17 research outputs found

    A statistical model for brain networks inferred from large-scale electrophysiological signals

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    Network science has been extensively developed to characterize structural properties of complex systems, including brain networks inferred from neuroimaging data. As a result of the inference process, networks estimated from experimentally obtained biological data, represent one instance of a larger number of realizations with similar intrinsic topology. A modeling approach is therefore needed to support statistical inference on the bottom-up local connectivity mechanisms influencing the formation of the estimated brain networks. We adopted a statistical model based on exponential random graphs (ERGM) to reproduce brain networks, or connectomes, estimated by spectral coherence between high-density electroencephalographic (EEG) signals. We validated this approach in a dataset of 108 healthy subjects during eyes-open (EO) and eyes-closed (EC) resting-state conditions. Results showed that the tendency to form triangles and stars, reflecting clustering and node centrality, better explained the global properties of the EEG connectomes as compared to other combinations of graph metrics. Synthetic networks generated by this model configuration replicated the characteristic differences found in brain networks, with EO eliciting significantly higher segregation in the alpha frequency band (8-13 Hz) as compared to EC. Furthermore, the fitted ERGM parameter values provided complementary information showing that clustering connections are significantly more represented from EC to EO in the alpha range, but also in the beta band (14-29 Hz), which is known to play a crucial role in cortical processing of visual input and externally oriented attention. These findings support the current view of the brain functional segregation and integration in terms of modules and hubs, and provide a statistical approach to extract new information on the (re)organizational mechanisms in healthy and diseased brains.Comment: Due to the limitation "The abstract field cannot be longer than 1,920 characters", the abstract appearing here is slightly shorter than that in the PDF fil

    Abnormal Resting State fMRI Activity Predicts Processing Speed Deficits in First-Episode Psychosis

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    Little is known regarding the neuropsychological significance of resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) activity early in the course of psychosis. Moreover, no studies have used different approaches for analysis of rs-fMRI activity and examined gray matter thickness in the same cohort. In this study, 41 patients experiencing a first-episode of psychosis (including N = 17 who were antipsychotic drug-naive at the time of scanning) and 41 individually age-and sex-matched healthy volunteers completed rs-fMRI and structural MRI exams and neuropsychological assessments. We computed correlation matrices for 266 regions-of-interest across the brain to assess global connectivity. In addition, independent component analysis (ICA) was used to assess group differences in the expression of rs-fMRI activity within 20 predefined publicly available templates. Patients demonstrated lower overall rs-fMRI global connectivity compared with healthy volunteers without associated group differences in gray matter thickness assessed within the same regions-of-interest used in this analysis. Similarly, ICA revealed worse rs-fMRI expression scores across all 20 networks in patients compared with healthy volunteers, with posthoc analyses revealing significant (

    Opening or closing eyes at rest modulates the functional connectivity of V1 with default and salience networks

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    Current evidence suggests that volitional opening or closing of the eyes modulates brain activity and connectivity. However, how the eye state influences the functional connectivity of the primary visual cortex has been poorly investigated. Using the same scanner, fMRI data from two groups of participants similar in age, sex and educational level were acquired. One group (n = 105) performed a resting state with eyes closed, and the other group (n = 63) performed a resting state with eyes open. Seed-based voxel-wise functional connectivity whole-brain analyses were performed to study differences in the connectivity of the primary visual cortex. This region showed higher connectivity with the default mode and sensorimotor networks in the eyes closed group, but higher connectivity with the salience network in the eyes open group. All these findings were replicated using an open source shared dataset. These results suggest that opening or closing the eyes may set brain functional connectivity in an interoceptive or exteroceptive state

    Partial covariance based functional connectivity computation using Ledoit-Wolf covariance regularization

