18 research outputs found

    Mathematical morphology on tensor data using the Loewner ordering

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    The notions of maximum and minimum are the key to the powerful tools of greyscale morphology. Unfortunately these notions do not carry over directly to tensor-valued data. Based upon the Loewner ordering for symmetric matrices this paper extends the maximum and minimum operation to the tensor-valued setting. This provides the ground to establish matrix-valued analogues of the basic morphological operations ranging from erosion/dilation to top hats. In contrast to former attempts to develop a morphological machinery for matrices, the novel definitions of maximal/minimal matrices depend continuously on the input data, a property crucial for the construction of morphological derivatives such as the Beucher gradient or a morphological Laplacian. These definitions are rotationally invariant and preserve positive semidefiniteness of matrix fields as they are encountered in DT-MRI data. The morphological operations resulting from a component-wise maximum/minimum of the matrix channels disregarding their strong correlation fail to be rotational invariant. Experiments on DT-MRI images as well as on indefinite matrix data illustrate the properties and performance of our morphological operators

    A generic approach to diffusion filtering of matrix-fields

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    Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI), is a image acquisition method, that provides matrix-valued data, so-called matrix fields. Hence image processing tools for the filtering and analysis of these data types are in demand. In this artricle we propose a generic framework that allows us to find the matrix-valued counterparts of the Perona-Malik PDEs with various diffusivity functions. To this end we extend the notion of derivatives and associated differential operators to matrix fields of symmetric matrices by adopting an operator-algebraic point of view. In order to solve these novel matrix-valued PDEs successfully we develop truly matrix-valued analogs to numerical solution schemes of the scalar setting. Numerical experiments performed on both synthetic and real world data substantiate the effectiveness of our novel matrix-valued Perona-Malik diffusion filters

    HOT–Lines: Tracking Lines in Higher Order Tensor Fields

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    Tensors occur in many areas of science and engineering. Especially, they are used to describe charge, mass and energy transport (i.e. electrical conductivity tensor, diffusion tensor, thermal conduction tensor resp.) If the locale transport pattern is complicated, usual second order tensor representation is not sufficient. So far, there are no appropriate visualization methods for this case. We point out similarities of symmetric higher order tensors and spherical harmonics. A spherical harmonic representation is used to improve tensor glyphs. This paper unites the definition of streamlines and tensor lines and generalizes tensor lines to those applications where second order tensors representations fail. The algorithm is tested on the tractography problem in diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) and improved for this special application

    A Second Order Non-Smooth Variational Model for Restoring Manifold-Valued Images

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    We introduce a new non-smooth variational model for the restoration of manifold-valued data which includes second order differences in the regularization term. While such models were successfully applied for real-valued images, we introduce the second order difference and the corresponding variational models for manifold data, which up to now only existed for cyclic data. The approach requires a combination of techniques from numerical analysis, convex optimization and differential geometry. First, we establish a suitable definition of absolute second order differences for signals and images with values in a manifold. Employing this definition, we introduce a variational denoising model based on first and second order differences in the manifold setup. In order to minimize the corresponding functional, we develop an algorithm using an inexact cyclic proximal point algorithm. We propose an efficient strategy for the computation of the corresponding proximal mappings in symmetric spaces utilizing the machinery of Jacobi fields. For the n-sphere and the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices, we demonstrate the performance of our algorithm in practice. We prove the convergence of the proposed exact and inexact variant of the cyclic proximal point algorithm in Hadamard spaces. These results which are of interest on its own include, e.g., the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices

    Improving Fiber Alignment in HARDI by Combining Contextual PDE Flow with Constrained Spherical Deconvolution

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    We propose two strategies to improve the quality of tractography results computed from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) data. Both methods are based on the same PDE framework, defined in the coupled space of positions and orientations, associated with a stochastic process describing the enhancement of elongated structures while preserving crossing structures. In the first method we use the enhancement PDE for contextual regularization of a fiber orientation distribution (FOD) that is obtained on individual voxels from high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) data via constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD). Thereby we improve the FOD as input for subsequent tractography. Secondly, we introduce the fiber to bundle coherence (FBC), a measure for quantification of fiber alignment. The FBC is computed from a tractography result using the same PDE framework and provides a criterion for removing the spurious fibers. We validate the proposed combination of CSD and enhancement on phantom data and on human data, acquired with different scanning protocols. On the phantom data we find that PDE enhancements improve both local metrics and global metrics of tractography results, compared to CSD without enhancements. On the human data we show that the enhancements allow for a better reconstruction of crossing fiber bundles and they reduce the variability of the tractography output with respect to the acquisition parameters. Finally, we show that both the enhancement of the FODs and the use of the FBC measure on the tractography improve the stability with respect to different stochastic realizations of probabilistic tractography. This is shown in a clinical application: the reconstruction of the optic radiation for epilepsy surgery planning

