2,368 research outputs found


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    Problems involving mechanics of partially saturated soil and physics of flow through porous media are complex and largely unresolved based on using continuum approach. Recent advances in radiation based imaging techniques provide unique access to simultaneously observe continuum scale response while probing corresponding microstructure for developing predictive science and engineering tools in place of phenomenological approach used to date. Recent developments with X-ray/Synchrotron and neutron imaging techniques provided tools to visualize the interior of soil specimen at pore/grain level. X-ray and neutron radiation often presents complementary contrast for given condensed matter in the images due to different fundamental interaction mechanisms. While X-rays mainly interact with the electron clouds, neutrons directly interact with the nucleus of an atom. The dual-modal contrasts are well suited for probing the three phases (silica, air and water) of partially saturated sand since neutrons provide high penetration through large sample size and are very sensitive to water and X-rays of high energy can penetrate moderate sample sizes and clearly show the particle and void phases. Both neutron and X-ray imaging techniques are used to study microstructure of partially saturated compacted sand and water flow behavior through sand with different initial structures. Water distribution in compacted sand with different water contents for different grain shapes of sand was visualized with relatively coarse resolution neutron radiographs and tomograms. Dual-modal contrast of partially saturated sand was presented by using high spatial resolution neutron and X-ray imaging. Advanced image registration technique was used to combine the dual modality data for a more complete quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis such as grain size distribution, pore size distribution, coordination number, and water saturation along the height were obtained from the image data. Predictive simulations were performed to obtain capillary pressure – saturation curves and simulated two fluid phase (water and air) distribution based image data. In-situ water flow experiments were performed to investigate the effect of initial microstructure. Flow patterns for dense and loose states of Ottawa sand specimens were compared. Flow patterns and water distribution of dense Ottawa and Q-ROK sand specimens was visualized with high resolution neutron and X-ray image data

    A miniature triaxial apparatus for investigating the micromechanics of granular soils with in situ X-ray micro-tomography scanning

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    The development of a miniature triaxial apparatus is presented. In conjunction with an X-ray microtomography (termed as X-ray μCT hereafter) facility and advanced image processing techniques, this apparatus can be used for in situ investigation of the micro-scale mechanical behavior of granular soils under shear. The apparatus allows for triaxial testing of a miniature dry sample with a size of 8 mm × 16 mm (diameter × height). In situ triaxial testing of a 0.4–0.8 mm Leighton Buzzard sand (LBS) under a constant confining pressure of 500 kPa is presented. The evolutions of local porosities (i.e., the porosities of regions associated with individual particles), particle kinematics (i.e., particle translation and particle rotation) of the sample during the shear are quantitatively studied using image processing and analysis techniques. Meanwhile, a novel method is presented to quantify the volumetric strain distribution of the sample based on the results of local porosities and particle tracking. It is found that the sample, with nearly homogenous initial local porosities, starts to exhibit obvious inhomogeneity of local porosities and localization of particle kinematics and volumetric strain around the peak of deviatoric stress. In the post-peak shear stage, large local porosities and volumetric dilation mainly occur in a localized band. The developed triaxial apparatus, in its combined use of X-ray μCT imaging techniques, is a powerful tool to investigate the micro-scale mechanical behavior of granular soils

