2,046 research outputs found

    Inferring Phenotypic Properties from Single-Cell Characteristics

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    Flow cytometry provides multi-dimensional data at the single-cell level. Such data contain information about the cellular heterogeneity of bulk samples, making it possible to correlate single-cell features with phenotypic properties of bulk tissues. Predicting phenotypes from single-cell measurements is a difficult challenge that has not been extensively studied. The 6th Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods (DREAM6) invited the research community to develop solutions to a computational challenge: classifying acute myeloid leukemia (AML) positive patients and healthy donors using flow cytometry data. DREAM6 provided flow cytometry data for 359 normal and AML samples, and the class labels for half of the samples. Researchers were asked to predict the class labels of the remaining half. This paper describes one solution that was constructed by combining three algorithms: spanning-tree progression analysis of density-normalized events (SPADE), earth mover’s distance, and a nearest-neighbor classifier called Relief. This solution was among the top-performing methods that achieved 100% prediction accuracy

    Local object patterns for tissue image representation and cancer classification

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent Univ., 2013.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2013.Includes bibliographical refences.Histopathological examination of a tissue is the routine practice for diagnosis and grading of cancer. However, this examination is subjective since it requires visual interpretation of a pathologist, which mainly depends on his/her experience and expertise. In order to minimize the subjectivity level, it has been proposed to use automated cancer diagnosis and grading systems that represent a tissue image with quantitative features and use these features for classifying and grading the tissue. In this thesis, we present a new approach for effective representation and classification of histopathological tissue images. In this approach, we propose to decompose a tissue image into its histological components and introduce a set of new texture descriptors, which we call local object patterns, on these components to model their composition within a tissue. We define these descriptors using the idea of local binary patterns. However, we define our local object pattern descriptors at the component-level to quantify a component, as opposed to pixel-level local binary patterns, which quantify a pixel by constructing a binary string based on relative intensities of its neighbors. To this end, we specify neighborhoods with different locality ranges and encode spatial arrangements of the components within the specified local neighborhoods by generating strings. We then extract our texture descriptors from these strings to characterize histological components and construct the bag-of-words representation of an image from the characterized components. In this thesis, we use two approaches for the selection of the components: The first approach uses all components to construct a bag-ofwords representation whereas the second one uses graph walking to select multiple subsets of the components and constructs multiple bag-of-words representations from these subsets. Working with microscopic images of histopathological colon tissues, our experiments show that the proposed component-level texture descriptors lead to higher classification accuracies than the previous textural approaches.Olgun, GüldenM.S

