476 research outputs found

    Financial Technology as Payment Methods in the Digital Era

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    FinTech is defined as technological innovation in financial services that can produce business models, applications, processes, or products with material effects related to financial services provision. This study aims to analyze the impact of developing a digital payment system and prevent inflation due to a large amount of cash in circulation. The method used in this study is qualitative. Fintech technology is very beneficial for the community, especially in industrial revolution 4.0, where this digital payment system has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are efficiency and safety, while the disadvantages are higher interest costs. This digital payment system can minimize inflation due to the large amount of money circulating in society

    Peran Financial Technology Berbasis Digital Payment System E-Wallet dalam Meningkatkan Literasi Keuangan

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    This study aims to determine the role of financial technology based on the digital payment system e-wallet in improving financial literacy in MSMEs. Financial technology based on the digital payment system e-wallet is a financial service that can help MSME actors to make payment transactions easily and automatically provide financial recording facilities related to cash receipt transactions that occur in the business of MSME actors. There are 4 levels of financial literacy, namely not literate, less literate, sufficient literate, and well literate. Financial literacy in this study was measured by knowledge and understanding, risks and benefits, features, security and confidentiality, and skills in using e-wallet used by MSME owners. The study was conducted on 2 MSME coffee shops that use financial technology based on the digital payment system e-wallet, namely Wiji Kopi and Tradition Ngopi. The type of research in this study is qualitative with a case study approach. This research uses spiral data analysis technique. This study uses primary data and secondary data in the form of interviews, observations, literature studies, and documentation. Research results The application of financial technology based on the digital payment system e-wallet facilitates the business activities of MSME coffee shop actors, especially in terms of managing payment transactions in their business so as to increase the financial literacy of coffee shop MSME actors

    Analisis Efektivitas Implementasi Sistem Pembayaran Digital QRIS Dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Usaha Dagang Plastik Intan Baru Sibuhuan

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    QRIS is a breakthrough from Bank Indonesia as a means of integrating various types of digital payments into only one type of QR code. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the implementation of the QRIS digital payment system has been effective in increasing sales of the Sibuhuan New Diamond Plastic Trading Business. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with research subjects as business owners, employees and consumers who come to shop at UD Intan Baru Sibuhuan. The sampling collection technique is saturated and incidental sampling techniques through interviews, observation and documentation of shop owners and buyers. The location where this research was conducted was at the New Diamond Plastic Trading Business located in Sibuhuan City, Barumun District, Padang Lawas Regency. The research time lasted for 3 months, from December 2022 to March 2023. The results revealed that the implementation of the QRIS digital payment system was classified as effective. in increasing sales at UD Plastic Intan Baru Sibuhuan due to increased sales results and consumers feel the ease of transactions provided even though consumers using digital payments are still relatively minimal at UD Intan Baru Sibuhua

    Digital Financial Literacy Skills among Library and Information Science Professionals in Northeast India. A Study

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    In the present digital age, digital financial literacy is likely to become an increasingly main aspect of education. Ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, like budgeting, investing and personal financial management through online. Every library and information science professionals should know naturally that there is a handy relationship between digital literacy and information literacy. The study investigated the digital financial literacy skills among library and information science professionals in northeast India. Specifically, to investigate the awareness and support to the user community regarding financial literacy, digital payment experience, advantage and disadvantage in digital payment, safety methods, online fraud experience and a preferred device for the digital online payment transaction. Survey based research designed for this study and online questionnaire schedule was used to collect the data from 94 library and information science professionals from the selected region. The result shows that respondents organized digital finance literacy awareness programs (33%) to the library users, cent percent respondents (94) had digital payment experience with banking cards, regarding advantages of digital payment system 100% (94) of the respondents believed that instant payment, 96% (90) respondents were stated most disadvantage of digital payment system is service fees and also found that 66% (62) respondents have received online fraud phone calls/mails/texts but carefully avoided them

    Implementation and Challenges : "Digital Payment System Port Transportation in Developed Countries in Southeast Asia''

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    ASEAN makes development priorities and policies for structuring and integrating world ports in ASEAN STOM with three focuses such as Single Shipping Market (ASSM), ASSM Coordination Board, and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). The study aims to look at the implementation and challenges of developing the Payment System Port Transportation in Southeast Asian countries with the development system of Single Shipping Market (ASSM), ASSM Coordination Board and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in Mainland Asia Country and Insular Asia Country. The method used is a literature study with meta-analysis and information from previous research. The results obtained by Laem Chabang Port, Thailand occupy category I Focus on Single Shipping Market (ASSM) Development, ASSM Coordination Board and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Meanwhile, in the Insular Asia Country at the ports of Singapore and Tanjung Priok, Jakarta the challenges faced were 33% policy and regulatory issues, 25% infrastructure problems, 22% institutional and human resources and 20% of planning and budgeting. Recommendations were given for the formation of integration and cooperation of ASEAN countries in formulating a transportation development strategy by creating a digital payment system environment so as to help entrepreneurs and industry as well as transportation users. Keywords: Dygital payment system, port transportasi developmen