1,632 research outputs found


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    Data mining is the process of extracting knowledge from large amounts of data. It covers a variety of techniques aimed at discovering diverse types of patterns on the basis of the requirements of the domain. These techniques include association rules mining, classification, cluster analysis and outlier detection. The availability of applications that produce massive amounts of spatial, spatio-temporal (ST) and time series data (TSD) is the rationale for developing specialized techniques to excavate such data. In spatial data mining, the spatial co-location rule problem is different from the association rule problem, since there is no natural notion of transactions in spatial datasets that are embedded in continuous geographic space. Therefore, we have proposed an efficient algorithm (GridClique) to mine interesting spatial co-location patterns (maximal cliques). These patterns are used as the raw transactions for an association rule mining technique to discover complex co-location rules. Our proposal includes certain types of complex relationships – especially negative relationships – in the patterns. The relationships can be obtained from only the maximal clique patterns, which have never been used until now. Our approach is applied on a well-known astronomy dataset obtained from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). ST data is continuously collected and made accessible in the public domain. We present an approach to mine and query large ST data with the aim of finding interesting patterns and understanding the underlying process of data generation. An important class of queries is based on the flock pattern. A flock is a large subset of objects moving along paths close to each other for a predefined time. One approach to processing a “flock query” is to map ST data into high-dimensional space and to reduce the query to a sequence of standard range queries that can be answered using a spatial indexing structure; however, the performance of spatial indexing structures rapidly deteriorates in high-dimensional space. This thesis sets out a preprocessing strategy that uses a random projection to reduce the dimensionality of the transformed space. We use probabilistic arguments to prove the accuracy of the projection and to present experimental results that show the possibility of managing the curse of dimensionality in a ST setting by combining random projections with traditional data structures. In time series data mining, we devised a new space-efficient algorithm (SparseDTW) to compute the dynamic time warping (DTW) distance between two time series, which always yields the optimal result. This is in contrast to other approaches which typically sacrifice optimality to attain space efficiency. The main idea behind our approach is to dynamically exploit the existence of similarity and/or correlation between the time series: the more the similarity between the time series, the less space required to compute the DTW between them. Other techniques for speeding up DTW, impose a priori constraints and do not exploit similarity characteristics that may be present in the data. Our experiments demonstrate that SparseDTW outperforms these approaches. We discover an interesting pattern by applying SparseDTW algorithm: “pairs trading” in a large stock-market dataset, of the index daily prices from the Australian stock exchange (ASX) from 1980 to 2002

    AmadeusGPT: a natural language interface for interactive animal behavioral analysis

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    The process of quantifying and analyzing animal behavior involves translating the naturally occurring descriptive language of their actions into machine-readable code. Yet, codifying behavior analysis is often challenging without deep understanding of animal behavior and technical machine learning knowledge. To limit this gap, we introduce AmadeusGPT: a natural language interface that turns natural language descriptions of behaviors into machine-executable code. Large-language models (LLMs) such as GPT3.5 and GPT4 allow for interactive language-based queries that are potentially well suited for making interactive behavior analysis. However, the comprehension capability of these LLMs is limited by the context window size, which prevents it from remembering distant conversations. To overcome the context window limitation, we implement a novel dual-memory mechanism to allow communication between short-term and long-term memory using symbols as context pointers for retrieval and saving. Concretely, users directly use language-based definitions of behavior and our augmented GPT develops code based on the core AmadeusGPT API, which contains machine learning, computer vision, spatio-temporal reasoning, and visualization modules. Users then can interactively refine results, and seamlessly add new behavioral modules as needed. We benchmark AmadeusGPT and show we can produce state-of-the-art performance on the MABE 2022 behavior challenge tasks. Note, an end-user would not need to write any code to achieve this. Thus, collectively AmadeusGPT presents a novel way to merge deep biological knowledge, large-language models, and core computer vision modules into a more naturally intelligent system. Code and demos can be found at: https://github.com/AdaptiveMotorControlLab/AmadeusGPT.Comment: demo available https://github.com/AdaptiveMotorControlLab/AmadeusGP

    PA-Tree: A Parametric Indexing Scheme for Spatio-temporal Trajectories

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    Abstract. Many new applications involving moving objects require the collec-tion and querying of trajectory data, so efficient indexing methods are needed to support complex spatio-temporal queries on such data. Current work in this domain has used MBRs to approximate trajectories, which fail to capture some basic properties of trajectories, including smoothness and lack of internal area. This mismatch leads to poor pruning when such indices are used. In this work, we revisit the issue of using parametric space indexing for historical trajectory data. We approximate a sequence of movement functions with single continuous polynomial. Since trajectories tend to be smooth, our approximations work well and yield much finer approximation quality than MBRs. We present the PA-tree, a parametric index that uses this new approximation method. Experiments show that PA-tree construction costs are orders of magnitude lower than that of com-peting methods. Further, for spatio-temporal range queries, MBR-based methods require 20%–60 % more I/O than PA-trees with clustered indicies, and 300%– 400 % more I/O than PA-trees with non-clustered indicies.

