35 research outputs found

    Design and optimal springs stiffness estimation of a Modular OmniCrawler in-pipe climbing Robot

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    This paper discusses the design of a novel compliant in-pipe climbing modular robot for small diameter pipes. The robot consists of a kinematic chain of 3 OmniCrawler modules with a link connected in between 2 adjacent modules via compliant joints. While the tank-like crawler mechanism provides good traction on low friction surfaces, its circular cross-section makes it holonomic. The holonomic motion assists it to re-align in a direction to avoid obstacles during motion as well as overcome turns with a minimal energy posture. Additionally, the modularity enables it to negotiate T-junction without motion singularity. The compliance is realized using 4 torsion springs incorporated in joints joining 3 modules with 2 links. For a desirable pipe diameter (\text{\O} 75mm), the springs' stiffness values are obtained by formulating a constraint optimization problem which has been simulated in ADAMS MSC and further validated on a real robot prototype. In order to negotiate smooth vertical bends and friction coefficient variations in pipes, the design was later modified by replacing springs with series elastic actuators (SEA) at 2 of the 4 joints.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1704.0681

    COCrIP: Compliant OmniCrawler In-pipeline Robot

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    This paper presents a modular in-pipeline climbing robot with a novel compliant foldable OmniCrawler mechanism. The circular cross-section of the OmniCrawler module enables a holonomic motion to facilitate the alignment of the robot in the direction of bends. Additionally, the crawler mechanism provides a fair amount of traction, even on slippery surfaces. These advantages of crawler modules have been further supplemented by incorporating active compliance in the module itself which helps to negotiate sharp bends in small diameter pipes. The robot has a series of 3 such compliant foldable modules interconnected by the links via passive joints. For the desirable pipe diameter and curvature of the bends, the spring stiffness value for each passive joint is determined by formulating a constrained optimization problem using the quasi-static model of the robot. Moreover, a minimum friction coefficient value between the module-pipe surface which can be vertically climbed by the robot without slipping is estimated. The numerical simulation results have further been validated by experiments on real robot prototype

    Multi-Objective Design Optimization of the Leg Mechanism for a Piping Inspection Robot

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    This paper addresses the dimensional synthesis of an adaptive mechanism of contact points ie a leg mechanism of a piping inspection robot operating in an irradiated area as a nuclear power plant. This studied mechanism is the leading part of the robot sub-system responsible of the locomotion. Firstly, three architectures are chosen from the literature and their properties are described. Then, a method using a multi-objective optimization is proposed to determine the best architecture and the optimal geometric parameters of a leg taking into account environmental and design constraints. In this context, the objective functions are the minimization of the mechanism size and the maximization of the transmission force factor. Representations of the Pareto front versus the objective functions and the design parameters are given. Finally, the CAD model of several solutions located on the Pareto front are presented and discussed.Comment: Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences \& Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Buffalo : United States (2014

    A Robotic Assistance Machine Vision Technique for An Effective Inspection and Analysis

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    An Inspection is a study of methods and techniques that can be suitably employed in practical applications. In this paper, a new activity is proposed and analysis framework to facilitate the inspection of an object using machine vision technique in which maximum efficiency can be achieved. By using LABVIEW software and vision builder software the quality of output images such as image compression, image restoration and multimedia streaming are achieved successfully. So the proposed design makes use of various image processing functions like special filters and classifiers to compute the optimum results. Using smart camera in the inspection system the static as well as the dynamic object is captured in fraction of seconds without any blurs; as a result the optimum image quality without any distortion is obtained for better analysis. The proposed system is very precise, accurate and flexible with reasonable development cost compared to other model. With the aid of an Industrial robotic system with simulation software the object is replaced immediately when the same is rejected by the machine vision model. Apart from this, the proposed model can be implemented for any type of Automation wor

    A Proposal for a Multi-Drive Heterogeneous Modular Pipe- Inspection Micro-Robot

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    This paper presents the architecture used to develop a micro-robot for narrow pipes inspection. Both the electromechanical design and the control scheme will be described. In pipe environments it is very useful to have a method to retrieve information of the state of the inside part of the pipes in order to detect damages, breaks and holes. Due to the di_erent types of pipes that exists, a modular approach with di_erent types of modules has been chosen in order to be able to adapt to the shape of the pipe and to chose the most appropriate gait. The micro-robot has been designed for narrow pipes, a _eld in which there are not many prototypes. The robot incorporates a camera module for visual inspection and several drive modules for locomotion and turn (helicoidal, inchworm, two degrees of freedom rotation). The control scheme is based on semi-distributed behavior control and is also described. A simulation environment is also presented for prototypes testing

