447 research outputs found

    Forensic attribution challenges during forensic examinations of databases

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    An aspect of database forensics that has not yet received much attention in the academic research community is the attribution of actions performed in a database. When forensic attribution is performed for actions executed in computer systems, it is necessary to avoid incorrectly attributing actions to processes or actors. This is because the outcome of forensic attribution may be used to determine civil or criminal liability. Therefore, correctness is extremely important when attributing actions in computer systems, also when performing forensic attribution in databases. Any circumstances that can compromise the correctness of the attribution results need to be identified and addressed. This dissertation explores possible challenges when performing forensic attribution in databases. What can prevent the correct attribution of actions performed in a database? Thirst identified challenge is the database trigger, which has not yet been studied in the context of forensic examinations. Therefore, the dissertation investigates the impact of database triggers on forensic examinations by examining two sub questions. Firstly, could triggers due to their nature, combined with the way databases are forensically acquired and analysed, lead to the contamination of the data that is being analysed? Secondly, can the current attribution process correctly identify which party is responsible for which changes in a database where triggers are used to create and maintain data? The second identified challenge is the lack of access and audit information in NoSQL databases. The dissertation thus investigates how the availability of access control and logging features in databases impacts forensic attribution. The database triggers, as dened in the SQL standard, are studied together with a number of database trigger implementations. This is done in order to establish, which aspects of a database trigger may have an impact on digital forensic acquisition, analysis and interpretation. Forensic examinations of relational and NoSQL databases are evaluated to determine what challenges the presence of database triggers pose. A number of NoSQL databases are then studied to determine the availability of access control and logging features. This is done because these features leave valuable traces for the forensic attribution process. An algorithm is devised, which provides a simple test to determine if database triggers played any part in the generation or manipulation of data in a specific database object. If the test result is positive, the actions performed by the implicated triggers will have to be considered in a forensic examination. This dissertation identified a group of database triggers, classified as non-data triggers, which have the potential to contaminate the data in popular relational databases by inconspicuous operations, such as connection or shutdown. It also established that database triggers can influence the normal ow of data operations. This means what the original operation intended to do, and what actually happened, are not necessarily the same. Therefore, the attribution of these operations becomes problematic and incorrect deductions can be made. Accordingly, forensic processes need to be extended to include the handling and analysis of all database triggers. This enables safer acquisition and analysis of databases and more accurate attribution of actions performed in databases. This dissertation also established that popular NoSQL databases either lack sufficient access control and logging capabilities or do not enable them by default to support attribution to the same level as in relational databases.Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2018.Computer ScienceMScUnrestricte

    IoT database forensics : an investigation on HarperDB Security

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    The data that are generated by several devices in the IoT realmrequire careful and real time processing. Recently, researchers haveconcentrated on the usage of cloud databases for storing such datato improve efficiency. HarperDB aims at producing a DBMS that isrelational and non-relational simultaneously, to help journeymendevelopers creating products and servers in the IoT space. Much ofwhat the HarperDB team has talked about has been achieved, butfrom a security perspective, a lot of improvements need to be made.The team has clearly focused on the problems that exist from adatabase and data point of view, creating a structure that is unique,fast, easy to use and has great potential to grow with a startup.The functionality and ease of use of this DBMS is not in question,however as the trade-off triangle to the right suggests, this doesentail an impact to security. In this paper, using multiple forensicmethodologies, we performed an in-depth forensic analysis onHarperDB and found several areas of extreme concern, such as lackof logging functionalities, basic level of authorisation, exposure ofusers’ access rights to any party using the database, There had to bea focus on preventative advice instead of reactive workarounds dueto the nature of the flaws found in HarperDB. As such, we providea number of recommendations for the users and developers

