23,148 research outputs found

    Differential Evolution with Reversible Linear Transformations

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    Differential evolution (DE) is a well-known type of evolutionary algorithms (EA). Similarly to other EA variants it can suffer from small populations and loose diversity too quickly. This paper presents a new approach to mitigate this issue: We propose to generate new candidate solutions by utilizing reversible linear transformation applied to a triplet of solutions from the population. In other words, the population is enlarged by using newly generated individuals without evaluating their fitness. We assess our methods on three problems: (i) benchmark function optimization, (ii) discovering parameter values of the gene repressilator system, (iii) learning neural networks. The empirical results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms vanilla DE and a version of DE with applying differential mutation three times on all testbeds.Comment: Code: https://github.com/jmtomcza

    Differential Evolution with Reversible Linear Transformations

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    Differential evolution (DE) is a well-known type of evolutionary algorithms (EA). Similarly to other EA variants it can suffer from small populations and loose diversity too quickly. This paper presents a new approach to mitigate this issue: We propose to generate new candidate solutions by utilizing reversible linear transformations applied to a triplet of solutions from the population. In other words, the population is enlarged by using newly generated individuals without evaluating their fitness. We assess our methods on three problems: (i) benchmark function optimization, (ii) discovering parameter values of the gene repressilator system, (iii) learning neural networks. The empirical results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms vanilla DE and a version of DE with applying differential mutation three times on all testbeds

    Discrete Nonholonomic Lagrangian Systems on Lie Groupoids

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    This paper studies the construction of geometric integrators for nonholonomic systems. We derive the nonholonomic discrete Euler-Lagrange equations in a setting which permits to deduce geometric integrators for continuous nonholonomic systems (reduced or not). The formalism is given in terms of Lie groupoids, specifying a discrete Lagrangian and a constraint submanifold on it. Additionally, it is necessary to fix a vector subbundle of the Lie algebroid associated to the Lie groupoid. We also discuss the existence of nonholonomic evolution operators in terms of the discrete nonholonomic Legendre transformations and in terms of adequate decompositions of the prolongation of the Lie groupoid. The characterization of the reversibility of the evolution operator and the discrete nonholonomic momentum equation are also considered. Finally, we illustrate with several classical examples the wide range of application of the theory (the discrete nonholonomic constrained particle, the Suslov system, the Chaplygin sleigh, the Veselova system, the rolling ball on a rotating table and the two wheeled planar mobile robot).Comment: 45 page

    Lie groups in nonequilibrium thermodynamics: Geometric structure behind viscoplasticity

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    Poisson brackets provide the mathematical structure required to identify the reversible contribution to dynamic phenomena in nonequilibrium thermodynamics. This mathematical structure is deeply linked to Lie groups and their Lie algebras. From the characterization of all the Lie groups associated with a given Lie algebra as quotients of a universal covering group, we obtain a natural classification of rheological models based on the concept of discrete reference states and, in particular, we find a clear-cut and deep distinction between viscoplasticity and viscoelasticity. The abstract ideas are illustrated by a naive toy model of crystal viscoplasticity, but similar kinetic models are also used for modeling the viscoplastic behavior of glasses. We discuss some implications for coarse graining and statistical mechanics.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. Keywords: Elastic-viscoplastic materials, Nonequilibrium thermodynamics, GENERIC, Lie groups, Reference state

    Robust learning with implicit residual networks

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    In this effort, we propose a new deep architecture utilizing residual blocks inspired by implicit discretization schemes. As opposed to the standard feed-forward networks, the outputs of the proposed implicit residual blocks are defined as the fixed points of the appropriately chosen nonlinear transformations. We show that this choice leads to the improved stability of both forward and backward propagations, has a favorable impact on the generalization power and allows to control the robustness of the network with only a few hyperparameters. In addition, the proposed reformulation of ResNet does not introduce new parameters and can potentially lead to a reduction in the number of required layers due to improved forward stability. Finally, we derive the memory-efficient training algorithm, propose a stochastic regularization technique and provide numerical results in support of our findings

    Moving gap solitons in periodic potentials

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    We address existence of moving gap solitons (traveling localized solutions) in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a small periodic potential. Moving gap solitons are approximated by the explicit localized solutions of the coupled-mode system. We show however that exponentially decaying traveling solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation do not generally exist in the presence of a periodic potential due to bounded oscillatory tails ahead and behind the moving solitary waves. The oscillatory tails are not accounted in the coupled-mode formalism and are estimated by using techniques of spatial dynamics and local center-stable manifold reductions. Existence of bounded traveling solutions of the Gross--Pitaevskii equation with a single bump surrounded by oscillatory tails on a finite large interval of the spatial scale is proven by using these technique. We also show generality of oscillatory tails in other nonlinear equations with a periodic potential.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Microscopic derivation of an adiabatic thermodynamic transformation

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    We obtain macroscopic adiabatic thermodynamic transformations by space-time scalings of a microscopic Hamiltonian dynamics subject to random collisions with the environment. The microscopic dynamics is given by a chain of oscillators subject to a varying tension (external force) and to collisions with external independent particles of "infinite mass". The effect of each collision is to change the sign of the velocity without changing the modulus. This way the energy is conserved by the resulting dynamics. After a diffusive space-time scaling and cross-graining, the profiles of volume and energy converge to the solution of a deterministic diffusive system of equations with boundary conditions given by the applied tension. This defines an irreversible thermodynamic transformation from an initial equilibrium to a new equilibrium given by the final tension applied. Quasi-static reversible adiabatic transformations are then obtained by a further time scaling. Then we prove that the relations between the limit work, internal energy and thermodynamic entropy agree with the first and second principle of thermodynamics.Comment: New version accepted for the publication in Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistic