183,789 research outputs found

    Complex wavelet based demosaicing for use in digital still cameras

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    Deep-sea image processing

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    High-resolution seafloor mapping often requires optical methods of sensing, to confirm interpretations made from sonar data. Optical digital imagery of seafloor sites can now provide very high resolution and also provides additional cues, such as color information for sediments, biota and divers rock types. During the cruise AT11-7 of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) vessel R/V Atlantis (February 2004, East Pacific Rise) visual imagery was acquired from three sources: (1) a digital still down-looking camera mounted on the submersible Alvin, (2) observer-operated 1-and 3-chip video cameras with tilt and pan capabilities mounted on the front of Alvin, and (3) a digital still camera on the WHOI TowCam (Fornari, 2003). Imagery from the first source collected on a previous cruise (AT7-13) to the Galapagos Rift at 86°W was successfully processed and mosaicked post-cruise, resulting in a single image covering area of about 2000 sq.m, with the resolution of 3 mm per pixel (Rzhanov et al., 2003). This paper addresses the issues of the optimal acquisition of visual imagery in deep-seaconditions, and requirements for on-board processing. Shipboard processing of digital imagery allows for reviewing collected imagery immediately after the dive, evaluating its importance and optimizing acquisition parameters, and augmenting acquisition of data over specific sites on subsequent dives.Images from the deepsea power and light (DSPL) digital camera offer the best resolution (3.3 Mega pixels) and are taken at an interval of 10 seconds (determined by the strobe\u27s recharge rate). This makes images suitable for mosaicking only when Alvin moves slowly (≪1/4 kt), which is not always possible for time-critical missions. Video cameras provided a source of imagery more suitable for mosaicking, despite its inferiority in resolution. We discuss required pre-processing and imageenhancement techniques and their influence on the interpretation of mosaic content. An algorithm for determination of camera tilt parameters from acquired imagery is proposed and robustness conditions are discussed

    The Evolution of Electronic Photography

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    Silver-based photography was invented in the mid-1800s, and has existed in its modem form for over 100 years. More than 60 million film cameras will be sold this year, a larger number than for any previous year. In spite of the explosion in digital technology for other applications, digital camera technology still produces images that arc vastly inferior to film images. Recent developments in silicon image sensors have made possible the direct capture of images that exceed the quality of film images. Over the next decade, cameras based on these principles will supplant film cameras in nearly all applications. In many ways, electronic photography has gone through evolutionary steps closely paralleling those experienced in the early days of film photography. The current leading-edge technology will be discussed, with referenced to its place in the evolutionary sequence

    Manned observations technology development, FY 1992 report

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    This project evaluated the suitability of the NASA/JSC developed electronic still camera (ESC) digital image data for Earth observations from the Space Shuttle, as a first step to aid planning for Space Station Freedom. Specifically, image resolution achieved from the Space Shuttle using the current ESC system, which is configured with a Loral 15 mm x 15 mm (1024 x 1024 pixel array) CCD chip on the focal plane of a Nikon F4 camera, was compared to that of current handheld 70 mm Hasselblad 500 EL/M film cameras


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    The proposed paper concerns the processing of images in digital format and, more specifically, particular techniques that can be advantageously used in digital still cameras for improving the quality of images acquired with a non-optimal exposure. The proposed approach analyses the CCD/CMOS sensor Bayer data or the corresponding color generated image and, after identifying specific features, it adjusts the exposure level according to a ‘camera response ’ like function. 1

    Simulation-based estimation of the number of cameras required for 3D reconstruction in a narrow-baseline multi-camera setup