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    Highlights •We use the well characterized matrix regularization technique described by Ledoit and Wolf to calculate high dimensional partial correlations in fMRI data. •Using this approach we demonstrate that partial correlations reveal RSN structure suggesting that RSNs are defined by widely and uniquely shared variance. •Partial correlation functional connectivity is sensitive to changes in brain state indicating that they contain functional information. Functional connectivity refers to shared signals among brain regions and is typically assessed in a task free state. Functional connectivity commonly is quantified between signal pairs using Pearson correlation. However, resting-state fMRI is a multivariate process exhibiting a complicated covariance structure. Partial covariance assesses the unique variance shared between two brain regions excluding any widely shared variance, hence is appropriate for the analysis of multivariate fMRI datasets. However, calculation of partial covariance requires inversion of the covariance matrix, which, in most functional connectivity studies, is not invertible owing to rank deficiency. Here we apply Ledoit–Wolf shrinkage (L2 regularization) to invert the high dimensional BOLD covariance matrix. We investigate the network organization and brain-state dependence of partial covariance-based functional connectivity. Although RSNs are conventionally defined in terms of shared variance, removal of widely shared variance, surprisingly, improved the separation of RSNs in a spring embedded graphical model. This result suggests that pair-wise unique shared variance plays a heretofore unrecognized role in RSN covariance organization. In addition, application of partial correlation to fMRI data acquired in the eyes open vs. eyes closed states revealed focal changes in uniquely shared variance between the thalamus and visual cortices. This result suggests that partial correlation of resting state BOLD time series reflect functional processes in addition to structural connectivity

    The Effect of Eye Closure on Empathic Accuracy and Motor Mimicry

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    Two experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis if eye closure facilitates bottom-up processing, then empathic accuracy in emotional contagion and the frequency of draws in paperrock-scissors would increase. Participants (study 1: N = 94, study 2: N = 84) were asked to pair with partners and report how much they (themselves and partners) currently felt lonely, hungry, and tired on a 7-point scale with eyes-closed or eyes-open conditions. After that, they played rock-paper-scissors twelve times. Results showed that the frequency of draws and the score of empathic accuracy did not increased in eyes-closed condition, however, some of theresults suggested a possibility of eye closure effect. The relevance of eye closure, empathic accuracy, and motor mimicry were discussed.もし閉眼がボトムアップ処理を促進するなら,目を閉じることで,共感の正確性が上がり,じゃんけんで引き分けやすくなるだろう,という仮説を検証するため,2つの実験を実施した。大学生の参加者(研究1 : N=94, 研究2 : N=84)が二人組を作り,閉眼または開眼で,現在の孤独・空腹・疲労の程度を,お互いに7段階で評定した。その後,じゃんけんを12回行った。閉眼は共感の正確性や動作の模倣を直接促さなかったが,一部の結果はその可能性を示唆した。閉眼・共感の正確性・動作模倣のモデルについて考察した

    Angular gyrus connectivity at alpha and beta oscillations is reduced during tonic pain - Differential effect of eye state

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    The angular gyrus (AG) is a common hub in the pain networks. The role of the AG during pain perception, however, is still unclear. This crossover study examined the effect of tonic pain on resting state functional connectivity (rsFC) of the AG under eyes closed (EC) and eyes open (EO). It included two sessions (placebo/pain) separated by 24 hours. Pain was induced using topical capsaicin (or placebo as control) on the right forearm. Electroencephalographic rsFC assessed by Granger causality was acquired from 28 healthy participants (14 women) before (baseline) and 1-hour following the application of placebo/capsaicin. Subjects were randomly assigned and balanced to groups of recording sequence (EC-EO, EO-EC). Decreased rsFC at alpha-1 and beta, but not alpha-2, oscillations was found during pain compared to baseline during EC only. For alpha-1, EC-EO group showed a pain-induced decrease only among connections between the right AG and each of the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC, P = 0.002), medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC, P = 0.005), and the left AG (P = 0.023). For beta rsFC, the EC-EO group showed a bilateral decrease in rsFC spanning the connections between the right AG and mPFC (P = 0.015) and between the left AG and each of PCC (P = 0.004) and mPFC (P = 0.026). In contrast, the EO-EC group showed an increase in beta rsFC only among connections between the left AG and each of PCC (P = 0.012) and mPFC (P = 0.036). No significant change in the AG rsFC was found during EO. These results provide insight into the involvement of the AG in pain perception and reveal methodological considerations when assessing rsFC during EO and EC

    Eyes-Open and Eyes-Closed Resting States With Opposite Brain Activity in Sensorimotor and Occipital Regions: Multidimensional Evidences From Machine Learning Perspective

