1,913 research outputs found

    The impact of aerobic exercise on brain's white matter integrity in the Alzheimer's disease and the aging population

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    The brain is the most complex organ in the body. Currently, its complicated functionality has not been fully understood. However, in the last decades an exponential growth on research publications emerged thanks to the use of in-vivo brain imaging techniques. One of these techniques pioneered for medical use in the early 1970s was known as nuclear magnetic resonance imaging based (now called magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]). Nowadays, the advances of MRI technology not only allowed us to characterize volumetric changes in specific brain structures but now we could identify different patterns of activation (e.g. functional MRI) or changes in structural brain connectivity (e.g. diffusion MRI). One of the benefits of using these techniques is that we could investigate changes that occur in disease-specific cohorts such as in the case of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a neurodegenerative disease that affects mainly older populations. This disease has been known for over a century and even though great advances in technology and pharmacology have occurred, currently there is no cure for the disease. Hence, in this work I decided to investigate whether aerobic exercise, an emerging alternative method to pharmacological treatments, might provide neuroprotective effects to slow down the evident brain deterioration of AD using novel in-vivo diffusion imaging techniques. Previous reports in animal and human studies have supported these exercise-related neuro-protective mechanisms. Concurrently in AD participants, increased brain volumes have been positively associated with higher cardiorespiratory fitness levels, a direct marker of sustained physical activity and increased exercise. Thus, the goal of this work is to investigate further whether exercise influences the brain using structural connectivity analyses and novel diffusion imaging techniques that go beyond volumetric characterization. The approach I chose to present this work combined two important aspects of the investigation. First, I introduced important concepts based on the neuro-scientific work in relation to Alzheimer’s diseases, in-vivo imaging, and exercise physiology (Chapter 1). Secondly, I tried to describe in simple mathematics the physics of this novel diffusion imaging technique (Chapter 2) and supported a tract-specific diffusion imaging processing methodology (Chapter 3 and 4). Consequently, the later chapters combined both aspects of this investigation in a manuscript format (Chapter 5-8). Finally, I summarized my findings, include recommendations for similar studies, described future work, and stated a final conclusion of this work (Chapter 9)

    The Structural and Functional Connectome and Prediction of Risk for Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults

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    The human connectome refers to a comprehensive description of the brain's structural and functional connections in terms of brain networks. As the field of brain connectomics has developed, data acquisition, subsequent processing and modeling, and ultimately the representation of the connectome have become better defined and integrated with network science approaches. In this way, the human connectome has provided a way to elucidate key features of not only the healthy brain but also diseased brains. The field has quickly evolved, offering insights into network disruptions that are characteristic for specific neurodegenerative disorders. In this paper, we provide a brief review of the field of brain connectomics, as well as a more in-depth survey of recent studies that have provided new insights into brain network pathologies, including those found in Alzheimer's disease (AD), patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and finally in people classified as being "at risk". Until the emergence of brain connectomics, most previous studies had assessed neurodegenerative diseases mainly by focusing on specific and dispersed locales in the brain. Connectomics-based approaches allow us to model the brain as a network, which allows for inferences about how dynamic changes in brain function would be affected in relation to structural changes. In fact, looking at diseases using network theory gives rise to new hypotheses on mechanisms of pathophysiology and clinical symptoms. Finally, we discuss the future of this field and how understanding both the functional and structural connectome can aid in gaining sharper insight into changes in biological brain networks associated with cognitive impairment and dementia

    Cognitive-Motor Integration In Normal Aging And Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease: Neural Correlates And Early Detection

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    The objectives of the studies included in this dissertation were to characterize how the ability to integrate cognition into action is disrupted by both normal and pathological aging, to evaluate the effectiveness of kinematic measures in discriminating between individuals who are and are not at increased Alzheimer’s disease (AD) risk, and to examine the structural and functional neural correlates of cognitive-motor impairment in individuals at increased AD risk. The underlying hypothesis, based on previous research, is that measuring visuomotor integration under conditions that place demands on visual-spatial and cognitive-motor processing may provide an effective behavioural means for the early detection of brain alterations associated with AD risk. To this end, the first study involved testing participants both with and without AD risk factors on visuomotor tasks using a dual-touchscreen tablet. Comparisons between high AD risk participants and both young and old healthy control groups revealed significant performance disruptions in at-risk participants in the most cognitively demanding task. Furthermore, a stepwise discriminant analysis was able to distinguish between high and low AD risk participants with a classification accuracy of 86.4%. Based on the prediction that the impairments observed in high AD risk participants reflect disruption to the intricate reciprocal communication between hippocampal, parietal, and frontal brain regions required to successfully prepare and update complex reaching movements, the second and third studies were designed to examine the underlying structural and functional connectivity associated with cognitive-motor performance. Young adult and both low AD risk and high AD risk older adult participants underwent anatomical, diffusion-weighted, and resting-state functional connectivity scans. These data revealed significant age-related declines in white matter integrity that were more pronounced in the high AD risk group. Decreased functional connectivity in the default mode network (DMN) was also found in high AD risk participants. Furthermore, measures of white matter integrity and resting-state functional connectivity with DMN seed-regions were significantly correlated with task performance. These data support our hypothesis that disease-related disruptions in visuomotor control are associated with identifiable brain alterations, and thus behavioural assessments incorporating both cognition and action together may be useful in identifying individuals at increased AD risk