    Machine Learning Approaches for Cancer Analysis

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    In addition, we propose many machine learning models that serve as contributions to solve a biological problem. First, we present Zseq, a linear time method that identifies the most informative genomic sequences and reduces the number of biased sequences, sequence duplications, and ambiguous nucleotides. Zseq finds the complexity of the sequences by counting the number of unique k-mers in each sequence as its corresponding score and also takes into the account other factors, such as ambiguous nucleotides or high GC-content percentage in k-mers. Based on a z-score threshold, Zseq sweeps through the sequences again and filters those with a z-score less than the user-defined threshold. Zseq is able to provide a better mapping rate; it reduces the number of ambiguous bases significantly in comparison with other methods. Evaluation of the filtered reads has been conducted by aligning the reads and assembling the transcripts using the reference genome as well as de novo assembly. The assembled transcripts show a better discriminative ability to separate cancer and normal samples in comparison with another state-of-the-art method. Studying the abundance of select mRNA species throughout prostate cancer progression may provide some insight into the molecular mechanisms that advance the disease. In the second contribution of this dissertation, we reveal that the combination of proper clustering, distance function and Index validation for clusters are suitable in identifying outlier transcripts, which show different trending than the majority of the transcripts, the trending of the transcript is the abundance throughout different stages of prostate cancer. We compare this model with standard hierarchical time-series clustering method based on Euclidean distance. Using time-series profile hierarchical clustering methods, we identified stage-specific mRNA species termed outlier transcripts that exhibit unique trending patterns as compared to most other transcripts during disease progression. This method is able to identify those outliers rather than finding patterns among the trending transcripts compared to the hierarchical clustering method based on Euclidean distance. A wet-lab experiment on a biomarker (CAM2G gene) confirmed the result of the computational model. Genes related to these outlier transcripts were found to be strongly associated with cancer, and in particular, prostate cancer. Further investigation of these outlier transcripts in prostate cancer may identify them as potential stage-specific biomarkers that can predict the progression of the disease. Breast cancer, on the other hand, is a widespread type of cancer in females and accounts for a lot of cancer cases and deaths in the world. Identifying the subtype of breast cancer plays a crucial role in selecting the best treatment. In the third contribution, we propose an optimized hierarchical classification model that is used to predict the breast cancer subtype. Suitable filter feature selection methods and new hybrid feature selection methods are utilized to find discriminative genes. Our proposed model achieves 100% accuracy for predicting the breast cancer subtypes using the same or even fewer genes. Studying breast cancer survivability among different patients who received various treatments may help understand the relationship between the survivability and treatment therapy based on gene expression. In the fourth contribution, we have built a classifier system that predicts whether a given breast cancer patient who underwent some form of treatment, which is either hormone therapy, radiotherapy, or surgery will survive beyond five years after the treatment therapy. Our classifier is a tree-based hierarchical approach that partitions breast cancer patients based on survivability classes; each node in the tree is associated with a treatment therapy and finds a predictive subset of genes that can best predict whether a given patient will survive after that particular treatment. We applied our tree-based method to a gene expression dataset that consists of 347 treated breast cancer patients and identified potential biomarker subsets with prediction accuracies ranging from 80.9% to 100%. We have further investigated the roles of many biomarkers through the literature. Studying gene expression through various time intervals of breast cancer survival may provide insights into the recovery of the patients. Discovery of gene indicators can be a crucial step in predicting survivability and handling of breast cancer patients. In the fifth contribution, we propose a hierarchical clustering method to separate dissimilar groups of genes in time-series data as outliers. These isolated outliers, genes that trend differently from other genes, can serve as potential biomarkers of breast cancer survivability. In the last contribution, we introduce a method that uses machine learning techniques to identify transcripts that correlate with prostate cancer development and progression. We have isolated transcripts that have the potential to serve as prognostic indicators and may have significant value in guiding treatment decisions. Our study also supports PTGFR, NREP, scaRNA22, DOCK9, FLVCR2, IK2F3, USP13, and CLASP1 as potential biomarkers to predict prostate cancer progression, especially between stage II and subsequent stages of the disease

    Computational methods to predict and enhance decision-making with biomedical data.

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    The proposed research applies machine learning techniques to healthcare applications. The core ideas were using intelligent techniques to find automatic methods to analyze healthcare applications. Different classification and feature extraction techniques on various clinical datasets are applied. The datasets include: brain MR images, breathing curves from vessels around tumor cells during in time, breathing curves extracted from patients with successful or rejected lung transplants, and lung cancer patients diagnosed in US from in 2004-2009 extracted from SEER database. The novel idea on brain MR images segmentation is to develop a multi-scale technique to segment blood vessel tissues from similar tissues in the brain. By analyzing the vascularization of the cancer tissue during time and the behavior of vessels (arteries and veins provided in time), a new feature extraction technique developed and classification techniques was used to rank the vascularization of each tumor type. Lung transplantation is a critical surgery for which predicting the acceptance or rejection of the transplant would be very important. A review of classification techniques on the SEER database was developed to analyze the survival rates of lung cancer patients, and the best feature vector that can be used to predict the most similar patients are analyzed

    Integrative Data Analytic Framework to Enhance Cancer Precision Medicine

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    With the advancement of high-throughput biotechnologies, we increasingly accumulate biomedical data about diseases, especially cancer. There is a need for computational models and methods to sift through, integrate, and extract new knowledge from the diverse available data to improve the mechanistic understanding of diseases and patient care. To uncover molecular mechanisms and drug indications for specific cancer types, we develop an integrative framework able to harness a wide range of diverse molecular and pan-cancer data. We show that our approach outperforms competing methods and can identify new associations. Furthermore, through the joint integration of data sources, our framework can also uncover links between cancer types and molecular entities for which no prior knowledge is available. Our new framework is flexible and can be easily reformulated to study any biomedical problems.Comment: 18 page

