1,269 research outputs found

    Differentiated Multiple Aggregations in Multidimensional Databases

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    International audienceMany models have been proposed for modeling multidimensional data warehouse and most consider a same function to determine how measure values are aggregated according to different data detail levels. We provide a conceptual model that supports (1) multiple aggregations, associating to the same measure a different aggregation function according to analysis axes or hierarchies, and (2) differentiated aggregation, allowing specific aggregations at each detail level. Our model is based on a graphical formalism that allows controlling the validity of aggregation functions (distributive, algebraic or holistic). We also show how conceptual modeling can be used, in an R-OLAP environment, for building lattices of pre-computed aggregates

    Multidimensional database modelling with differentiated multiple aggregations

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    International audienceMany solutions have been defined for multidimensional database modelling. These propositions consider the same aggregation function to determine the values of an indicator according to different levels of granularity into the multidimensional space. We provide a more flexible conceptual model that supports multiple differentiated aggregations. Multiple aggregations allow associating different aggregation functions to the same measure for each dimension and for each hierarchy. Differentiated aggregation allows specific aggregations at each level (parameter). Our model is based on a double graphical formalism, expressive enough to control the validity of aggregation functions. We also study the consequences of this conceptual modelling for building lattices of pre-computed aggregates in a relational online analytical processing (R-OLAP) environment

    OLAP in Multifunction Multidimensional Database

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    International audienceMost models proposed for modeling multidimensional data warehouses consider a same function to determine how measure values are aggregated. We provide a more flexible conceptual model allowing associating each measure with several aggregation functions according to dimensions, hierarchies, and levels of granularity. This article studies the impacts of this model on the multidimensional table (MT) and the OLAP algebra [11]. It shows how the MT can handle several aggregation functions. It also introduces the changes of the internal mechanism of OLAP operators to take into account several aggregation functions especially if these functions are non-commutative

    Implantation Not Only SQL des bases de données multidimensionnelles

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    International audienceLes systÚmes NoSQL (Not Only SQL) se développent notamment grùce à leur capacité à gérer facilement de grands volumes de données, et leur flexibilité en terme de type de données. Dans cet article, nous étudions l'implantation d'un entrepÎt de données multidimensionnelles avec un systÚme NoSQL orienté documents. Nous proposons des rÚgles de transformation qui permettent de passer d'un modÚle conceptuel multidimensionnel vers un modÚle logique NoSQL orienté documents. Nous proposons trois types de transformation pour implanter les entrepÎts de données multidimensionnelles. Nous expérimentons ces trois approches avec le systÚme MongoDB, et étudions le chargement des données, les processus de transformation d'un type d'implantation à un autre ainsi que le pré-calcul d'agrégats inhérents aux entrepÎts de données multidimensionnelles

    Building Data Warehouses with Semantic Web Data

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    The Semantic Web (SW) deployment is now a realization and the amount of semantic annotations is ever increasing thanks to several initiatives that promote a change in the current Web towards the Web of Data, where the semantics of data become explicit through data representation formats and standards such as RDF/(S) and OWL. However, such initiatives have not yet been accompanied by e cient intelligent applications that can exploit the implicit semantics and thus, provide more insightful analysis. In this paper, we provide the means for e ciently analyzing and exploring large amounts of semantic data by combining the inference power from the annotation semantics with the analysis capabilities provided by OLAP-style aggregations, navigation, and reporting. We formally present how semantic data should be organized in a well-de ned conceptual MD schema, so that sophisticated queries can be expressed and evaluated. Our proposal has been evaluated over a real biomedical scenario, which demonstrates the scalability and applicability of the proposed approach

