20 research outputs found

    Non-rigidity of spherical inversive distance circle packings

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    We give a counterexample of Bowers-Stephenson's conjecture in the spherical case: spherical inversive distance circle packings are not determined by their inversive distances.Comment: 6 pages, one pictur

    Compact hyperbolic tetrahedra with non-obtuse dihedral angles

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    Given a combinatorial description CC of a polyhedron having EE edges, the space of dihedral angles of all compact hyperbolic polyhedra that realize CC is generally not a convex subset of RE\mathbb{R}^E \cite{DIAZ}. If CC has five or more faces, Andreev's Theorem states that the corresponding space of dihedral angles ACA_C obtained by restricting to {\em non-obtuse} angles is a convex polytope. In this paper we explain why Andreev did not consider tetrahedra, the only polyhedra having fewer than five faces, by demonstrating that the space of dihedral angles of compact hyperbolic tetrahedra, after restricting to non-obtuse angles, is non-convex. Our proof provides a simple example of the ``method of continuity'', the technique used in classification theorems on polyhedra by Alexandrow \cite{ALEX}, Andreev \cite{AND}, and Rivin-Hodgson \cite{RH}.Comment: 19 page

    Thurston's sphere packings on 3-dimensional manifolds, I

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    Thurston's sphere packing on a 3-dimensional manifold is a generalization of Thusrton's circle packing on a surface, the rigidity of which has been open for many years. In this paper, we prove that Thurston's Euclidean sphere packing is locally determined by combinatorial scalar curvature up to scaling, which generalizes Cooper-Rivin-Glickenstein's local rigidity for tangential sphere packing on 3-dimensional manifolds. We also prove the infinitesimal rigidity that Thurston's Euclidean sphere packing can not be deformed (except by scaling) while keeping the combinatorial Ricci curvature fixed.Comment: Arguments are simplife

    Some open questions on anti-de Sitter geometry

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    We present a list of open questions on various aspects of AdS geometry, that is, the geometry of Lorentz spaces of constant curvature -1. When possible we point out relations with homogeneous spaces and discrete subgroups of Lie groups, to Teichm\"uller theory, as well as analogs in hyperbolic geometry.Comment: Not a research article in the usual sense but rather a list of open questions. 19 page


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    The present paper gives an example of a rigid spherical cone-manifold and that of a flexible one, which are both Seifert fibre