    Backup and Recovery Mechanisms of Cassandra Database: A Review

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    Cassandra is a NoSQL database having a peer-to-peer, ring-type architecture. Cassandra offers fault-tolerance, data replication for higher availability as well as ensures no single point of failure. Given that Cassandra is a NoSQL database, it is evident that it lacks the amount of research that has gone into comparatively older and more widely and broadly used SQL databases. Cassandra’s growing popularity in recent times gives rise to the need of addressing any security-related or recovery-related concerns associated with its usage. This review paper discusses the existing deletion mechanism in Cassandra and presents some identified issues related to backup and recovery in the Cassandra database. Further, failure detection as well as handling of failures such as node failure or data center failure has been explored in the paper. In addition, several possible solutions to address backup and recovery including recovery in case of disasters have been reviewed

    Whitelisting System State In Windows Forensic Memory Visualizations

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    Examiners in the field of digital forensics regularly encounter enormous amounts of data and must identify the few artifacts of evidentiary value. The most pressing challenge these examiners face is manual reconstruction of complex datasets with both hierarchical and associative relationships. The complexity of this data requires significant knowledge, training, and experience to correctly and efficiently examine. Current methods provide primarily text-based representations or low-level visualizations, but levee the task of maintaining global context of system state on the examiner. This research presents a visualization tool that improves analysis methods through simultaneous representation of the hierarchical and associative relationships and local detailed data within a single page application. A novel whitelisting feature further improves analysis by eliminating items of little interest from view, allowing examiners to identify artifacts more quickly and accurately. Results from two pilot studies demonstrates that the visualization tool can assist examiners to more accurately and quickly identify artifacts of interest

    Mobile Data Analysis using Dynamic Binary Instrumentation and Static Analysis

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    Mobile classified data leakage poses a threat to the DoD programs and missions. Security experts must know the format of application data, in order to properly classify mobile applications. This research presents the DBIMAFIA methodology to identify stored data formats. DBIMAFIA uses DBI and static analysis to uncover the structure of mobile application data and validate the results with traditional reverse engineering methods. DBIMAFIA was applied to fifteen popular Android applications and revealed the format of stored data. Notably, user PII leakage is identified in the Rago Games application. The application\u27s messaging service exposes the full name, birthday, and city of any user of the Rago Games application. These findings on how Haga Games uses ObjectBox library to store data in custom file formats can be applied more broadly to any mobile, IoT, or SCADA device or application using the ObjectBox library. Furthermore, the DBIMAFIA methodology can be more broadly defined to identify stored data within any Android application

    Proliferating Cloud Density through Big Data Ecosystem, Novel XCLOUDX Classification and Emergence of as-a-Service Era

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    Big Data is permeating through the bigger aspect of human life for scientific and commercial dependencies, especially for massive scale data analytics of beyond the exabyte magnitude. As the footprint of Big Data applications is continuously expanding, the reliability on cloud environments is also increasing to obtain appropriate, robust and affordable services to deal with Big Data challenges. Cloud computing avoids any need to locally maintain the overly scaled computing infrastructure that include not only dedicated space, but the expensive hardware and software also. Several data models to process Big Data are already developed and a number of such models are still emerging, potentially relying on heterogeneous underlying storage technologies, including cloud computing. In this paper, we investigate the growing role of cloud computing in Big Data ecosystem. Also, we propose a novel XCLOUDX {XCloudX, X…X} classification to zoom in to gauge the intuitiveness of the scientific name of the cloud-assisted NoSQL Big Data models and analyze whether XCloudX always uses cloud computing underneath or vice versa. XCloudX symbolizes those NoSQL Big Data models that embody the term “cloud” in their name, where X is any alphanumeric variable. The discussion is strengthen by a set of important case studies. Furthermore, we study the emergence of as-a-Service era, motivated by cloud computing drive and explore the new members beyond traditional cloud computing stack, developed over the last few years


