4,727 research outputs found

    Visões progressivas de computações distribuidas

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    Orientador : Luiz Eduardo BuzatoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Um checkpoint é um estado selecionado por um processo durante a sua execução. Um checkpoint global é composto por um checkpoint de cada processo e é consistente se representa urna foto­grafia da computação que poderia ter sido capturada por um observador externo. Soluções para vários problemas em sistemas distribuídos necessitam de uma seqüência de checkpoints globais consistentes que descreva o progresso de urna computação distribuída. Corno primeira contri­buição desta tese, apresentamos um conjunto de algoritmos para a construção destas seqüências, denominadas visões progressivas. Outras contribuições provaram que certas suposições feitas na literatura eram falsas utilizando o argumento de que algumas propriedades precisam ser válidas ao longo de todo o progresso da computação. Durante algumas computações distribuídas, todas as dependências de retrocesso entre check­points podem ser rastreadas em tempo de execução. Esta propriedade é garantida através da indução de checkpoints imediatamente antes da formação de um padrão de mensagens que poderia dar origem a urna dependência de retrocesso não rastreável. Estudos teóricos e de simu­lação indicam que, na maioria das vezes, quanto mais restrito o padrão de mensagens, menor o número de checkpoints induzidos. Acreditava-se que a caracterização minimal para a obtenção desta propriedade estava estabelecida e que um protocolo baseado nesta caracterização precisa­ria da manutenção e propagação de informações de controle com complexidade O(n2), onde n é o número de processos na computação. A complexidade quadrática tornava o protocolo base­ado na caracterização mimimal menos interessante que protocolos baseados em caracterizações maiores, mas com complexidade linear.A segunda contribuição desta tese é uma prova de que a caracterização considerada minimal podia ser eduzida, embora a complexidade requerida por um protocolo baseado nesta nova caracterização minimal continuasse indicando ser quadrática. A terceira contribuição desta tese é a proposta de um pequeno relaxamento na caracterização minimal que propicia a implementação de um protocolo com complexidade linear e desempenho semelhante à solução quadrática. Como última contribuição, através de um estudo detalhado das variações da informação de controle durante o progresso de urna computação, propomos um protocolo que implementa exatamente a caracterização minimal, mas com complexidade linearAbstract: A checkpoint is a state selected by a process during its execution. A global checkpoint is composed of one checkpoint from each process and it is consistent if it represents a snapshot of the computation that could have been taken by an external observer. The solution to many problems in distributed systems requires a sequence of consistent global checkpoints that describes the progress of a distributed computation. As the first contribution of this thesis, we present a set of algorithms to the construction of these sequences, called progressive views. Additionally, the analysis of properties during the progress of a distributed computation allowed us to verify that some assumptions made in the literature were false. Some checkpoint patterns present only on-line trackable rollback-dependencies among check­points. This property is enforced by taking a checkpoint immediately before the formation of a message pattern that can produce a non-trackable rollback-dependency. Theoretical and simula­tion studies have shown that, most often, the more restricted the pattern, the more efficient the protocol. The minimal characterization was supposed to be known and its implementation was supposed to require the processes of the computation to maintain and propagate O(n2) control information, where n is the number of processes in the computation. The quadratic complexity makes the protocol based on the minimal characterization less interesting than protocols based on wider characterizations, but with a linear complexity. The second contribution of this thesis is a proof that the characterization that was supposed to be minimal could be reduced. However, the complexity required by a protocol based on the new minimal characterization seemed to be also quadratic. The third contribution of this thesis is a protocol based on a slightly weaker condition than the minimal characterization, but with linear complexity and performance similar to the quadratic solution. As the last contribution, through a detailed analysis of the control information computed and transmitted during the progress of distributed computations, we have proposed a protocol that implements exactly the minimal characterization, but with a linear complexityDoutoradoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Space Reclamation for Uncoordinated Checkpointing in Message-Passing Systems