    Two-tier tissue decomposition for histopathological image representation and classification

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In digital pathology, devising effective image representations is crucial to design robust automated diagnosis systems. To this end, many studies have proposed to develop object-based representations, instead of directly using image pixels, since a histopathological image may contain a considerable amount of noise typically at the pixel-level. These previous studies mostly define their objects, based on the color information, as to approximately represent histological tissue components in an image and then use the spatial distribution of these objects for image representation and classification. Thus, object definition has a direct effect on the way of representing the image, which in turn affects classification accuracies. In this thesis, we present a new model for effective representation and classification of histopathological images. The contributions of this model are twofold. First, it introduces a new two-tier tissue decomposition method for defining a set of multityped objects in an image. Different than the previous studies, these objects are defined combining the texture, shape, and size information and they may correspond to individual histological components as well as tissue sub-regions of different characteristics. As its second contribution, it defines a new metric, which we call “dominant blob scale”, to characterize the shape and size of an object with a single scalar value. Our experiments on colon tissue images reveal that this new object definition and characterization provides distinguishing representation of normal and cancerous histopathological images, which is effective to obtain more accurate classification results compared to its counterparts.Gültekin, TunçM.S

    Gene selection for classification of microarray data based on the Bayes error

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>With DNA microarray data, selecting a compact subset of discriminative genes from thousands of genes is a critical step for accurate classification of phenotypes for, e.g., disease diagnosis. Several widely used gene selection methods often select top-ranked genes according to their individual discriminative power in classifying samples into distinct categories, without considering correlations among genes. A limitation of these gene selection methods is that they may result in gene sets with some redundancy and yield an unnecessary large number of candidate genes for classification analyses. Some latest studies show that incorporating gene to gene correlations into gene selection can remove redundant genes and improve classification accuracy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we propose a new method, Based Bayes error Filter (BBF), to select relevant genes and remove redundant genes in classification analyses of microarray data. The effectiveness and accuracy of this method is demonstrated through analyses of five publicly available microarray datasets. The results show that our gene selection method is capable of achieving better accuracies than previous studies, while being able to effectively select relevant genes, remove redundant genes and obtain efficient and small gene sets for sample classification purposes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The proposed method can effectively identify a compact set of genes with high classification accuracy. This study also indicates that application of the Bayes error is a feasible and effective wayfor removing redundant genes in gene selection.</p

    Interpretation of Mutations, Expression, Copy Number in Somatic Breast Cancer: Implications for Metastasis and Chemotherapy

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    Breast cancer (BC) patient management has been transformed over the last two decades due to the development and application of genome-wide technologies. The vast amounts of data generated by these assays, however, create new challenges for accurate and comprehensive analysis and interpretation. This thesis describes novel methods for fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), and next generation DNA- and RNA-sequencing, to improve upon current approaches used for these technologies. An ab initio algorithm was implemented to identify genomic intervals of single copy and highly divergent repetitive sequences that were applied to FISH and aCGH probe design. FISH probes with higher resolution than commercially available reagents were developed and validated on metaphase chromosomes. An aCGH microarray was developed that had improved reproducibility compared to the standard Agilent 44K array, which was achieved by placing oligonucleotide probes distant from conserved repetitive sequences. Splicing mutations are currently underrepresented in genome-wide sequencing analyses, and there are limited methods to validate genome-wide mutation predictions. This thesis describes Veridical, a program developed to statistically validate aberrant splicing caused by a predicted mutation. Splicing mutation analysis was performed on a large subset of BC patients previously analyzed by the Cancer Genome Atlas. This analysis revealed an elevated number of splicing mutations in genes involved in NCAM pathways in basal-like and HER2-enriched lymph node positive tumours. Genome-wide technologies were leveraged further to develop chemosensitivity models that predict BC response to paclitaxel and gemcitabine. A type of machine learning, called support vector machines (SVM), was used to create predictive models from small sets of biologically-relevant genes to drug disposition or resistance. SVM models generated were able to predict sensitivity in two groups of independent patient data. High variability between individuals requires more accurate and higher resolution genomic data. However the data themselves are insufficient; also needed are more insightful analytical methods to fully exploit these data. This dissertation presents both improvements in data quality and accuracy as well as analytical procedures, with the aim of detecting and interpreting critical genomic abnormalities that are hallmarks of BC subtypes, metastasis and therapy response


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    Transcriptomic profiling and gene expression signatures have been widely applied as effective approaches for enhancing the molecular classification, diagnosis, prognosis or prediction of therapeutic response towards personalized therapy for cancer patients. Thanks to modern genome-wide profiling technology, scientists are able to build engines leveraging massive genomic variations and integrating with clinical data to identify “at risk” individuals for the sake of prevention, diagnosis and therapeutic interventions. In my graduate work for my Ph.D. thesis, I have investigated genomic sequencing data mining to comprehensively characterise molecular classifications and aberrant genomic events associated with clinical prognosis and treatment response, through applying high-dimensional omics genomic data to promote the understanding of gene signatures and somatic molecular alterations contributing to cancer progression and clinical outcomes. Following this motivation, my dissertation has been focused on the following three topics in translational genomics. 1) Characterization of transcriptomic plasticity and its association with the tumor microenvironment in glioblastoma (GBM). I have integrated transcriptomic, genomic, protein and clinical data to increase the accuracy of GBM classification, and identify the association between the GBM mesenchymal subtype and reduced tumorpurity, accompanied with increased presence of tumor-associated microglia. Then I have tackled the sole source of microglial as intrinsic tumor bulk but not their corresponding neurosphere cells through both transcriptional and protein level analysis using a panel of sphere-forming glioma cultures and their parent GBM samples.FurthermoreI have demonstrated my hypothesis through longitudinal analysis of paired primary and recurrent GBM samples that the phenotypic alterations of GBM subtypes are not due to intrinsic proneural-to-mesenchymal transition in tumor cells, rather it is intertwined with increased level of microglia upon disease recurrence. Collectively I have elucidated the critical role of tumor microenvironment (Microglia and macrophages from central nervous system) contributing to the intra-tumor heterogeneity and accurate classification of GBM patients based on transcriptomic profiling, which will not only significantly impact on clinical perspective but also pave the way for preclinical cancer research. 2) Identification of prognostic gene signatures that stratify adult diffuse glioma patientsharboring1p/19q co-deletions. I have compared multiple statistical methods and derived a gene signature significantly associated with survival by applying a machine learning algorithm. Then I have identified inflammatory response and acetylation activity that associated with malignant progression of 1p/19q co-deleted glioma. In addition, I showed this signature translates to other types of adult diffuse glioma, suggesting its universality in the pathobiology of other subset gliomas. My efforts on integrative data analysis of this highly curated data set usingoptimizedstatistical models will reflect the pending update to WHO classification system oftumorsin the central nervous system (CNS). 3) Comprehensive characterization of somatic fusion transcripts in Pan-Cancers. I have identified a panel of novel fusion transcripts across all of TCGA cancer types through transcriptomic profiling. Then I have predicted fusion proteins with kinase activity and hub function of pathway network based on the annotation of genetically mobile domains and functional domain architectures. I have evaluated a panel of in -frame gene fusions as potential driver mutations based on network fusion centrality hypothesis. I have also characterised the emerging complexity of genetic architecture in fusion transcripts through integrating genomic structure and somatic variants and delineating the distinct genomic patterns of fusion events across different cancer types. Overall my exploration of the pathogenetic impact and clinical relevance of candidate gene fusions have provided fundamental insights into the management of a subset of cancer patients by predicting the oncogenic signalling and specific drug targets encoded by these fusion genes. Taken together, the translational genomic research I have conducted during my Ph.D. study will shed new light on precision medicine and contribute to the cancer research community. The novel classification concept, gene signature and fusion transcripts I have identified will address several hotly debated issues in translational genomics, such as complex interactions between tumor bulks and their adjacent microenvironments, prognostic markers for clinical diagnostics and personalized therapy, distinct patterns of genomic structure alterations and oncogenic events in different cancer types, therefore facilitating our understanding of genomic alterations and moving us towards the development of precision medicine