8 research outputs found

    Legacy Digital Transformation: TCO and ROI Analysis

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    Legacy Digital Transformation is modernizing or migrating systems from non-digital or older digital technology to newer digital technologies. Digitalization is essential for information reading, processing, transforming, and storing. Social media, Cloud, and analytics are the major technologies in today\u27s digital world. Digitalization (business process) and Digital Transformation (the effect) are the core elements of newer global policies and processes. Recent COVID pandemic situation, Organizations are willing to digitalize their environment without losing business. Digital technologies help to improve their capabilities to transform processes that intern promote new business models. Applications cannot remain static and should modernize to meet the evolving business and technology needs. Business needs time to market, Agility, and reduce technical debt. Technology needs consist of APIs, better Security, Portability, Scalability, Cloud support, Deployment, Automation, and Integration. This paper elaborates different transformation/modernization approaches for Legacy systems written in very long or End of Life (EOL) systems to newer digital technologies to serve the business needs. EOL impacts application production, supportability, compliance, and security. Organizations spend money and resources on Digital Transformation for considering Investment versus Return on Investment, Agility of the System, and improved business processes. Migration and Modernization are critical for any Legacy Digital Transformation. Management takes decisions to proceed with Digital Transformation for considering Total Cost Ownership (TCO) and Return on Investment (ROI) of the program. The paper also includes a TCO-ROI calculator for Transformation from Legacy / Monolithic to new architectures like Microservices

    Analyzing Barriers to Digital Transformation in the German Engineering Industry – A Comparison of Digitalized and Non-Digitalized Enterprises

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    The German engineering sector is one of the most prominent industries in Germany in terms of revenues, the number of employees, and reputation for the “Made in Germany” brand. In this industry, digital transformation (DT) has become a significant trend. DT is more than optimizing internal processes by digital means. It entails the offer of digital services and products and the enhancement of customer experience. Complex barriers need to be overcome to drive this transformation forward. Therefore, our study analysis the organizational barriers to DT within the German engineering industry. We follow a quantitative approach to gain insight on organizational barriers by a comparison of digitalized and less digitalized enterprises and their DTs. Our research demonstrates that digitalized enterprises perceive lower degrees of certain barriers in leadership, culture, employees, and skills, which are essential parts in a socio-technical view. However, there are still barriers that digitalized enterprises are struggling with

    Digital Transformation: A Cognitive Study for Organizations to Shape their Journeys

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to reveal novelties of digital transformation with a holistic approach based on expert experience, that may help digital business leaders to shape their digital transformation journeys.   Theoretical framework: With the acceleration of technological advancements, the complexity of digital transformation is increasing and it leads to novel impacts. As expected, this raises the difficulty of developing a final methodology. Therefore, there is still more research required to explore these novelties.   Design/methodology/approach: As a basis, existing maturity models and frameworks were inspected. Then, C-Level managers were interviewed to explore the novelties. Axial and selective coding was used to interpret the interview data. Findings: Findings showed that digital transformation is not only about digital technologies but also the transformation of business models and cultural change. In addition, technologies like 5th-generation networks (5G), quantum computing, and blockchain may affect these models more in the future. Organizations may have to consider law regulations, hiring, management support, and customer experience more, to do a successful digital transformation.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Future research is recommended to bring more practitioner experience to the theory and highlight the cultural effects of digital transformation for organizations.   Originality/value: The results show that the complex nature of digital transformation both requires and causes the number of publications to grow exponentially. Also, this can help business leaders to make use of the results to improve their digital transformation strategies

    Herramientas de transformación digital para mejorar la planificación urbana mediante el uso de la metodología de caso de negocio de transporte

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    Urban mobility in megacities presents a public policy challenge in search of optimizing public resources in order to achieve the well-being of citizens. This study utilizes the concept of a transport observatory, using data to recommend public transport infrastructure interventions in Bogota, Colombia, by employing the transport business case methodology proposed by the UK Government

    Digital Transformation Models for the I4.0 Transition: Lessons from the Change Management Literature

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    The growing diffusion of digital technologies, especially in production systems, is leading to a new industrial paradigm, named Industry 4.0 (I4.0), which involves disruptive changes in the way companies organize production and create value. Organizations willing to seize the opportunities of I4.0 must thus innovate their processes and business models. The challenges that companies must face for the transition towards I4.0 paradigm are not trivial. Several digital transformation models and roadmaps have been lately proposed in the literature to support companies in such a transition. The literature on change management stresses that about 70% of change initiatives—independently of the aim—fail to achieve their goals due to the implementation of transformation programs that are affected by well-known mistakes or neglect some relevant aspects, such as lack of management support, lack of clearly defined and achievable objectives and poor communication. This paper investigates whether and to what extent the existing digital transformation models (DTMs) and roadmaps for I4.0 transition consider the lessons learnt in the field of change management. To this aim, a Systematic Literature Review to identify existing models and roadmaps is carried out. The results obtained by the review are discussed under the lens of the change-management literature. Based on that, the shortcomings and weaknesses of existing DTMs are pinpointed. Extant DTMs mainly focus on digital transformation initiatives carried out in manufacturing companies; they do not cover all the phases of the digital transformation process but rather focus on the definition of the I4.0 vision, strategy and roadmap. Little attention is devoted to the implementation and consolidation of digital change. Change management lessons are considered to a limited extent, based on which, some suggestions for better dealing with digital transformation initiatives are discussed. The paper contributes to advancing knowledge on models and approaches to support organizations in managing digital transformation. The identification of change management activities that a digital transformation initiative should involve as well as the suggestions on how to effectively deal with it can be used by managers to successfully lead the I4.0 transition journey in their organizations

