14,346 research outputs found

    A design for testability study on a high performance automatic gain control circuit.

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    A comprehensive testability study on a commercial automatic gain control circuit is presented which aims to identify design for testability (DfT) modifications to both reduce production test cost and improve test quality. A fault simulation strategy based on layout extracted faults has been used to support the study. The paper proposes a number of DfT modifications at the layout, schematic and system levels together with testability. Guidelines that may well have generic applicability. Proposals for using the modifications to achieve partial self test are made and estimates of achieved fault coverage and quality levels presente

    The integration of on-line monitoring and reconfiguration functions using IEEE1149.4 into a safety critical automotive electronic control unit.

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    This paper presents an innovative application of IEEE 1149.4 and the integrated diagnostic reconfiguration (IDR) as tools for the implementation of an embedded test solution for an automotive electronic control unit, implemented as a fully integrated mixed signal system. The paper describes how the test architecture can be used for fault avoidance with results from a hardware prototype presented. The paper concludes that fault avoidance can be integrated into mixed signal electronic systems to handle key failure modes

    Advanced reliability modeling of fault-tolerant computer-based systems

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    Two methodologies for the reliability assessment of fault tolerant digital computer based systems are discussed. The computer-aided reliability estimation 3 (CARE 3) and gate logic software simulation (GLOSS) are assessment technologies that were developed to mitigate a serious weakness in the design and evaluation process of ultrareliable digital systems. The weak link is based on the unavailability of a sufficiently powerful modeling technique for comparing the stochastic attributes of one system against others. Some of the more interesting attributes are reliability, system survival, safety, and mission success

    Fault detection and location in DC systems from initial di/dt measurement

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    The use of DC for primary power distribution has the potential to bring significant design, cost and efficiency benefits to a range of power transmission and distribution applications. The use of active converter technologies within these networks is a key enabler for these benefits to be realised, however their integration can lead to exceptionally demanding electrical fault protection requirements, both in terms of speed and fault discrimination. This paper describes a novel fault detection method which exceeds the capability of many current protection methods in order to meet these requirements. The method utilises fundamental characteristics of the converter filter capacitance’s response to electrical system faults to estimate fault location through a measurement of fault path inductance. Crucially, the method has the capability to detect and discriminate fault location within microseconds of the fault occurring, facilitating its rapid removal from the network

    Trends in reliability modeling technology for fault tolerant systems

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    Reliability modeling for fault tolerant avionic computing systems was developed. The modeling of large systems involving issues of state size and complexity, fault coverage, and practical computation was discussed. A novel technique which provides the tool for studying the reliability of systems with nonconstant failure rates is presented. The fault latency which may provide a method of obtaining vital latent fault data is measured


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    The features of the standard IEC 16850 with respect to intelligent applications in substations are summarized. It is shown how modeling of functions independently from its allocation to devices allows optimizing existing applications and opening up for future intelligent applications. The data model provides all information in a substation needed not only for control and protection functions but also about the IEDs and the switchgear configuration.electric power systems


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    The features of the standard IEC 16850 with respect to intelligent applications in substations are summarized. It is shown how modeling of functions independently from its allocation to devices allows optimizing existing applications and opening up for future intelligent applications. The data model provides all information in a substation needed not only for control and protection functions but also about the IEDs and the switchgear configuration.electric power system

    Modeling and measurement of fault-tolerant multiprocessors

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    The workload effects on computer performance are addressed first for a highly reliable unibus multiprocessor used in real-time control. As an approach to studing these effects, a modified Stochastic Petri Net (SPN) is used to describe the synchronous operation of the multiprocessor system. From this model the vital components affecting performance can be determined. However, because of the complexity in solving the modified SPN, a simpler model, i.e., a closed priority queuing network, is constructed that represents the same critical aspects. The use of this model for a specific application requires the partitioning of the workload into job classes. It is shown that the steady state solution of the queuing model directly produces useful results. The use of this model in evaluating an existing system, the Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor (FTMP) at the NASA AIRLAB, is outlined with some experimental results. Also addressed is the technique of measuring fault latency, an important microscopic system parameter. Most related works have assumed no or a negligible fault latency and then performed approximate analyses. To eliminate this deficiency, a new methodology for indirectly measuring fault latency is presented

    The Art of Fault Injection

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    Classical greek philosopher considered the foremost virtues to be temperance, justice, courage, and prudence. In this paper we relate these cardinal virtues to the correct methodological approaches that researchers should follow when setting up a fault injection experiment. With this work we try to understand where the "straightforward pathway" lies, in order to highlight those common methodological errors that deeply influence the coherency and the meaningfulness of fault injection experiments. Fault injection is like an art, where the success of the experiments depends on a very delicate balance between modeling, creativity, statistics, and patience