48 research outputs found

    Visualisierungen von Zugängen zur Wissensgesellschaft

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    Die Magisterarbeit Visualisierungen von Zugängen zur Wissensgesellschaft listet zunächst in einer beispielhaften Aufzählung verschiedenste Zugänge zur Wissensgesellschaft auf. Anhand der Darstellung von Gedanken und Errungenschaften der drei Wissenschafter Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Paul Otlet und Vannevar Bush wird nicht nur verdeutlicht was im Sinne dieser Untersuchung unter Zugängen zur Wissensgesellschaft zu verstehen ist, sondern auch die Grundlage zur genaueren Betrachtung von Visualisierungen gelegt. Danach wird in chronologischer Abfolge erklärt warum Visualisierungen in der Wissenschaft zumindest im deutschsprachigen Raum seit der Aufklärung verpönt waren, dass sie in einigen Forschungsbereichen dennoch von Bedeutung waren, und wie es zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts zu einem Paradigmenwechsel kam. Das Lebenswerk von Otto Neurath, vor allem das Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum in Wien und ISOTYPE, steht dabei im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtungen. Mit Hilfe von Otl Aicher und Edward Tufte wird der Bogen in die Gegenwart geschlagen. An dieser Stelle folgen Merkmale die Visualisierungen im Sinne dieser Arbeit von anderen bildhaften oder ikonischen Darstellungen unterscheiden. Die Zusammenführung der beiden Themenbereiche Visualisierungen und Zugänge zur Wissensgesellschaft erfolgt dann anhand moderner Technologien beziehungsweise neuer Medien. Ausführungen zu Icons, ClipArts und in weiterer Folge des Internets, Web 2.0, Ubiquitous Computing, Digital Formations und Blogs und Social Networks machen die Bedeutung von Visualisierungen für Zugänge zur Wissensgesellschaft offensichtlich. Ein wesentliches Ergebnis der Untersuchung ist, dass die Bedeutung von Visualisierungen mit der Menge und der Dezentralisierung von Informationen immer mehr zunimmt. Das vorläufige Ergebnis ist in den neuen Medien zu erkennen. Allerdings, so eine weitere wichtige Erkenntnis, stellen Visualisierungen nicht nur Lösungen dar, sondern werfen ihrerseits wiederum neue Probleme auf. Diesen Herausforderungen widmet sich der letzte Abschnitt der vorliegenden Arbeit. Die Themengebiete Digital Divide und New Media Literacy behandeln Problemfelder, die erst durch die neuen Medien entstanden sind. Die Kulturfertigkeiten Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen reichen in der heutigen Zeit nicht mehr aus. Um die Informationsvielfalt des Internets zum persönlichen und beruflichen Vorteil ausschöpfen zu können braucht es mehr Fertigkeiten. Welche, und wie diese gelernt und gelehrt werden sollen, wird im letzten Kapitel erörtert. Diese Untersuchung stellt teilweise bekannte, teilweise wenig beachtete Errungenschaften in einen neuen Kontext, eben den der Visualisierungen von Zugängen zur Wissensgesellschaft. Durch die chronologische Aufarbeitung der Thematik wird ein logischer Entwicklungsablauf vom 17. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart dargestellt und durch zukünftige Herausforderungen ergänzt. Neben einem medienarchäologischen Beitrag versteht sich diese Abhandlung auch als ein inter- und transdisziplinärer Ansatz. Als solcher weist sie immer wieder auf Bezugspunkte zu anderen wissenschaftlichen Forschungsfeldern hin, und rückt im Zuge dessen die Kommunikationswissenschaften an den Schnittpunkt der unterschiedlichen Anschauungen. Das Ziel ist es einen Beitrag zu leisten die Kommunikationswissenschaften als Kulturwissenschaft und somit als Vermittler zwischen unterschiedlichen Positionen zu etablieren.At first the master-thesis Visualizations of Accesses to the Knowledge-Society at first specifies, by giving some examples, various Accesses to the Knowledge-Society. By means of displaying the thoughts and achievements of the three scientists Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Paul Otlet and Vannevar Bush not only what this essay means by Accesses to the Knowledge-Society is described but also the basis for a thorough examination of Visualizations is laid out. Afterwards, it is illustrated in a chronological order why Visualizations have been frowned upon in German-speaking countries from a scientific point of view since the Enlightenment, that nonetheless they were of special importance to some specific scientific fields and how a change in this paradigm took place in the 20th century. The work of Otto Neurath, especially the Viennese Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum and ISOTYPE, is in the centre of these considerations. Regarding the scientists Otl Aicher and Edward Tufte, the arc from the past to the present is drawn. At this point the criteria of how to distinguish Visualizations, in the meaning of this study, from other pictorial or iconic displays is taken into consideration. The merging of the two topics Visualizations and Accesses to the Knowledge-Society takes place by means of Modern Technologies and New Media. Details of the topics Icons, ClipArts and after that of the Internet, Web 2.0, Ubiquitous Computing, Digital Formations, as well as Blogs and Social Networks make the relevance of Visualizations to Accesses to the Knowledge-Society apparent. One of the main results of this study is that the importance of Visualizations grows with the amount and the decentralization of Information. The preliminary outcome up to the present date can be encountered in the New Media Technologies. But, and that is another important insight of this examination, Visualizations are not only the solutions to many challenges of the past, but also they also cause new problems. These new provocations are outlined in the last chapter of this survey. These issues are examined with the help of the subjects Digital Divide and New Media Literacy, which first occurred with the uprising of the New Media Technologies. The cultural abilities of reading, writing and calculating do not suffice anymore. To use the many kinds of information provided by the Internet to one´s personal and professional benefit, new skills are necessary. Which ones and how they should be learned and taught is debated at the end of this analysis. This survey aims at combining neglected with forgotten scientific achievements in order to form the new context of Visualizations of Accesses to the Knowledge-Society. Because of the chronological order it is possible to show a logical evolution from the early 17th century up to the present, which at the present time is completed by future challenges. The media-archaeological point of view is only one focal point, another is an inter- and transdisciplinary research approach. As such numerous points of reference to other scientific research domains are to be found. The Communication Sciences therefore move to the intersection of these different points of view. The intent is to contribute to the establishment of Communication Sciences as Cultural Sciences and as such as intermediators between the different disciplines of science

