2,397 research outputs found

    The dyadic diffraction coefficient for a curved edge

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    A compact dyadic diffraction coefficient for electromagnetic waves obliquely incident on a curved edge formed by perfectly conducting curved or plane surfaces is obtained. This diffraction coefficent remains valid in the transition regions adjacent to shadow and reflection boundaries, where the diffraction coefficients of Keller's original theory fail. The method is on Keller's method of the canonical problem, which in this case is the perfectly conducting wedge illuminated by plane, cylindrical, conical, and spherical waves. When the proper ray fixed coordinate system is introduced, the dyadic diffraction coefficient for the wedge is found to be the sum of only two dyads, and it is shown that this is also true for the dyadic diffraction coefficients of higher order edges. One dyad contains the acoustic soft diffraction coefficient; the other dyad contains the acoustic hard diffraction coefficient. The expressions for the acoustic wedge diffraction coefficients contain Fresnel integrals, which ensure that the total field is continuous at shadow and reflection boundaries. The diffraction coefficients have the same form for the different types of edge illumination; only the arguments of the Fresnel integrals are different. Since diffraction is a local phenomenon, and locally the curved edge structure is wedge shaped, this result is readily extended to the curved edge

    GTD analysis of airborne antennas radiating in the presence of lossy dielectric layers

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    The patterns of monopole or aperture antennas mounted on a perfectly conducting convex surface radiating in the presence of a dielectric or metal plate are computed. The geometrical theory of diffraction is used to analyze the radiating system and extended here to include diffraction by flat dielectric slabs. Modified edge diffraction coefficients valid for wedges whose walls are lossy or lossless thin dielectric or perfectly conducting plates are developed. The width of the dielectric plates cannot exceed a quarter of a wavelength in free space, and the interior angle of the wedge is assumed to be close to 0 deg or 180 deg. Systematic methods for computing the individual components of the total high frequency field are discussed. The accuracy of the solutions is demonstrated by comparisons with measured results, where a 2 lambda by 4 lambda prolate spheroid is used as the convex surface. A jump or kink appears in the calculated pattern when higher order terms that are important are not included in the final solution. The most immediate application of the results presented here is in the modelling of structures such as aircraft which are composed of nonmetallic parts that play a significant role in the pattern

    New main reflector, subreflector and dual chamber concepts for compact range applications

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    A compact range is a facility used for the measurement of antenna radiation and target scattering problems. Most presently available parabolic reflectors do not produce ideal uniform plane waves in the target zone. Design improvements are suggested to reduce the amplitude taper, ripple and cross polarization errors. The ripple caused by diffractions from the reflector edges can be reduced by adding blended rolled edges and shaping the edge contour. Since the reflected edge continues smoothly from the parabola onto the rolled surface, rather than being abruptly terminated, the discontinuity in the reflected field is reduced which results in weaker diffracted fields. This is done by blending the rolled edges from the parabola into an ellipse. An algorithm which enables one to design optimum blended rolled edges was developed that is based on an analysis of the continuity of the surface radius of curvature and its derivatives across the junction. Futhermore, a concave edge contour results in a divergent diffracted ray pattern and hence less stray energy in the target zone. Design equations for three-dimensional reflectors are given. Various examples were analyzed using a new physical optics method which eliminates the effects of the false scattering centers on the incident shadow boundaries. A Gregorian subreflector system, in which both the subreflector and feed axes are tilted, results in a substantial reduction in the amplitude taper and cross polarization errors. A dual chamber configuration is proposed to eliminate the effects of diffraction from the subreflector and spillover from the feed. A computationally efficient technique, based on ray tracing and aperture integration, was developed to analyze the scattering from a lossy dielectric slab with a wedge termination

    AROMA: Automatic Generation of Radio Maps for Localization Systems

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    WLAN localization has become an active research field recently. Due to the wide WLAN deployment, WLAN localization provides ubiquitous coverage and adds to the value of the wireless network by providing the location of its users without using any additional hardware. However, WLAN localization systems usually require constructing a radio map, which is a major barrier of WLAN localization systems' deployment. The radio map stores information about the signal strength from different signal strength streams at selected locations in the site of interest. Typical construction of a radio map involves measurements and calibrations making it a tedious and time-consuming operation. In this paper, we present the AROMA system that automatically constructs accurate active and passive radio maps for both device-based and device-free WLAN localization systems. AROMA has three main goals: high accuracy, low computational requirements, and minimum user overhead. To achieve high accuracy, AROMA uses 3D ray tracing enhanced with the uniform theory of diffraction (UTD) to model the electric field behavior and the human shadowing effect. AROMA also automates a number of routine tasks, such as importing building models and automatic sampling of the area of interest, to reduce the user's overhead. Finally, AROMA uses a number of optimization techniques to reduce the computational requirements. We present our system architecture and describe the details of its different components that allow AROMA to achieve its goals. We evaluate AROMA in two different testbeds. Our experiments show that the predicted signal strength differs from the measurements by a maximum average absolute error of 3.18 dBm achieving a maximum localization error of 2.44m for both the device-based and device-free cases.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figure

    Aperture reflection coefficient of a parallel- plate waveguide by wedge diffraction analysis

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    Aperture reflection coefficient of parallel plate waveguide by wedge diffraction analysi

    Analysis and measurement of electromagnetic scattering by pyramidal and wedge absorbers

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    By modifying the reflection coefficients in the Uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction a solution that approximates the scattering from a dielectric wedge is found. This solution agrees closely with the exact solution of Rawlins which is only valid for a few minor cases. This modification is then applied to the corner diffraction coefficient and combined with an equivalent current and geometrical optics solutions to model scattering from pyramid and wedge absorbers. Measured results from 12 inch pyramid absorbers from 2 to 18 GHz are compared to calculations assuming the returns add incoherently and assuming the returns add coherently. The measured results tend to be between the two curves. Measured results from the 8 inch wedge absorber are also compared to calculations with the return being dominated by the wedge diffraction. The procedures for measuring and specifying absorber performance are discussed and calibration equations are derived to calculate a reflection coefficient or a reflectivity using a reference sphere. Shaping changes to the present absorber designs are introduced to improve performance based on both high and low frequency analysis. Some prototypes were built and tested

    Bistatic scattering from a cone frustum

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    The bistatic scattering from a perfectly conducting cone frustum is investigated using the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD). The first-order GTD edge-diffraction solution has been extended by correcting for its failure in the specular region off the curved surface and in the rim-caustic regions of the endcaps. The corrections are accomplished by the use of transition functions which are developed and introduced into the diffraction coefficients. Theoretical results are verified in the principal plane by comparison with the moment method solution and experimental measurements. The resulting solution for the scattered fields is accurate, easy to apply, and fast to compute

    Electromagnetic backscattering by corner reflectors

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    The Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD), which supplements Geometric Optics (GO), and the Physical Theory of Diffraction (PTD), which supplements Physical Optics (PO), are used to predict the backscatter cross sections of dihedral corner reflectors which have right, obtuse, or acute included angles. These theories allow individual backscattering mechanisms of the dihedral corner reflectors to be identified and provide good agreement with experimental results in the azimuthal plane. The advantages and disadvantages of the geometrical and physical theories are discussed in terms of their accuracy, usefulness, and complexity. Numerous comparisons of analytical results with experimental data are presented. While physical optics alone is more accurate and more useful than geometrical optics alone, the combination of geometrical optics and geometrical diffraction seems to out perform physical optics and physical diffraction when compared with experimental data, especially for acute angle dihedral corner reflectors