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    Graphical visualization systems are a common clinical tool for displaying digital images and three-dimensional volumetric data. These systems provide a broad spectrum of information to support physicians in their clinical routine. For example, the field of radiology enjoys unrestricted options for interaction with the data, since information is pre-recorded and available entirely in digital form. However, some fields, such as microsurgery, do not benefit from this yet. Microscopes, endoscopes, and laparoscopes show the surgical site as it is. To allow free data manipulation and information fusion, 3D digitization of surgical sites is required. We aimed to find the number of cameras needed to add this functionality to surgical microscopes. For this, we performed in silico simulations of the 3D reconstruction of representative models of microsurgical sites with different numbers of cameras in narrow-baseline setups. Our results show that eight independent camera views are preferable, while at least four are necessary for a digital surgical site. In most cases, eight cameras allow the reconstruction of over 99% of the visible part. With four cameras, still over 95% can be achieved. This answers one of the key questions for the development of a prototype microscope. In future, such a system can provide functionality which is unattainable today

    Multicopter-Based Small Format Aerial Photography using Free and Open Source Photogrammetry

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    A process is described to convert aerial photographs from flat images to 3D point clouds and then convert into height maps to be used as pseudo digital elevation models for surface modeling. All software used in the process is either free or open source. The process uses a DJI Phanton multicoper and two Canon point and shoot digital cameras. One camera is unaltered, and a second camera is modified to produce infrared images. A DJI Phantom FC-40 multicopter is used as the aerial platform to carry the cameras. Multiple paths are described to convert from still images (or video to still images) to N-view matches, followed by sparse point clouds then dense point clouds. Point clouds are distinct 3D points charted in an XYZ coordinate system. The dense point clouds can be converted into 3D models for viewing and analysis. A height map is extracted from the point cloud and surface images (in raster format) are created and then used in QGIS or ArcMap as pseudo digital elevation models for surface modeling. Finally, the digital elevation models are evaluated in comparison to similar LIDAR images

    High performances monolithic CMOS detectors for space applications

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    During the last 10 years, research about CMOS image sensors (also called APS -Active Pixel Sensors) has been intensively carried out, in order to offer an alternative to CCDs as image sensors. This is particularly the case for space applications as CMOS image sensors feature characteristics which are obviously of interest for flight hardware: parallel or semi-parallel architecture, on chip control and processing electronics, low power dissipation, high level ofradiation tolerance... Many image sensor companies, institutes and laboratories have demonstrated the compatibility of CMOS image sensors with consumer applications: micro-cameras, video-conferencing, digital-still cameras. And recent designs have shown that APS is getting closer to the CCD in terms ofperformance level. However, the large majority ofthe existing products do not offer the specific features which are required for many space applications. ASTRI1JM and SUPAERO/CIMI have decided to work together in view of developing CMOS image sensors dedicated to space business. After a brief presentation of the team organisation for space image sensor design and production, the latest results of a high performances 512x512 pixels CMOS device characterisation are presented with emphasis on the achieved electro-optical performance. Finally, the on going and short-term coming activities of the team are discussed

    Integration of LIDAR and IFSAR for mapping

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    LiDAR and IfSAR data is now widely used for a number of applications, particularly those needing a digital elevation model. The data is often complementary to other data such as aerial imagery and high resolution satellite data. This paper will review the current data sources and the products and then look at the ways in which the data can be integrated for particular applications. The main platforms for LiDAR are either helicopter or fixed wing aircraft, often operating at low altitudes, a digital camera is frequently included on the platform, there is an interest in using other sensors such as 3 line cameras of hyperspectral scanners. IfSAR is used from satellite platforms, or from aircraft, the latter are more compatible with LiDAR for integration. The paper will examine the advantages and disadvantages of LiDAR and IfSAR for DEM generation and discuss the issues which still need to be dealt with. Examples of applications will be given and particularly those involving the integration of different types of data. Examples will be given from various sources and future trends examined

    Pixel Threshold Adjustment for Enhancing Degraded Frames of Uncompressed AVI

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    High noise level from darkness and low dynamic range severely degrade the visual quality of image or video. From previous few years there has been vital work on video process and improvements in Digital cameras. Still there is a problem in modern digital cameras to capture high dynamic range images and videos in low-light conditions. To resolve such issues associated with the deficient quality of low light there exist video enhancement technique which is used to make object standout from their background and become more detectable. Effective framework approach for Low vision frames enhancement using pixel threshold adjustment for enhancing degraded frames of uncompressed AVI has been proposed; aim to get clear video from low light or dark environments
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