    andererseits - Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies: Vol. 9/10, 2020/21

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    'andererseits' provides a forum for research, commentary, and creative work on topics related to the German-speaking world and the field of German Studies. Works presented in the publication come from a wide variety of genres including book reviews, poetry, essays, editorials, forum discussions, academic notes, lectures, and traditional peer-reviewed academic articles. In addition, we welcome contributions by journalists, librarians, archivists, and other commentators interested in German Studies broadly conceived. By publishing such a diverse array of material, we hope to demonstrate the extraordinary value of the humanities in general, and German Studies in particular, on a variety of intellectual and cultural levels

    Public Space and the Feeling of (Un)Safety: Between the need for improvement and social appropriation of Urban Competence

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    Safety in public spaces is less a matter of statistics and objectivity than of feelings and perception of space. Society constructs individual images of public space through subjective feelings. The triggers for this are diverse: physical environment, human behaviour, media and inequalities in participation in public space. This thesis therefore aims to find out which factors are decisive in the formation of a perception of space in relation to Subjective Safety. In addition, possible measures for the prevention of Feelings of Unsafety in public spaces are elaborated. In order to achieve these goals, this thesis is based on a literature review and three empirical survey methods. In the selected case study of a medium-sized town in Lower Saxony, Barsinghausen, an online survey was carried out to collect decisive factors for Feelings of (Un)Safety. Aiming to find out the significance of media in the area of analysis, an examination of the local press was appended. To obtain the perspective of the planners and consequently the initiators of preventive measures, an expert discussion was also held with representatives of the city planning and city administration of Barsinghausen. The evaluation of the results shows that although components of the physical environment, such as clarity, visibility and brightness, are decisive for safe perceptions in public spaces, it is increasingly human behaviour and media coverage that influence Subjective Safety. Here, differences between the sexes man and woman are particularly noticeable. Preventive planning measures by the city in a structural-architectural context alone are not sufficient to generally ensure increased safety perceptions in public space. The construction of safe feelings is also related to the development of social and urban competence within society, but urban planning is able to trigger this