    Stabilization and Imaging of Cohesionless Soil Specimens

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    abstract: This dissertation describes development of a procedure for obtaining high quality, optical grade sand coupons from frozen sand specimens of Ottawa 20/30 sand for image processing and analysis to quantify soil structure along with a methodology for quantifying the microstructure from the images. A technique for thawing and stabilizing frozen core samples was developed using optical grade Buehler® Epo-Tek® epoxy resin, a modified triaxial cell, a vacuum/reservoir chamber, a desiccator, and a moisture gauge. The uniform epoxy resin impregnation required proper drying of the soil specimen, application of appropriate confining pressure and vacuum levels, and epoxy mixing, de-airing and curing. The resulting stabilized sand specimen was sectioned into 10 mm thick coupons that were planed, ground, and polished with progressively finer diamond abrasive grit levels using the modified Allied HTP Inc. polishing method so that the soil structure could be accurately quantified using images obtained with the use of an optical microscopy technique. Illumination via Bright Field Microscopy was used to capture the images for subsequent image processing and sand microstructure analysis. The quality of resulting images and the validity of the subsequent image morphology analysis hinged largely on employment of a polishing and grinding technique that resulted in a flat, scratch free, reflective coupon surface characterized by minimal microstructure relief and good contrast between the sand particles and the surrounding epoxy resin. Subsequent image processing involved conversion of the color images first to gray scale images and then to binary images with the use of contrast and image adjustments, removal of noise and image artifacts, image filtering, and image segmentation. Mathematical morphology algorithms were used on the resulting binary images to further enhance image quality. The binary images were then used to calculate soil structure parameters that included particle roundness and sphericity, particle orientation variability represented by rose diagrams, statistics on the local void ratio variability as a function of the sample size, and the local void ratio distribution histograms using Oda's method and Voronoi tessellation method, including the skewness, kurtosis, and entropy of a gamma cumulative probability distribution fit to the local void ratio distribution.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Civil Engineering 201

    Macroscopic model with anisotropy based on micro-macro informations

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    Physical experiments can characterize the elastic response of granular materials in terms of macroscopic state-variables, namely volume (packing) fraction and stress, while the microstructure is not accessible and thus neglected. Here, by means of numerical simulations, we analyze dense, frictionless, granular assemblies with the final goal to relate the elastic moduli to the fabric state, i.e., to micro-structural averaged contact network features as contact number density and anisotropy. The particle samples are first isotropically compressed and later quasi-statically sheared under constant volume (undrained conditions). From various static, relaxed configurations at different shear strains, now infinitesimal strain steps are applied to "measure" the effective elastic response; we quantify the strain needed so that plasticity in the sample develops as soon as contact and structure rearrangements happen. Because of the anisotropy induced by shear, volumetric and deviatoric stresses and strains are cross-coupled via a single anisotropy modulus, which is proportional to the product of deviatoric fabric and bulk modulus (i.e. the isotropic fabric). Interestingly, the shear modulus of the material depends also on the actual stress state, along with the contact configuration anisotropy. Finally, a constitutive model based on incremental evolution equations for stress and fabric is introduced. By using the previously measured dependence of the stiffness tensor (elastic moduli) on the microstructure, the theory is able to predict with good agreement the evolution of pressure, shear stress and deviatoric fabric (anisotropy) for an independent undrained cyclic shear test, including the response to reversal of strain

    Characterization and numerical simulation of the microstructural and micromechanical viscoelastic behavior of oil sands using the discrete element method

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    Oil sands are naturally geologic formations of predominantly quartz sand grains whose void spaces are filled with bitumen, water, and dissolved gases. The electric rope shovel is the primary equipment used for excavating the Athabasca oil sand formations. The equipment\u27s static and dynamic loads are transferred to the formation during excavation and propel. These loads cause ground instability leading to sinkage or rutting, crawler wear, and fracture failures. These problems result in unplanned downtimes, production losses, and high maintenance costs. In order to address these problems, there is a need to develop valid models that capture the behavior and performance of oil sands under these loads. Particle-based physics methods, such as the discrete element method (DEM) can provide useful insight into the micromechanical and microstructural behavior of oil sands. This research is a pioneering effort towards contributing to the existing body of knowledge in oil sands formation characterization and numerical simulation using the DEM. These areas include oil sands as a four-phase material, shovel-formation interactions, and coupled deformation-stress under dynamic loading. A 2-D DEM model of the oil sands is built and simulated in PFC2D. The simulation results show that the generalized Burgers model with five Kelvin-Voigt elements fully characterized the microscopic viscoelastic response of the material. The micromechanical and microstructural viscoelastic model developed in this study can predict the dynamic modulus and phase angle of the material with a maximum error of 13.6%. This research initiative is a pioneering effort toward understanding shovel-oil sands formation interactions using a micromechanical and microstructural particle-based mechanics approach --Abstract, page iii

    Experimental quantification and DEM simulation of micro-macro behaviors of granular materials using x-ray tomography imaging

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    A non-invasive experimental method and a clustering DEM model were developed in this study to investigate micro-macro behaviors of real granular materials with irregular particle shape configurations. The investigated behaviors include global deformations, failure strengths and residual strengths, stress and strain distributions, local coordination number, local void ratio, particle kinematics, and fabric orientation distributions. The experimental method includes an approach to automatically identify and recognize multiple particles using x-ray computed tomography imaging (XCT) and an enhanced approach to digitally represent microstructures of granular materials. The digitally represented microstructure can be directly employed for numerical simulation setup. A compression test and a direct shear test on coarse aggregates were conducted and analyzed using this method. The experimental measurements were applied for the evaluation of DEM simulations. The clustering DEM model provided in this study extends the conventional DEM model by incorporating actual microstructure of materials into simulations. Real irregular particles were represented by clusters of balls in the clustering DEM model while spherical particles were employed in the conventional DEM model. The PFC3D commercial software was applied for 3D DEM simulations of the compression test and the direct shear test. Compared to the conventional DEM model, the clustering DEM model demonstrated a better capability of predicting both the micro and macro behaviors of granular materials, including dilation, strength, particle kinematics, and fabric evolution. Fabric distribution was investigated for both the conventional DEM model and the clustering DEM model. The clustering DEM model described the fabric distribution of actual materials more precisely. This feature enabled it to simulate micro-macro behaviors of materials more accurately. A theoretic stress-fabric tensor relationship was also evaluated using the simulated stress and fabric distributions based on the actual microstructure of a real material. This relationship incorporated the anisotropic microstructure characteristics of the material. Whether it can better describe behaviors of granular materials was evaluated in this study. Generally, this research provides a more inherent understanding of granular materials through both DEM simulations and experimental validations

    Exploring semi-solid alloy deformation with discrete element method simulations and synchrotron radiography

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    Semi-solid alloys are deformed in a wide range of pressurised casting processes; an improved understanding and modelling capability are required to minimise defect formation and optimise productivity. This thesis combines thin-sample in-situ X-ray radiography of semisolid Al-Cu alloy deformation with 2D coupled lattice Boltzmann method – discrete element method (LBM-DEM) simulations. Mechanisms of strain heterogeneity and localisation are identified during semi-solid deformation in globular Al-Cu alloys with various combinations of initial solid fraction and strain rates. The calibrated set of LBM-DEM simulations is then used to obtain information that is not available in X-ray imaging to extract deeper insights into the semi-solid deformation behaviours observed in the experiments. It is found that the local contraction and dilation of the percolating grain assembly are highly influenced by the initial solid fraction. When deforming a low solid fraction alloy, macroscopic contraction due to grains being pushed together increases the local liquid pressure and expels liquid from the sample surface. In contrast, deforming high solid fraction alloys leads to macroscopic shear-induced dilation by grains pushing each other apart and surface menisci are sucked-in due to the decrease in interstitial liquid pressure. It is also shown that the macroscopic behaviour of semi-solid alloy deformation undergoes a range of rheological transitions with increasing solid fraction. First from a suspension to a percolating solid network and, later, from net dilation to shear cracking. These transitions are investigated with LBM-DEM simulations, and the transition to shear cracking is shown to be related to the local decrease in interstitial liquid pressure caused by shear-induced dilation. The verified coupled LBM-DEM simulation is shown to exhibit a load:deformation response consistent with the critical state framework of soil mechanics, indicating that this approach can be useful for modelling thermomechanics in casting processes.Open Acces