    Технології внутрішньотрубного обстеження та ремонту важкодоступних ділянок газонафтопроводів

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    Обґрунтовано доцільність застосування внутрішньотрубних засобів для обстеження та ремонту важкодоступних ділянок газонафтопроводів, прокладених під водою на значних глибинах, в важкодоступній болотистій, гірській місцевості та споруджених способом похило-скерованого буріння. Здійснено характеристику дефектів, які виникають під час спорудження та експлуатації трубопроводів. Встановлено, які види дефектів можливі на важкодоступних ділянках газон афтопроводів. Наведено тренди сьогодення з внутрішньотрубного обстеження та ремонту важкодоступних ділянок газонафтопроводів. Проаналізовано технічні можливості засобів внутрішньотрубного обстеження (інтелектуальних поршнів, кроулерів), встановлено їх переваги та недоліки. Класифіковано та здійснено аналіз існуючих методів внутрішньотрубного ремонту, включаючи пакери, лайнери (С, U - лайнери, примус лайнери, лайнери панчохи), наплавлення (роботизованими апаратами, ручним дуговим зварюванням), металеві вставки (труба в трубі, внутрішньотрубні муфти), виділено особливості, переваги та недоліки кожного з них, зроблено висновки про придатність того чи іншого методу для ремонту різних дефектних ділянок газонафтопроводів. Наведено пріоритети розвитку внутрішньотрубних технологій ремонту важкодоступних ділянок газонафтопроводів. Встановлено, що найуніверсальнішими та найекономїчнішими технологіями внутрішньотрубного ремонту є внутрішньотрубні роботи - сучасний світовий тренд в ремонті трубопроводів. Наведено конструктивні частини внутрішньотрубних роботів, види їх шасі, їх переваги та недоліки, виділено найперспективніші з них для вирішення задач ремонту важкодоступних ділянок магістральних газонафтопроводів різних діаметрів.Expediency of in-tube tools for inspection and repair of oil and gas pipelines' hard-to-reach areas laid under water at great depths in a remote swampy, mountainous terrain, built by means of directional drilling was defined. The analysis of the defects during pipelines’ construction, and operation was performed. The defect types in oil and gas pipelines’ hard-to-reach areas were determined. The trends of the in-tube inspection and repair of oil and gas pipelines’ hard-to-reach areas were listed. The analysis of the technical feasibility of in-tube inspection (intelligent pig, crawler) was performed; their advantages and disadvantages were outlined. The analysis and classification of existing methods of the in-tube repair, including packers, liners (C, U - liners, primus liners, liners stockings) were performed, welding (robotic devices, manual arc welding), metal inserts (tube-in-tube, in-tube sleeve), the features, advantages and disadvantages were defined, the conclusions about the suitability of a method for the repair of different defect spots of oil and gas pipelines were made. The development priorities of in-tube repair of oil ana gas pipelines‘ hard-to-reach areas were outlined. It was found that the most versatile and cost-effective method of repair are by means of in-tube robots - the current world trend in pipelines repair. The structural parts consist of in-tube robots were presented and the types of in-chassis robots, their advantages and disadvantages, promising for solving main oil and gas pipelines’ hard-to-reach areas of different diameters were highlighted

    A simulation-based study to calculate all the possible trajectories of differential drive mobile robot

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    Deferential Drive Mobile Robot (DDMR) is being used in many applications as it is easy to be modeled and controlled. This research presents the idea of using DDMR turning motion behavior to develop an algorithm that calculate all the circular trajectories. This can be used to navigate DDMR in a curvature paths instead of linear ones. In this research we design and simulate Differential Drive Mobile Robot (DDMR) model. Then we use the simulated model to calculate all the possible trajectories that DDMR can follow with each left and right wheel velocity configurations. Results are saved in a navigation look-up table that can be implemented in DDMR navigation's approach. © 2021 Author(s)