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    Studies have demonstrated that there are widespread significant differences in spontaneous brain activity between eyes-open (EO) and eyes-closed (EC) resting states. However, it remains largely unclear whether spontaneous brain activity is effectively related to EO and EC resting states. The amplitude, local functional concordance, inter-hemisphere functional synchronization, and network centrality of spontaneous brain activity were measured by the fraction amplitude of low frequency fluctuation (fALFF), regional homogeneity (ReHo), voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity (VMHC) and degree centrality (DC), respectively. Using the public Eyes-open/Eyes-closed dataset, we employed the support vector machine (SVM) and bootstrap technique to establish linking models for the fALFF, ReHo, VMHC and DC dimensions. The classification accuracies of linking models are 0.72 (0.59, 0.82), 0.88 (0.79, 0.97), 0.82 (0.74, 0.91) and 0.70 (0.62, 0.79), respectively. Specifically, we observed that brain activity in the EO condition is significantly greater in attentional system areas, including the fusiform gyrus, occipital and parietal cortex, but significantly lower in sensorimotor system areas, including the precentral/postcentral gyrus, paracentral lobule (PCL) and temporal cortex compared to the EC condition from the four dimensions. The results consistently indicated that spontaneous brain activity is effectively related to EO and EC resting states, and the two resting states are of opposite brain activity in sensorimotor and occipital regions. It may provide new insight into the neural substrate of the resting state and help computational neuroscientists or neuropsychologists to choose an appropriate resting state condition to investigate various mental disorders from the resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technique

    Directionality of large-scale resting-state brain networks during eyes open and eyes closed conditions

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    The present study examined directional connections in the brain among resting-state networks (RSNs) when the participant had their eyes open (E0) or had their eyes closed (EC). The resting state fMRI data were collected from 20 healthy participants (9 males, 20.17 +/- 2.74 years) under the EO and EC states. Independent component analysis (ICA) was applied to identify the separated RSNs (i.e., the primary/high-level visual, primary sensory-motor, ventral motor, salience/dorsal attention, and anterior/posterior default-mode networks), and the Gaussian Bayesian network (BN) learning approach was then used to explore the conditional dependencies among these RSNs. The network-to-network directional connections related to EO and EC were depicted, and a support vector machine (SVM) was further employed to identify the directional connection patterns that could effectively discriminate between the two states. The results indicated that the connections among RSNs are directionally connected within a BN during the EO and EC states. The directional connections from the salience network (SN) to the anterior/posterior default-mode networks and the high-level to primary-level visual network were the obvious characteristics of both the EO and EC resting-state BNs. Of the directional connections in BN, the directional connections of the salience and dorsal attention network (DAN) were observed to be discriminative between the EO and EC states. In particular, we noted that the properties of the salience and DANs were in opposite directions. Overall, the present study described the directional connections of RSNs using a BN learning approach during the E0 and EC states, and the results suggested that the directionality of the attention systems (i.e., mainly for the salience and the DAN) in resting state might have Important roles in switching between the EO and EC conditions

    Different topological organization of human brain functional networks with eyes open versus eyes closed

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    Opening and closing the eyes are fundamental behaviors for directing attention to the external versus internal world. However, it remains unclear whether the states of eyes-open (EO) relative to eyes-closed (EC) are associated with different topological organizations of functional neural networks for exteroceptive and interoceptive processing (processing the external world and internal state, respectively). Here, we used resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging and neural network analysis to investigate the topological properties of functional networks of the human brain when the eyes were open versus closed. The brain networks exhibited higher cliquishness and local efficiency, but lower global efficiency during the EO state compared to the EC state. These properties suggest an increase in specialized information processing along with a decrease in integrated information processing in EO (vs. EC). More importantly, the "exteroceptive" network, including the attentional system (e.g., superior parietal gyrus and inferior parietal lobule), ocular motor system (e.g., precentral gyrus and superior frontal gyrus), and arousal system (e.g., insula and thalamus), showed higher regional nodal properties (nodal degree, efficiency and betweenness centrality) in EO relative to EC. In contrast, the "interoceptive" network, composed of visual system (e.g., lingual gyrus, fusiform gyrus and cuneus), auditory system (e.g., Heschl's gyurs), somatosensory system (e.g., postcentral gyrus), and part of the default mode network (e.g., angular gyrus and anterior cingulate gyrus), showed significantly higher regional properties in EC vs. EO. In addition, the connections across sensory modalities were altered by volitional eye opening. The synchronicity between the visual system and the motor, somatosensory and auditory systems, characteristic of EC, was attenuated in EO. Further, the connections between the visual system and the attention, arousal and subcortical systems were increased in EO. These results may indicate that EO leads to a suppression of sensory modalities (other than visual) to allocate resources to exteroceptive processing. Our findings suggest that the topological organization of human brain networks dynamically switches corresponding to the information processing modes as we open or close our eyes. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Inc