    Tortuosity of porous media: Image analysis and physical simulation

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    Tortuosity is widely used as a critical parameter to predict transport properties of porous media, such as rocks and soils. But unlike other standard microstructural properties, the concept of tortuosity is vague with multiple definitions and various evaluation methods introduced in different contexts. Hydraulic, electrical, diffusional, and thermal tortuosities are defined to describe different transport processes in porous media, while geometrical tortuosity is introduced to characterize the morphological property of porous microstructures. In particular, the rapid development of microscopy imaging techniques has made digital microstructures of porous media increasingly accessible, from which geometrical and physical tortuosities can be evaluated using various image analysis and numerical simulation methods. These tortuosities are defined differently and can differ greatly in value, but in many works of literature, they are used interchangeably. To address this situation, we systematically examine geometrical, hydraulic, electrical, diffusional, and thermal tortuosities from the viewpoints of the definition and evaluation method. For the same porous medium, visible discrepancies are found in the evaluated geometrical and physical tortuosities, depending on the specific definition and the evaluation method adopted. This observation makes it questionable to directly use the geometrical tortuosity as a substitute for physical tortuosities, a common practice in the literature. Thus, the correlations between geometrical and physical tortuosities are further analyzed, which also takes into account the influence of both image size and resolution. From the correlation analysis, phenomenological relations between geometrical and physical tortuosities are established, so that the latter can be accurately predicted by using the former which is much cheaper to evaluate from digital microstructures

    ALERT Doctoral School 2012: advanced experimental techniques in geomechanics

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    The twenty-second session of the European Graduate School 2012 (called usually ALERT Doctoral School) entitled Advanced experimental techniques in geomechanics is organized by Cino Viggiani, Steve Hall and Enrique Romero.Postprint (published version

    3D Multi-Scale Behavior of Granular Materials using Experimental and Numerical Techniques

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    Constitutive modeling of granular material behavior has generally been based on global response of laboratory-size specimens or larger models with little understanding of the fundamental mechanics that drive the global response. Many studies have acknowledged the importance of micro-scale and meso-scale mechanics on the constitutive behavior of granular materials. However, much knowledge is still missing to develop and improve robust micromechanical constitutive models. The research in this dissertation contributes to this knowledge gap for many potential applications using novel experimental techniques to investigate the three-dimensional (3D) behavior of granular materials. Critical micromechanics measurements at multiple scales are investigated by combining 3D synchrotron micro-computed tomography (SMT), 3D image analysis, and finite element analysis (FEA). At the single particle level (micro-scale), particle fracture was examined at strain rates of 0.2 mm/min and 2 m/s using quasi-static unconfined compression, unconfined mini-Kolsky bar, and x-ray imaging techniques. Surface reconstructions of particles were generated and exported to Abaqus FEA software, where quasi-static and higher rate loading curves and crack propagation were simulated with good accuracy. Stress concentrations in oddly shaped particles during FEA simulations resulted in more realistic fracture stresses than theoretical models. A nonlinear multivariable statistical model was developed to predict force required to fracture individual particles with known internal structure and loading geometry. At the meso-scale, 3D SMT imaging during in-situ triaxial testing of granular materials were used to identify particle morphology, contacts, kinematics and interparticle behavior. Micro shear bands (MSB) were exposed during pre-peak stress using a new relative particle displacement concept developed in this dissertation. MSB for spherical particles (glass beads) had larger thickness (3d50 to 5d50) than that of angular sands (such as F35 Ottawa sand, MSB thickness of 1d50 to 3d50). Particle morphology also plays a significant role in the onset and growth of shear bands and global fabric evolution of granular materials. More spherical particles typically exhibit more homogeneous internal anisotropy. Fabric of particles within the shear band (at higher densities and confining pressures) exhibits a peak and decrease into steady-state. Also, experimental fabric produces more accurate strength and deformation predictions in constitutive models that incorporate fabric evolution
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