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    O Windows 10 é um dos Operating System (OS) mais populares e utilizado. Contém vários serviços, como o Windows Push Notification Services (WNS) e o Timeline, que usam bases de dados SQLite. O Windows 10 tem também uma plataforma, Universal Windows Platform (UWP), para suportar o desenvolvimento de aplicações. As aplicações desta plataforma podem guardar os seus dados em bases de dados SQLite, como o Photos da Microsoft e o Messenger do Facebook. Esta dissertação estuda, numa perspetiva de análise digital forense, dois componentes do Windows 10, o ambiente Your Phone, e o WNS. O primeiro consiste de uma aplicação Android, Your Phone Companion (YPC), e uma aplicação UWP, Your Phone. O último é um sistema do Windows 10 que disponibiliza o serviço de notificações. No âmbito desta dissertação foram desenvolvidos scripts para analisar esses componentes, extraindo-se os artefactos forenses considerados mais relevantes. As soluções desenvolvidas estão integradas com o conhecido software de análise forense Autopsy. Para ajudar a desenvolver e manter estas soluções de forense digital que analisam artefactos produzidos por aplicações UWP, foi desenvolvido o UWP scanner. Tratase de um analisador de aplicações focado na deteção de alterações ao nível das bases de dados SQLite empregue por aplicações UWP. Esta ferramenta ajuda a manter um histórico da evolução das bases de dados utilizadas por certas aplicações UWP

    NoSQL databases : forensic attribution implications

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    NoSQL databases have gained a lot of popularity over the last few years. They are now used in many new system implementations that work with vast amounts of data. Such data will typically also include sensitive information that needs to be secured. NoSQL databases are also underlying a number of cloud implementations which are increasingly being used to store sensitive information by various organisations. This has made NoSQL databases a new target for hackers and other state sponsored actors. Forensic examinations of compromised systems will need to be conducted to determine what exactly transpired and who was responsible. This paper examines specifically if NoSQL databases have security features that leave relevant traces so that accurate forensic attribution can be conducted. The seeming lack of default security measures such as access control and logging has prompted this examination. A survey into the top ranked NoSQL databases was conducted to establish what authentication and authorisation features are available. Additionally the provided logging mechanisms were also examined since access control without any auditing would not aid forensic attribution tremendously. Some of the surveyed NoSQL databases do not provide adequate access control mechanisms and logging features that leave relevant traces to allow forensic attribution to be done using those. The other surveyed NoSQL databases did provide adequate mechanisms and logging traces for forensic attribution, but they are not enabled or configured by default. This means that in many cases they might not be available, leading to insufficient information to perform accurate forensic attribution even on those databases.http://www.saiee.org.za/DirectoryDisplay/DirectoryCMSPages.aspx?name=Publications#id=1588&dirname=ARJ&dirid=337am2019Computer Scienc

    Performance Evaluation Between HarperDB, Mongo DB and PostgreSQL

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    Several modern-day problems, like information overload and big data, need to deal with large amounts of data. As such, to meet the application requirements, for instance, performance and consistency, more and more systems are adapting to the specificities. The existing Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)’s the processing of massive data has become an issue because these databases do not deal with a massive amount of data. NoSQL is a database management system that makes processing massive and/or unstructured data easier because it uses key-value to store the data, collections or document stores instead of tables. Many companies today tend to start a project using NoSQL. However, HarperDB aims to produce a relational and nonrelational DBMS, allowing developers to choose between different solutions. This paper aims to show the most relevant differences between HarperDB, MongoDB and PostgreSQL and compare their performances. Preliminary results show that PostgreSQL performs better with structured data, but HarperDB can integrate NoSQL and SQL, which can be a significant advantage to HarperDB compared to the other solutions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MongoDB Incidence Response

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    NoSQL (Not only SQL) databases have been gaining some popularity over the last few years. Such big companies as Expedia, Shutterfly, MetLife, and Forbes use NoSQL databases to manage data on different projects. These databases can contain a variety of information ranging from nonproprietary data to personally identifiable information like social security numbers. Databases run the risk of cyber intrusion at all times. This paper gives a brief explanation of NoSQL and thoroughly explains a method of Incidence Response with MongoDB, a NoSQL database provider. This method involves an automated process with a new self-built software tool that analyzing MongoDB audit log\u27s and generates an html page with indicators to show possible intrusions and activities on the instance of MongoDB. When dealing with NoSQL databases there is a lot more to consider than with the traditional RDMS\u27s, and since there is not a lot of out of the box support forensics tools can be very helpful