    A Framework for Assessing Digital Maturity in Organizations

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    For today's businesses, the move to digital transformation and the use of disruptive technologies for survival and growth is inevitable and can create many innovative opportunities for them. In order for organizations to move in this direction and design a roadmap for their digital transformation, they must first have a comprehensive and holistic understanding of the current digital situation of themselves. Assessing digital maturity can be the first step in developing the roadmap of digital transformation. Since digital transformation is not a one-dimensional issue and involves many dimensions in the organization, so identifying and paying attention to these dimensions can make it easier to plan for the digital transformation of the organization. This is possible with the help of digital maturity models. This study was conducted to provide a framework for assessing digital maturity. The research method used here was a systematic literature review. Dimensions of digital maturity in this framework include "strategy", "governance and leadership", "business model and ecosystem", "culture and skills", "process", "employee experience", "customer experience", "technology", "data" "Innovation" were identified and then 69 indicators related to each dimension were introduced

    A Digital transformation model for cooperatives of services

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    As Transformações Digitais são iniciativas que, com a pandemia da COVID-19, se tornaram ainda mais importantes para a competitividade das organizações. No entanto, estas iniciativas têm uma elevada taxa de insucesso, pois são processos complexos que exigem um planeamento e uma implementação cuidadosa e rigorosa. O principal objectivo desta dissertação é adaptar um binómio DTM (Digital Transformation Model)-DMM (Digital Maturity Model) às características das cooperativas de serviços. Para este objetivo, realizamos revisões sistemáticas de literatura de modo a identificar os DTMs e DMMs existentes. Os modelos são analisados e comparados (7 DTM e 20 DMM), e os mais completos são seleccionados. Em seguida, propomos vários pares DTM-DMM de entre os modelos mais completos, com base em características como a dimensão e o sector das organizações. Tendo em conta as cooperativas de serviços e as suas especificidades, seleccionamos o par considerado mais adequado para servir de base ao trabalho de adaptação. Esta adaptação é efetuada através da consulta da literatura e de especialistas em cooperativas, de modo a abranger as idiossincrasias deste tipo de organizações. Os resultados desta investigação têm implicações para a preparação e implementação de iniciativas de Transformação Digital no contexto das cooperativas de serviços. Os resultados apresentam duas ferramentas (DTM e DMM) adaptadas a este tipo de organização e que podem ser utilizadas numa abordagem combinada para o planeamento e a implementação de processos de TD rigorosos. Este têm o potencial de aumentar as taxas de sucesso da TD e, por conseguinte, melhorar a competitividade das cooperativas de serviçosDigital Transformations are initiatives that, with the COVID-19 pandemic, became even more important for the competitiveness of organisations. However, these initiatives have a high failure rate, as they are complex processes that require careful and rigorous planning and implementation. The main objective of this dissertation is to adapt a DTM-DMM binomial to the characteristics of the cooperatives of services. For this objective, we perform systematic literature reviews to identify existing DTMs and DMMs. The models are analysed and compared (7 DTM and 20 DMM), and the most complete ones are selected. Next, we propose several DTM-DMM pairs from among the most complete models, based on characteristics such as the size and sector of organisations. Taking into account the cooperatives of services and their specificities, we select the pair considered most suitable for the basis of model adaptation. This adaptation is made by consulting the literature and cooperative experts, so that it covers the idiosyncrasies of this type of organisation. The results of this research have implications for the preparation and implementation of DT initiatives in the context of the cooperatives of services. The results present two tools (DTM and DMM) adapted to this type of organisation and that can be used in a combined approach for the planning and implementation of rigorous DT processes. This has the potential to increase DT success rates and therefore improve the competitiveness of the cooperatives of services

    Propuesta de marco de trabajo para la gestión de la transformación digital en Lima – Perú

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    La presente tesis de investigación propone un marco de trabajo para la implementación de la transformación digital en empresas privadas de Lima - Perú. El resultado involucra la incorporación de recomendaciones basadas en las áreas de conocimiento como la estrategia, gestión del cambio y la transformación cultural dentro de las organizaciones. Para lograr el objetivo se realizó una investigación cualitativa que incluyó a profesionales, expertos, académicos y voces autorizadas de diversos sectores industriales que se encuentran inmersos en la transformación digital, transformando negocios y personas en el país. Los resultados muestran que las organizaciones en el Perú requieren de capacidades específicas para afrontar los procesos de transformación digital como la cultura del enfoque en la experiencia del cliente interno y el compromiso del directorio para la experimentación y mejora continua, así como evitar esfuerzos innecesarios que no ayudan al proceso como lo es la concentración en la madurez o habilidades digitales de los trabajadores de la empresa. De igual forma, la investigación se complementa con recomendaciones que ayudan a mejorar las probabilidades de éxito como lo son la creación de oficinas de excelencia operativa y la implementación de modelos efectivos de gobernanza empresarial con políticas alineadas a mantener la transformación digital una vez lograda