    Total variation regularization for manifold-valued data

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    We consider total variation minimization for manifold valued data. We propose a cyclic proximal point algorithm and a parallel proximal point algorithm to minimize TV functionals with â„“p\ell^p-type data terms in the manifold case. These algorithms are based on iterative geodesic averaging which makes them easily applicable to a large class of data manifolds. As an application, we consider denoising images which take their values in a manifold. We apply our algorithms to diffusion tensor images, interferometric SAR images as well as sphere and cylinder valued images. For the class of Cartan-Hadamard manifolds (which includes the data space in diffusion tensor imaging) we show the convergence of the proposed TV minimizing algorithms to a global minimizer

    Mumford-Shah and Potts Regularization for Manifold-Valued Data with Applications to DTI and Q-Ball Imaging

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    Mumford-Shah and Potts functionals are powerful variational models for regularization which are widely used in signal and image processing; typical applications are edge-preserving denoising and segmentation. Being both non-smooth and non-convex, they are computationally challenging even for scalar data. For manifold-valued data, the problem becomes even more involved since typical features of vector spaces are not available. In this paper, we propose algorithms for Mumford-Shah and for Potts regularization of manifold-valued signals and images. For the univariate problems, we derive solvers based on dynamic programming combined with (convex) optimization techniques for manifold-valued data. For the class of Cartan-Hadamard manifolds (which includes the data space in diffusion tensor imaging), we show that our algorithms compute global minimizers for any starting point. For the multivariate Mumford-Shah and Potts problems (for image regularization) we propose a splitting into suitable subproblems which we can solve exactly using the techniques developed for the corresponding univariate problems. Our method does not require any a priori restrictions on the edge set and we do not have to discretize the data space. We apply our method to diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) as well as Q-ball imaging. Using the DTI model, we obtain a segmentation of the corpus callosum

    Near-tubular fiber bundle segmentation for diffusion weighted imaging: Segmentation through frame reorientation

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    This paper proposes a methodology to segment near-tubular fiber bundles from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance images (DW-MRI). Segmentation is simplified by locally reorienting diffusion information based on large-scale fiber bundle geometry. Segmentation is achieved through simple global statistical modeling of diffusion orientation. Utilizing a modification of a recent segmentation approach by Bresson et al. allows for a convex optimization formulation of the segmentation problem, combining orientation statistics and spatial regularization. The approach compares favorably with segmentation by full-brain streamline tractography

    Anisotropic Diffusion Partial Differential Equations in Multi-Channel Image Processing : Framework and Applications

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    We review recent methods based on diffusion PDE's (Partial Differential Equations) for the purpose of multi-channel image regularization. Such methods have the ability to smooth multi-channel images anisotropically and can preserve then image contours while removing noise or other undesired local artifacts. We point out the pros and cons of the existing equations, providing at each time a local geometric interpretation of the corresponding processes. We focus then on an alternate and generic tensor-driven formulation, able to regularize images while specifically taking the curvatures of local image structures into account. This particular diffusion PDE variant is actually well suited for the preservation of thin structures and gives regularization results where important image features can be particularly well preserved compared to its competitors. A direct link between this curvature-preserving equation and a continuous formulation of the Line Integral Convolution technique (Cabral and Leedom, 1993) is demonstrated. It allows the design of a very fast and stable numerical scheme which implements the multi-valued regularization method by successive integrations of the pixel values along curved integral lines. Besides, the proposed implementation, based on a fourth-order Runge Kutta numerical integration, can be applied with a subpixel accuracy and preserves then thin image structures much better than classical finite-differences discretizations, usually chosen to implement PDE-based diffusions. We finally illustrate the efficiency of this diffusion PDE's for multi-channel image regularization - in terms of speed and visual quality - with various applications and results on color images, including image denoising, inpainting and edge-preserving interpolation