detours in Undirected Graphs

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    The kk-Detour problem is a basic path-finding problem: given a graph GG on nn vertices, with specified nodes ss and tt, and a positive integer kk, the goal is to determine if GG has an stst-path of length exactly dist(s,t)+k\text{dist}(s, t) + k, where dist(s,t)\text{dist}(s, t) is the length of a shortest path from ss to tt. The kk-Detour problem is NP-hard when kk is part of the input, so researchers have sought efficient parameterized algorithms for this task, running in f(k)poly(n)f(k)\text{poly}(n) time, for ff as slow-growing as possible. We present faster algorithms for kk-Detour in undirected graphs, running in 1.853kpoly(n)1.853^k \text{poly}(n) randomized and 4.082kpoly(n)4.082^k \text{poly}(n) deterministic time. The previous fastest algorithms for this problem took 2.746kpoly(n)2.746^k \text{poly}(n) randomized and 6.523kpoly(n)6.523^k \text{poly}(n) deterministic time [Bez\'akov\'a-Curticapean-Dell-Fomin, ICALP 2017]. Our algorithms use the fact that detecting a path of a given length in an undirected graph is easier if we are promised that the path belongs to what we call a "bipartitioned" subgraph, where the nodes are split into two parts and the path must satisfy constraints on those parts. Previously, this idea was used to obtain the fastest known algorithm for finding paths of length kk in undirected graphs [Bj\"orklund-Husfeldt-Kaski-Koivisto, JCSS 2017]. Our work has direct implications for the kk-Longest Detour problem: in this problem, we are given the same input as in kk-Detour, but are now tasked with determining if GG has an stst-path of length at least dist(s,t)+k.\text{dist}(s, t) + k. Our results for k-Detour imply that we can solve kk-Longest Detour in 3.432kpoly(n)3.432^k \text{poly}(n) randomized and 16.661kpoly(n)16.661^k \text{poly}(n) deterministic time. The previous fastest algorithms for this problem took 7.539kpoly(n)7.539^k \text{poly}(n) randomized and 42.549kpoly(n)42.549^k \text{poly}(n) deterministic time [Fomin et al., STACS 2022]