    Knowledge Extraction in Video Through the Interaction Analysis of Activities

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    Video is a massive amount of data that contains complex interactions between moving objects. The extraction of knowledge from this type of information creates a demand for video analytics systems that uncover statistical relationships between activities and learn the correspondence between content and labels. However, those are open research problems that have high complexity when multiple actors simultaneously perform activities, videos contain noise, and streaming scenarios are considered. The techniques introduced in this dissertation provide a basis for analyzing video. The primary contributions of this research consist of providing new algorithms for the efficient search of activities in video, scene understanding based on interactions between activities, and the predicting of labels for new scenes

    Exploratory search through large video corpora

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    Activity retrieval is a growing field in electrical engineering that specializes in the search and retrieval of relevant activities and events in video corpora. With the affordability and popularity of cameras for government, personal and retail use, the quantity of available video data is rapidly outscaling our ability to reason over it. Towards the end of empowering users to navigate and interact with the contents of these video corpora, we propose a framework for exploratory search that emphasizes activity structure and search space reduction over complex feature representations. Exploratory search is a user driven process wherein a person provides a system with a query describing the activity, event, or object he is interested in finding. Typically, this description takes the implicit form of one or more exemplar videos, but it can also involve an explicit description. The system returns candidate matches, followed by query refinement and iteration. System performance is judged by the run-time of the system and the precision/recall curve of of the query matches returned. Scaling is one of the primary challenges in video search. From vast web-video archives like youtube (1 billion videos and counting) to the 30 million active surveillance cameras shooting an estimated 4 billion hours of footage every week in the United States, trying to find a set of matches can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Our goal is to create an efficient archival representation of video corpora that can be calculated in real-time as video streams in, and then enables a user to quickly get a set of results that match. First, we design a system for rapidly identifying simple queries in large-scale video corpora. Instead of focusing on feature design, our system focuses on the spatiotemporal relationships between those features as a means of disambiguating an activity of interest from background. We define a semantic feature vocabulary of concepts that are both readily extracted from video and easily understood by an operator. As data streams in, features are hashed to an inverted index and retrieved in constant time after the system is presented with a user's query. We take a zero-shot approach to exploratory search: the user manually assembles vocabulary elements like color, speed, size and type into a graph. Given that information, we perform an initial downsampling of the archived data, and design a novel dynamic programming approach based on genome-sequencing to search for similar patterns. Experimental results indicate that this approach outperforms other methods for detecting activities in surveillance video datasets. Second, we address the problem of representing complex activities that take place over long spans of space and time. Subgraph and graph matching methods have seen limited use in exploratory search because both problems are provably NP-hard. In this work, we render these problems computationally tractable by identifying the maximally discriminative spanning tree (MDST), and using dynamic programming to optimally reduce the archive data based on a custom algorithm for tree-matching in attributed relational graphs. We demonstrate the efficacy of this approach on popular surveillance video datasets in several modalities. Finally, we design an approach for successive search space reduction in subgraph matching problems. Given a query graph and archival data, our algorithm iteratively selects spanning trees from the query graph that optimize the expected search space reduction at each step until the archive converges. We use this approach to efficiently reason over video surveillance datasets, simulated data, as well as large graphs of protein data

    Reporting flock patterns

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    Data representing moving objects is rapidly getting more available, especially in the area of wildlife GPS tracking. It is a central belief that information is hidden in large data sets in the form of interesting patterns. One of the most common spatio-temporal patterns sought after is flocks. A flock is a large enough subset of objects moving along paths close to each other for a certain pre-defined time. We give a new definition that we argue is more realistic than the previous ones, and by the use of techniques from computational geometry we present fast algorithms to detect and report flocks. The algorithms are analysed both theoretically and experimentally

    Video Transformers: A Survey

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    Transformer models have shown great success handling long-range interactions, making them a promising tool for modeling video. However they lack inductive biases and scale quadratically with input length. These limitations are further exacerbated when dealing with the high dimensionality introduced with the temporal dimension. While there are surveys analyzing the advances of Transformers for vision, none focus on an in-depth analysis of video-specific designs. In this survey we analyze main contributions and trends of works leveraging Transformers to model video. Specifically, we delve into how videos are handled as input-level first. Then, we study the architectural changes made to deal with video more efficiently, reduce redundancy, re-introduce useful inductive biases, and capture long-term temporal dynamics. In addition we provide an overview of different training regimes and explore effective self-supervised learning strategies for video. Finally, we conduct a performance comparison on the most common benchmark for Video Transformers (i.e., action classification), finding them to outperform 3D ConvNets even with less computational complexity
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