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    Checkpointing and rollback recovery are techniques that can provide efficient recovery from transient process failures. In a message-passing system, the rollback of a message sender may cause the rollback of the corresponding receiver, and the system needs to roll back to a consistent set of checkpoints called recovery line. If the processes are allowed to take uncoordinated checkpoints, the above rollback propagation may result in the domino effect which prevents recovery line progression. Traditionally, only obsolete checkpoints before the global recovery line can be discarded, and the necessary and sufficient condition for identifying all garbage checkpoints has remained an open problem. A necessary and sufficient condition for achieving optimal garbage collection is derived and it is proved that the number of useful checkpoints is bounded by N(N+1)/2, where N is the number of processes. The approach is based on the maximum-sized antichain model of consistent global checkpoints and the technique of recovery line transformation and decomposition. It is also shown that, for systems requiring message logging to record in-transit messages, the same approach can be used to achieve optimal message log reclamation. As a final topic, a unifying framework is described by considering checkpoint coordination and exploiting piecewise determinism as mechanisms for bounding rollback propagation, and the applicability of the optimal garbage collection algorithm to domino-free recovery protocols is demonstrated

    Study and Design of Global Snapshot Compilation Protocols for Rollback-Recovery in Mobile Distributed System

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    Checkpoint is characterized as an assigned place in a program at which ordinary process is intruded on particularly to protect the status data important to permit resumption of handling at a later time. A conveyed framework is an accumulation of free elements that participate to tackle an issue that can't be separately comprehended. A versatile figuring framework is a dispersed framework where some of procedures are running on portable hosts (MHs). The presence of versatile hubs in an appropriated framework presents new issues that need legitimate dealing with while outlining a checkpointing calculation for such frameworks. These issues are portability, detachments, limited power source, helpless against physical harm, absence of stable stockpiling and so forth. As of late, more consideration has been paid to giving checkpointing conventions to portable frameworks. Least process composed checkpointing is an alluring way to deal with present adaptation to internal failure in portable appropriated frameworks straightforwardly. This approach is without domino, requires at most two recovery_points of a procedure on stable stockpiling, and powers just a base number of procedures to recovery_point. In any case, it requires additional synchronization messages, hindering of the basic calculation or taking some futile recovery_points. In this paper, we complete the writing review of some Minimum-process Coordinated Checkpointing Algorithms for Mobile Computing System

    Targeting the differential addiction to anti-apoptotic BCL-2 family for cancer therapy

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    AbstractBCL-2 family proteins are central regulators of mitochondrial apoptosis and validated anti-cancer targets. Using small cell lung cancer (SCLC) as a model, we demonstrated the presence of differential addiction of cancer cells to anti-apoptotic BCL-2, BCL-XL or MCL-1, which correlated with the respective protein expression ratio. ABT-263 (navitoclax), a BCL-2/BCL-XL inhibitor, prevented BCL-XL from sequestering activator BH3-only molecules (BH3s) and BAX but not BAK. Consequently, ABT-263 failed to kill BCL-XL-addicted cells with low activator BH3s and BCL-XL overabundance conferred resistance to ABT-263. High-throughput screening identified anthracyclines including doxorubicin and CDK9 inhibitors including dinaciclib that synergized with ABT-263 through downregulation of MCL-1. As doxorubicin and dinaciclib also reduced BCL-XL, the combinations of BCL-2 inhibitor ABT-199 (venetoclax) with doxorubicin or dinaciclib provided effective therapeutic strategies for SCLC. Altogether, our study highlights the need for mechanism-guided targeting of anti-apoptotic BCL-2 proteins to effectively activate the mitochondrial cell death programme to kill cancer cells.</jats:p

    Transaction management in object-oriented data base systems

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    Object-oriented data bases are fast gaining in popularity, especially with the advent of advanced applications like computer aided design (CAD) and multimedia data bases (MMDB). The modeling techniques required by these applications cannot be met by conventional data base systems. The semantic richness of the object-oriented model facilitates the modeling of advanced data base applications. These applications are characterized by long-duration cooperating transactions. Unlike the conventional data bases, serializability can no linger be the correctness criterion for concurrent transaction execution. A new transaction model for object-oriented data bases is needed. This dissertation describes our research in the area of transaction management for object-oriented data bases. A new transaction model for object-oriented data bases is defined. This model takes into consideration the unique requirements of the advanced applications. Data base consistency is now defined in terms of correctability. Object-oriented Correct Schedules (OOCS) and Object-oriented Correctable Schedules (OOCLS) are defined. This dissertation also describes a new concurrency control protocol that satisfies the correctness criterion for concurrent execution of transactions in an object-oriented data base environment, i.e. it allows only Object-oriented Correctable Schedules. Users of a data base interact with it through means of queries. Queries are then translated into transactions. The data base functionality necessary to support queries is also discussed in this research work