    From West to North Frisia:a journey along the North Sea Coast : Frisian studies in honour of Jarich Hoekstra

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    "This volume contains 25 articles covering a wide array of subjects, reflecting the breadth of scholarship of one of today's leading experts in the field of Frisian Studies. The articles, written mostly in English and German, encompass a temporal range from Old Frisian to Modern Frisian and a geographical range from West Frisian in the Netherlands to Sater and North Frisian in Germany, and include Low German. Some articles initiate new fields of enquiry, e.g. uncharted areas of dialectology, others give comprehensive reviews of certain domains, e.g. the provenance of Old Frisian law texts, while a third category focusses on specific topics ranging from phonology, grammar and etymology to aspects of Frisian literature and a medieval Frisian ballad

    From West to North Frisia:a journey along the North Sea Coast : Frisian studies in honour of Jarich Hoekstra

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    "This volume contains 25 articles covering a wide array of subjects, reflecting the breadth of scholarship of one of today's leading experts in the field of Frisian Studies. The articles, written mostly in English and German, encompass a temporal range from Old Frisian to Modern Frisian and a geographical range from West Frisian in the Netherlands to Sater and North Frisian in Germany, and include Low German. Some articles initiate new fields of enquiry, e.g. uncharted areas of dialectology, others give comprehensive reviews of certain domains, e.g. the provenance of Old Frisian law texts, while a third category focusses on specific topics ranging from phonology, grammar and etymology to aspects of Frisian literature and a medieval Frisian ballad

    Un/Certain Futures: Rollen des Designs in gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen

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    Welche Rolle spielt Design in gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen? Können Zukünfte und soziale Wirklichkeiten nachhaltig gestaltet werden - oder handelt es sich bei den Wirkungen gestalterischer Eingriffe um mehr oder weniger zufällige Reaktionen eigensinnig evolvierender sozialer Systeme auf gut gemeinte Interventionen? Wie wäre das "Bessere" zu definieren, besonders im Kontext von Nachhaltigkeit und der Debatte um eine notwendige "Große Transformation"? Im Aufspannen eines komplexen Netzes von Beiträgen aus Theorie und Praxis wird Design in diesem Band außerhalb disziplinärer Engmaschigkeit gedacht und nimmt soziale, ökologische, politische und ökonomische Herausforderungen ernst

    Un/Certain Futures

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    A multi-Disciplinary View at Contingent Futures – Beyond the Placative Dualism of Design versus Disaster.Welche Rolle spielt Design in gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen? Können Zukünfte und soziale Wirklichkeiten nachhaltig gestaltet werden – oder handelt es sich bei den Wirkungen gestalterischer Eingriffe um mehr oder weniger zufällige Reaktionen eigensinnig evolvierender sozialer Systeme auf gut gemeinte Interventionen? Wie wäre das »Bessere« zu definieren, besonders im Kontext von Nachhaltigkeit und der Debatte um eine notwendige »Große Transformation«? Im Aufspannen eines komplexen Netzes von Beiträgen aus Theorie und Praxis wird Design in diesem Band außerhalb disziplinärer Engmaschigkeit gedacht und nimmt soziale, ökologische, politische und ökonomische Herausforderungen ernst

    Library buildings around the world

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    "Library Buildings around the World" is a survey based on researches of several years. The objective was to gather library buildings on an international level starting with 1990

    IRISS (Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies) FP7 European Research Project, Deliverable 3.2: Surveillance Impact Report

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    External research report produced for the European Commission as part of the FP7 IRISS project: Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Socieities, containing European case studies on the varying formats of neighbourhood watch, including the cultural and historical factors which may influence the creation of neighbourhood watch groups in the first instance. Overview of neighbourhood watch in the United Kingdom and analysis of the changing role of the police in relation to community policing and the impact which this has had on the primary purpose of neighbourhood watch organisations.This deliverable was written as part of the IRISS project which received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under Grant Agreement No. 285593. Additional co-authors: Alessia Ceresa, Chiara Fonio, Walter Peissl, Robert Rothman, Jaro Sterbik Lamina, Ivan Szekely, Beatrix Vissy, Wolfgang BonĂź, Daniel Fischer, Gemma Galdon Clavell, Reinhard Kreissl, Alexander Neumann, Nils Zurawsk