230 research outputs found

    Rendezvous on a Line by Location-Aware Robots Despite the Presence of Byzantine Faults

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    A set of mobile robots is placed at points of an infinite line. The robots are equipped with GPS devices and they may communicate their positions on the line to a central authority. The collection contains an unknown subset of "spies", i.e., byzantine robots, which are indistinguishable from the non-faulty ones. The set of the non-faulty robots need to rendezvous in the shortest possible time in order to perform some task, while the byzantine robots may try to delay their rendezvous for as long as possible. The problem facing a central authority is to determine trajectories for all robots so as to minimize the time until the non-faulty robots have rendezvoused. The trajectories must be determined without knowledge of which robots are faulty. Our goal is to minimize the competitive ratio between the time required to achieve the first rendezvous of the non-faulty robots and the time required for such a rendezvous to occur under the assumption that the faulty robots are known at the start. We provide a bounded competitive ratio algorithm, where the central authority is informed only of the set of initial robot positions, without knowing which ones or how many of them are faulty. When an upper bound on the number of byzantine robots is known to the central authority, we provide algorithms with better competitive ratios. In some instances we are able to show these algorithms are optimal

    Byzantine Gathering in Polynomial Time

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    Gathering a group of mobile agents is a fundamental task in the field of distributed and mobile systems. This can be made drastically more difficult to achieve when some agents are subject to faults, especially the Byzantine ones that are known as being the worst faults to handle. In this paper we study, from a deterministic point of view, the task of Byzantine gathering in a network modeled as a graph. In other words, despite the presence of Byzantine agents, all the other (good) agents, starting from {possibly} different nodes and applying the same deterministic algorithm, have to meet at the same node in finite time and stop moving. An adversary chooses the initial nodes of the agents (the number of agents may be larger than the number of nodes) and assigns a different positive integer (called label) to each of them. Initially, each agent knows its label. The agents move in synchronous rounds and can communicate with each other only when located at the same node. Within the team, f of the agents are Byzantine. A Byzantine agent acts in an unpredictable and arbitrary way. For example, it can choose an arbitrary port when it moves, can convey arbitrary information to other agents and can change its label in every round, in particular by forging the label of another agent or by creating a completely new one. Besides its label, which corresponds to a local knowledge, an agent is assigned some global knowledge denoted by GK that is common to all agents. In literature, the Byzantine gathering problem has been analyzed in arbitrary n-node graphs by considering the scenario when GK=(n,f) and the scenario when GK=f. In the first (resp. second) scenario, it has been shown that the minimum number of good agents guaranteeing deterministic gathering of all of them is f+1 (resp. f+2). However, for both these scenarios, all the existing deterministic algorithms, whether or not they are optimal in terms of required number of good agents, have the major disadvantage of having a time complexity that is exponential in n and L, where L is the value of the largest label belonging to a good agent. In this paper, we seek to design a deterministic solution for Byzantine gathering that makes a concession on the proportion of Byzantine agents within the team, but that offers a significantly lower complexity. We also seek to use a global knowledge whose the length of the binary representation (that we also call size) is small. In this respect, assuming that the agents are in a strong team i.e., a team in which the number of good agents is at least some prescribed value that is quadratic in f, we give positive and negative results. On the positive side, we show an algorithm that solves Byzantine gathering with all strong teams in all graphs of size at most n, for any integers n and f, in a time polynomial in n and the length |l_{min}| of the binary representation of the smallest label of a good agent. The algorithm works using a global knowledge of size O(log log log n), which is of optimal order of magnitude in our context to reach a time complexity that is polynomial in n and |l_{min}|. Indeed, on the negative side, we show that there is no deterministic algorithm solving Byzantine gathering with all strong teams, in all graphs of size at most n, in a time polynomial in n and |l_{min}| and using a global knowledge of size o(log log log n)