    Systems modeling of white matter microstructural abnormalities in Alzheimer's disease

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    INTRODUCTION: Microstructural abnormalities in white matter (WM) are often reported in Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, it is unclear which brain regions have the strongest WM changes in presymptomatic AD and what biological processes underlie WM abnormality during disease progression. METHODS: We developed a systems biology framework to integrate matched diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), genetic and transcriptomic data to investigate regional vulnerability to AD and identify genetic risk factors and gene subnetworks underlying WM abnormality in AD. RESULTS: We quantified regional WM abnormality and identified most vulnerable brain regions. A SNP rs2203712 in CELF1 was most significantly associated with several DTI-derived features in the hippocampus, the top ranked brain region. An immune response gene subnetwork in the blood was most correlated with DTI features across all the brain regions. DISCUSSION: Incorporation of image analysis with gene network analysis enhances our understanding of disease progression and facilitates identification of novel therapeutic strategies for AD

    Structural and Functional Brain Connectivity in Middle-Aged Carriers of Risk Alleles for Alzheimer\u27s Disease

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in APOE, COMT, BDNF, and KIBRA have been associated with age-related memory performance and executive functioning as well as risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The purpose of the present investigation was to characterize differences in brain functional and structural integrity associated with these SNPs as potential endophenotypes of age-related cognitive decline. I focused my investigation on healthy, cognitively normal middle-aged adults, as disentangling the early effects of healthy versus pathological aging in this group may aid early detection and prevention of AD. The aims of the study were 1) to characterize SNP-related differences in functional connectivity within two resting state networks (RSNs; default mode network [DMN] and executive control network [ECN]) associated with memory and executive functioning, respectively; 2) to identify differences in the white matter (WM) microstructural integrity of tracts underlying these RSNs; and 3) to characterize genotype differences in the graph properties of an integrated functional-structural network. Participants (age 40-60, N = 150) underwent resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and genotyping. Independent components analysis (ICA) was used to derive RSNs, while probabilistic tractography was performed to characterize tracts connecting RSN subregions. A technique known as functional-by-structural hierarchical (FSH) mapping was used to create the integrated, whole brain functional-structural network, or resting state structural connectome (rsSC). I found that BDNF risk allele carriers had lower functional connectivity within the DMN, while KIBRA risk allele carriers had poorer WM microstructural integrity in tracts underlying the DMN and ECN. In addition to these differences in the connectivity of specific RSNs, I found significant impairments in the global and local topology of the rsSC across all evaluated SNPs. Collectively, these findings suggest that integrating multiple neuroimaging modalities and using graph theoretical analysis may reveal network-level vulnerabilities that may serve as biomarkers of age-related cognitive decline in middle age, decades before the onset of overt cognitive impairment

    Cerebellar white matter disruption in Alzheimer’s Disease patients: a Diffusion Tensor Imaging study

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    The cognitive role of the cerebellum has recently gained much attention, and its pivotal role in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has now been widely recognized. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been used to evaluate the disruption of the microstructural milieu in AD, and though several white matter (WM) tracts such as corpus callosum, inferior and superior longitudinal fasciculus, cingulum, fornix, and uncinate fasciculus have been evaluated in AD, data on cerebellar WM tracts are currently lacking. We performed a tractography-based DTI reconstruction of the middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP), and the left and right superior cerebellar peduncles separately (SCPL and SCPR) and addressed the differences in fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity (Dax), radial diffusivity (RD), and mean diffusivity (MD) in the three tracts between 50 patients with AD and 25 healthy subjects. We found that AD patients showed a lower FA and a higher RD compared to healthy subjects in MCP, SCPL, and SCPR. Moreover, a higher MD was found in SCPR and SCPL and a higher Dax in SCPL. This result is important as it challenges the traditional view that WM bundles in the cerebellum are unaffected in AD and might identify new targets for therapeutic interventions
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