953 research outputs found

    Time domain analysis of switching transient fields in high voltage substations

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    Switching operations of circuit breakers and disconnect switches generate transient currents propagating along the substation busbars. At the moment of switching, the busbars temporarily acts as antennae radiating transient electromagnetic fields within the substations. The radiated fields may interfere and disrupt normal operations of electronic equipment used within the substation for measurement, control and communication purposes. Hence there is the need to fully characterise the substation electromagnetic environment as early as the design stage of substation planning and operation to ensure safe operations of the electronic equipment. This paper deals with the computation of transient electromagnetic fields due to switching within a high voltage air-insulated substation (AIS) using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) metho

    Low power CMOS IC, biosensor and wireless power transfer techniques for wireless sensor network application

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    The emerging field of wireless sensor network (WSN) is receiving great attention due to the interest in healthcare. Traditional battery-powered devices suffer from large size, weight and secondary replacement surgery after the battery life-time which is often not desired, especially for an implantable application. Thus an energy harvesting method needs to be investigated. In addition to energy harvesting, the sensor network needs to be low power to extend the wireless power transfer distance and meet the regulation on RF power exposed to human tissue (specific absorption ratio). Also, miniature sensor integration is another challenge since most of the commercial sensors have rigid form or have a bulky size. The objective of this thesis is to provide solutions to the aforementioned challenges

    Index to NASA Tech Briefs, 1975

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    This index contains abstracts and four indexes--subject, personal author, originating Center, and Tech Brief number--for 1975 Tech Briefs

    Smart Devices and Systems for Wearable Applications

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    Wearable technologies need a smooth and unobtrusive integration of electronics and smart materials into textiles. The integration of sensors, actuators and computing technologies able to sense, react and adapt to external stimuli, is the expression of a new generation of wearable devices. The vision of wearable computing describes a system made by embedded, low power and wireless electronics coupled with smart and reliable sensors - as an integrated part of textile structure or directly in contact with the human body. Therefore, such system must maintain its sensing capabilities under the demand of normal clothing or textile substrate, which can impose severe mechanical deformation to the underlying garment/substrate. The objective of this thesis is to introduce a novel technological contribution for the next generation of wearable devices adopting a multidisciplinary approach in which knowledge of circuit design with Ultra-Wide Band and Bluetooth Low Energy technology, realization of smart piezoresistive / piezocapacitive and electro-active material, electro-mechanical characterization, design of read-out circuits and system integration find a fundamental and necessary synergy. The context and the results presented in this thesis follow an “applications driven” method in terms of wearable technology. A proof of concept has been designed and developed for each addressed issue. The solutions proposed are aimed to demonstrate the integration of a touch/pressure sensor into a fabric for space debris detection (CApture DEorbiting Target project), the effectiveness of the Ultra-Wide Band technology as an ultra-low power data transmission option compared with well known Bluetooth (IR-UWB data transmission project) and to solve issues concerning human proximity estimation (IR-UWB Face-to-Face Interaction and Proximity Sensor), wearable actuator for medical applications (EAPtics project) and aerospace physiology countermeasure (Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit project)

    System-on-Package Low-Power Telemetry and Signal Conditioning unit for Biomedical Applications

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    Recent advancements in healthcare monitoring equipments and wireless communication technologies have led to the integration of specialized medical technology with the pervasive wireless networks. Intensive research has been focused on the development of medical wireless networks (MWN) for telemedicine and smart home care services. Wireless technology also shows potential promises in surgical applications. Unlike conventional surgery, an expert surgeon can perform the surgery from a remote location using robot manipulators and monitor the status of the real surgery through wireless communication link. To provide this service each surgical tool must be facilitated with smart electronics to accrue data and transmit the data successfully to the monitoring unit through wireless network. To avoid unwieldy wires between the smart surgical tool and monitoring units and to reap the benefit of excellent features of wireless technology, each smart surgical tool must incorporate a low-power wireless transmitter. Low-power transmitter with high efficiency is essential for short range wireless communication. Unlike conventional transmitters used for cellular communication, injection-locked transmitter shows greater promises in short range wireless communication. The core block of an injection-locked transmitter is an injection-locked oscillator. Therefore, this research work is directed towards the development of a low-voltage low-power injection-locked oscillator which will facilitate the development of a low-power injection-locked transmitter for MWN applications. Structure of oscillator and types of injection are two crucial design criteria for low-power injection-locked oscillator design. Compared to other injection structures, body-level injection offers low-voltage and low-power operation. Again, conventional NMOS/PMOS-only cross-coupled LC oscillator can work with low supply voltage but the power consumption is relatively high. To overcome this problem, a self-cascode LC oscillator structure has been used which provides both low-voltage and low-power operation. Body terminal coupling is used with this structure to achieve injection-locking. Simulation results show that the self-cascode structure consumes much less power compared to that of the conventional structure for the same output swing while exhibiting better phase noise performance. Usage of PMOS devices and body bias control not only reduces the flicker noise and power consumption but also eliminates the requirements of expensive fabrication process for body terminal access

    Multi-Level Medium Voltage Inverter for Dc Distributed Wind Farm to Establish Grid Interface and Provide Ancillary Support

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    Wind energy has gained in popularity in recent years due to cost, security and environmental concerns associated with conventional energy sources like fossil fuels. However, the utilization of wind energy in power systems creates many technical and non-technical challenges that need to be addressed for successful integrations. The main technical issues related to wind energy are its uncertainty and variability and their impacts on stability, reliability and quality of the electric power. In systems with high wind energy penetrations, unlike conventional generations, sudden changes in active and/or reactive power demand cannot be supported by wind energy. This lack of demand support may create unwanted voltage and frequency variations in the grid. On the hand, the existing AC distributed wind farms have several drawbacks including complexity, higher cost, and lower efficiency. In this dissertation, a medium voltage direct current (MVDC) distribution system for wind farms is investigated. The proposed system offers higher reliability, lower cost, higher efficiency and more importantly grid support. It also allows for easier integration of energy storage systems at DC level. Design, control, implementation, and testing of a three-level medium voltage inverter are presented. The inverter can provide active and reactive power support to the grid in case of frequency and voltage droops. Simulation and experimental results are presented to verify the viability of the proposed system and control techniques

    Third International Symposium on Magnetic Suspension Technology

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    In order to examine the state of technology of all areas of magnetic suspension and to review recent developments in sensors, controls, superconducting magnet technology, and design/implementation practices, the Third International Symposium on Magnetic Suspension Technology was held at the Holiday Inn Capital Plaza in Tallahassee, Florida on 13-15 Dec. 1995. The symposium included 19 sessions in which a total of 55 papers were presented. The technical sessions covered the areas of bearings, superconductivity, vibration isolation, maglev, controls, space applications, general applications, bearing/actuator design, modeling, precision applications, electromagnetic launch and hypersonic maglev, applications of superconductivity, and sensors

    Applications of Power Electronics:Volume 2

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