16 research outputs found

    Empirical Assessment of ICT Impact on Teaching and Learning in High Schools: A Study in the Context of Balkh, Afghanistan

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    This study comprehensively explores ICT integration in Balkh’s high schools, covering infrastructure, teaching methodologies, student outcomes, integration challenges, and preparedness. Surveys were administered to 230 participants, including teachers and students. Descriptive statistics revealed a generally positive perception of ICT infrastructure and technology usage but identified areas for improvement. ANOVA results highlighted significant disparities in the impact of multimedia, interactive tools, and technology-assisted learning, providing nuanced insights. Regression analysis unveiled a unique correlation between teachers’ observations of academic performance and ICT integration. Chi-square tests showed a substantive association between students’ perceptions of ICT impact and learning outcomes. Addressing integration challenges, technological barriers emerged as a concern, signaling the need for targeted interventions. Positive indicators in teacher preparedness, access to technological resources, and administrative support emphasized the role of ongoing professional development. These findings offer empirically grounded insights for evidence-based decisions. While acknowledging promising strides in ICT integration, the study advocates for strategic interventions to overcome challenges. It contributes a nuanced understanding of ICT dynamics, guiding informed decision-making for educators, administrators, and policy-makers. The research emphasizes optimizing ICT integration in Balkh’s high schools for effective learning through technology

    The Implementation of the PCK-Based Electricity and Magnetism Textbook on Student Learning Outcomes

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    This study aims to investigate the implementation of electric-magnetic textbooks based on Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) on learning achievement in the physics education IKIP PGRI Pontianak. The problem is that there needs to be more consistency between the mastery of theory and practice of students, especially in practice in the laboratory. Students need help to implement the theory they have learned into practice. The electric magnetic textbook has advantages: the pedagogic structure and content balance theory with practice. It has been adapted to the learning achievement of the magnetic electricity course in the physics education study program of IKIP PGRI Pontianak. The sequential embedded mixed-method design was used in this study to extract information from the research subject. The research was conducted at the Physics Education IKIP PGRI Pontianak. The object of this research is the student of Physics Education IKIP PGRI Pontianak Semester VI Academic Year 2021/2022. The data collection technique used in this study is an indirect communication technique with research instruments such as pretest-posttest questions and response questionnaires and interviews. The first qualitative stage obtained an average response of all aspects of 79% with high criteria. Learning effectivity is obtained based on the average normalized gain <g> of 0.57 with medium criteria. There is an increase in student learning achievement obtained from the response questionnaire after treatment by 81%; the category is very high. The interview showed the consistency of increasing student learning achievement on magnetic electricity


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    The era of 21st century learning literacy is not confined to communication based on reading and writing only traditional printed texts. New kinds of literacies extend to multimedia projects and multimodal texts, which include visual, audio, and technological elements to create meanings. Hence, multimodal literacy has gained more attention amongst literacy educators, researchers and curriculum authorities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the perception and the readiness of English teacher in 21st multimodal literacy in this era of new types of communication. The research conducts an online survey research at Lakidende University.  The findings describe the demographic teacher with multimodal literacy which related to the teacher have positive attitude in using a digital media tools, that indicated that they ready to use digital multimodal literacy.The implications of this research give direction and new perspective in using multimodal literacy for English classroom. It suggests that could be better supported by university environment, stakeholders, and government in developing the quality of English teachers’ professional development

    Developing Electrical Magnetic Textbook Based On Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK)

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    Electrical magnetic is a compulsory subject in the physics education program. One of the learning outcomes and graduates in the curriculum is to be able to analyze subject matter (pedagogical content knowledge). Researcher's observations during giving lectures on magnetic electricity showed that students paid less attention to the importance of understanding on the relationship between learning outcomes and teaching material during lectures. Thus, this phenomenon is appointed as one of the lecture evaluations in the study program. The lecture’s evaluation results in a recommendation to develop textbooks that are adjusted in learning outcomes and graduates that refer to the curriculum of the physics education program. It is not enough to stop here, the problem findings continue for online learning related to Work From Home policies during the pandemic. This of course requires the availability of references that can be open accessed. Hence, the researchers then attempted to develop electrical magnetic textbook based on PCK (pedagogical content knowledge) which contained material content and material content analysis according to learning outcomes and graduates in the curriculum of the Physics Education. This study aims to :  (1) determine the feasibility of electrical magnetic textbook based on PCK according to experts. (2) determine the  responses of students after using electrical magnetic textbook based on PCK. The research method uses research and development design by gathering information stages and references, designing, developing, product, validating, and revising the product. The research was conducted in 2020 in the physics education study program IKIP PGRI Pontianak. Data collection techniques are in the form of indirect communication techniques. Overall, electrical magnetic textbook based on PCK have been produced. The validation results show that textbooks have an average validation score of 77.77% with Eligible criteria. The students’ responses analysis show that textbooks developed have an average score of 78.52% with high criteria. After the revision, the textbook was presented with an online ISBN and open access on the online medi