    Interactive Exploration of Neuroanatomical Meta-Spaces

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    Large-archives of neuroimaging data present many opportunities for re-analysis and mining that can lead to new findings of use in basic research or in the characterization of clinical syndromes. However, interaction with such archives tends to be driven textually, based on subject or image volume meta-data, not the actual neuroanatomical morphology itself, for which the imaging was performed to measure. What is needed is a content-driven approach for examining not only the image content itself but to explore brains that are anatomically similar, and identifying patterns embedded within entire sets of neuroimaging data. With the aim of visual navigation of large- scale neurodatabases, we introduce the concept of brain meta-spaces. The meta-space encodes pair-wise dissimilarities between all individuals in a population and shows the relationships between brains as a navigable framework for exploration. We employ multidimensional scaling (MDS) to implement meta-space processing for a new coordinate system that distributes all data points (brain surfaces) in a common frame-of-reference, with anatomically similar brain data located near each other. To navigate within this derived meta-space, we have developed a fully interactive 3D visualization environment that allows users to examine hundreds of brains simultaneously, visualize clusters of brains with similar characteristics, zoom in on particular instances, and examine the surface topology of an individual brain's surface in detail. The visualization environment not only displays the dissimilarities between brains, but also renders complete surface representations of individual brain structures, allowing an instant 3D view of the anatomies, as well as their differences. The data processing is implemented in a grid-based setting using the LONI Pipeline workflow environment. Additionally users can specify a range of baseline brain atlas spaces as the underlying scale for comparative analyses. The novelty in our approach lies in the user ability to simultaneously view and interact with many brains at once but doing so in a vast meta-space that encodes (dis) similarity in morphometry. We believe that the concept of brain meta-spaces has important implications for the future of how users interact with large-scale archives of primary neuroimaging data

    A SAM Based Global CGE Model using GTAP Data January 2005

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    This paper provides a technical description of a global computable general equilibrium (CGE) model that is calibrated from a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) representation of the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) database. A distinctive feature of the model is the treatment of nominal and real exchange rates and hence the specification of multiple numéraire

    Comparative approaches in social network ecology

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    Abstract Social systems vary enormously across the animal kingdom, with important implications for ecological and evolutionary processes such as infectious disease dynamics, anti-predator defence, and the evolution of cooperation. Comparing social network structures between species offers a promising route to help disentangle the ecological and evolutionary processes that shape this diversity. Comparative analyses of networks like these are challenging and have been used relatively little in ecology, but are becoming increasingly feasible as the number of empirical datasets expands. Here, we provide an overview of multispecies comparative social network studies in ecology and evolution. We identify a range of advancements that these studies have made and key challenges that they face, and we use these to guide methodological and empirical suggestions for future research. Overall, we hope to motivate wider publication and analysis of open social network datasets in animal ecology

    A data-driven method for unsupervised electricity consumption characterisation at the district level and beyond

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    A bottom-up electricity characterisation methodology of the building stock at the local level is presented. It is based on the statistical learning analysis of aggregated energy consumption data, weather data, cadastre, and socioeconomic information. To demonstrate the validity of this methodology, the characterisation of the electricity consumption of the whole province of Lleida, located in northeast Spain, is implemented and tested. The geographical aggregation level considered is the postal code since it is the highest data resolution available through the open data sources used in the research work. The development and the experimental tests are supported by a web application environment formed by interactive user interfaces specifically developed for this purpose. The paper’s novelty relies on the application of statistical data methods able to infer the main energy performance characteristics of a large number of urban districts without prior knowledge of their building characteristics and with the use of solely measured data coming from smart meters, cadastre databases and weather forecasting services. A data-driven technique disaggregates electricity consumption in multiple uses (space heating, cooling, holidays and baseload). In addition, multiple Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are derived from this disaggregated energy uses to obtain the energy characterisation of the buildings within a specific area. The potential reuse of this methodology allows for a better understanding of the drivers of electricity use, with multiple applications for the public and private sector.This work emanated from research conducted with the fi-nancial support of the European Commission through the H2020project BIGG , grant agreement 957047, and the JRC Expert Con-tractCT-EX2017D306558-102.D.ChemisanathanksICREAfortheICREA Acadùmia. Dr J. Cipriano also thanks the Ministerio deCiencia e Innovación of the Spanish Government for the Juan dela Cierva Incorporación gran