    Byzantine Gathering in Polynomial Time

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    We study the task of Byzantine gathering in a network modeled as a graph. Despite the presence of Byzantine agents, all the other (good) agents, starting from possibly different nodes and applying the same deterministic algorithm, have to meet at the same node in finite time and stop moving. An adversary chooses the initial nodes of the agents and assigns a different label to each of them. The agents move in synchronous rounds and communicate with each other only when located at the same node. Within the team, f of the agents are Byzantine. A Byzantine agent acts in an unpredictable way: in particular it may forge the label of another agent or create a completely new one. Besides its label, which corresponds to a local knowledge, an agent is assigned some global knowledge GK that is common to all agents. In literature, the Byzantine gathering problem has been analyzed in arbitrary n-node graphs by considering the scenario when GK=(n,f) and the scenario when GK=f. In the first (resp. second) scenario, it has been shown that the minimum number of good agents guaranteeing deterministic gathering of all of them is f+1 (resp. f+2). For both these scenarios, all the existing deterministic algorithms, whether or not they are optimal in terms of required number of good agents, have a time complexity that is exponential in n and L, where L is the largest label belonging to a good agent. In this paper, we seek to design a deterministic solution for Byzantine gathering that makes a concession on the proportion of Byzantine agents within the team, but that offers a significantly lower complexity. We also seek to use a global knowledge whose the length of the binary representation is small. Assuming that the agents are in a strong team i.e., a team in which the number of good agents is at least some prescribed value that is quadratic in f, we give positive and negative results

    Distributed Navigation

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    Mobility Problems in Distributed Search and Combinatorial Games

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    This thesis examines a collection of topics under the general notion of mobility of agents. We examine problems where a set of entities, perceived as robots or tokens, navigate in some given (discrete or continuous) environment to accomplish a goal. The problems we consider fall under two main research fields. First, Distributed Search where the agents cooperate to explore their environment or search for a specific target location within it. Second, Combinatorial Games, in the spirit of Pursuit-Evasion, where the agents are now divided into two groups with complementary objectives competing against each other. More specifically, we consider three distinct problems: disk evacuation, exploration of dynamic graphs and eternal domination. In Disk Evacuation, two robots with different speeds aim to discover an unknown exit lying on the boundary of a unit disk. For a wide range of speeds, we provide matching upper and lower bounds. In Dynamic Graph Exploration, we analyze the exploration time for a randomly-walking agent wishing to visit all the vertices of a stochastically-evolving graph. In Eternal Domination, we consider rectangular grid graphs and upper bound the amount of guard agents needed to perpetually defend the vertices against an attacker

    Simultaneous Trajectory Estimation and Mapping for Autonomous Underwater Proximity Operations

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    Due to the challenges regarding the limits of their endurance and autonomous capabilities, underwater docking for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) has become a topic of interest for many academic and commercial applications. Herein, we take on the problem of state estimation during an autonomous underwater docking mission. Docking operations typically involve only two actors, a chaser and a target. We leverage the similarities to proximity operations (prox-ops) from spacecraft robotic missions to frame the diverse docking scenarios with a set of phases the chaser undergoes on the way to its target. We use factor graphs to generalize the underlying estimation problem for arbitrary underwater prox-ops. To showcase our framework, we use this factor graph approach to model an underwater homing scenario with an active target as a Simultaneous Localization and Mapping problem. Using basic AUV navigation sensors, relative Ultra-short Baseline measurements, and the assumption of constant dynamics for the target, we derive factors that constrain the chaser's state and the position and trajectory of the target. We detail our front- and back-end software implementation using open-source software and libraries, and verify its performance with both simulated and field experiments. Obtained results show an overall increase in performance against the unprocessed measurements, regardless of the presence of an adversarial target whose dynamics void the modeled assumptions. However, challenges with unmodeled noise parameters and stringent target motion assumptions shed light on limitations that must be addressed to enhance the accuracy and consistency of the proposed approach.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, submitted to the IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineerin

    Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: Towards the Robust-Perception Age

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)consists in the concurrent construction of a model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those who are users of SLAM. By looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: Do robots need SLAM? and Is SLAM solved