    Physics Tutors’ Self-Efficacy and Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Research Activities in the Colleges of Education in Ghana

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    Background: Self-efficacy in the use of ICT refers to a person’s belief in their ability to succeed in the use of ICT in the teaching, learning and assessment process as well as research purposes. Purpose: The incorporation of ICT into teaching, learning and as-sessment, and for research purposes is a powerful tool that pro-motes the teaching-learning environment in several ways. This study was aimed at investigating Physics Tutors’ self-efficacy (PTSE) level towards ICT integration into teaching, learning, as-sessment and research in the various Colleges of Education (CoE) in Ghana. Methods: A Four-point Likert Scale Questionnaire was used to ob-tain quantitative data from 16 physics tutors sampled from the 16 Science and Mathematics Colleges of Education in Ghana. The data obtained was analyzed based on a number of factors such as historical inclination towards the use of ICT among other things. Results: The findings from the study however reveled that most physics tutors accept and believe that the use of ICT in teaching physics significantly improves on teaching and learning. However, many of the Physics Tutors believe that there isn’t enough support in terms of logistics and training from the various stakeholders such as institutional heads, supervisors and even colleagues in the usage of ICT in teaching and learning physics Conclusions: It is concluded that the overall PTSE towards ICT integration in the CoE is above average (2.6 on a scale of 4)


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    KONTRIBUSI PENGETAHUAN KONTEN, PEDAGOGI, DAN TEKNOLOGI TERHADAP PEMBENTUKAN TPACK GURU IPA AbstrakModel integrasi teknologi mengalami perubahan dari model yang berfokus pada teknologi ke model yang berfokus pada pedagogi, salah satunya adalah TPACK. Informasi mengenai kemampuan TPACK guru IPA dan kontribusi pengetahuan konten, pedagogi, dan teknologi dalam pembentukan TPACK guru masih belum banyak tersedia. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai kemampuan TPACK guru IPA dan kontribusi pengetahuan konten, pedagogi, dan teknologi dalam pembentukan TPACK. Penelitian survei ini melibatkan 88 orang guru mata pelajaran IPA Kota Banda Aceh. Data mengenai kemampuan TPACK guru diperoleh dari soal tes berbentuk pilihan berganda. Penyebaran soal dilakukan secara langsung melalui kegiatan pelatihan. Analisis data dilakukan secara statistik deskriptif dan inferensial (pemodelan SEM-PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil kemampuan TPACK guru IPA SMP di Kota Banda Aceh didominasi oleh  pengetahuan konten (CK). Hasil analisis SEM-PLS menunjukkan bahwa CK, PK, dan PCK secara langsung dan tidak langsung berkontribusi dalam pembentukan TPACK guru IPA SMP di Kota Banda Aceh. Pemerintah dan penyelenggara pendidikan diharapkan dapat membantu guru untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menggunakan teknologi secara efektif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran agar terbentuk TPACK yang komprehensif.AbstractThe model of technology integration has changed from models that focus on technology to models that focus on pedagogy, one of which is TPACK. The information about science teachers’ TPACK and the contribution of content, pedagogy, and technology on the formation of science teachers’ TPACK is still limited. Therefore, this research aimed to obtain information about the science teachers’ TPACK and the contribution of content, pedagogy, and technology on the formation of TPACK. This survey research involved 88 science teachers from Banda Aceh City. The data about science teachers’ TPACK was obtained from multiple-choice test questions. The questions were distributed directly through training activities. Data analysis was performed by descriptive and inferential statistics (SEM-PLS modeling). The results showed that the TPACK ability profile of junior high school science teachers in Banda Aceh City was dominated by content knowledge (CK). The results of the SEM-PLS analysis showed that CK, PK, and PCK, directly and indirectly, contributed to the formation of the science teachers’ TPACK in junior high school in Banda Aceh City. The government and education providers were expected to be able to help teachers to improve the ability to use technology effectively in learning activities to form a comprehensive TPACK.

    Digitale Medien in der naturwissenschaftlichen LehrkrÀftebildung: Integriert statt zusÀtzlich

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    Eine erfolgreiche Implementation digitaler Medien im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht kann nur gelingen, wenn geeignete universitĂ€re und berufsbegleitende Qualifizierungsangebote entwickelt werden, in denen (zukünftigen) LehrkrĂ€ften der sinnvolle Einsatz digitaler Medien im Fachunterricht vermittelt wird. Eine besondere Rolle fĂ€llt dabei den Fachdidaktiken zu, da sowohl das Angebot an als auch die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von digitalen Medien je nach Unterrichtsfach stark variieren. Im Rahmen des Projektes ‚FoLe – Digital‘ wird eine systematische Verankerung digitaler Medien in die naturwissenschaftliche LehrkrĂ€ftebildung an der Leuphana UniversitĂ€t Lüneburg angestrebt. Hierzu werden digitale Medien nicht als zusĂ€tzliches Themenfeld ergĂ€nzt, sondern entlang naturwissenschaftsdidaktischer Schwerpunkte in die existierenden Module des 4. und 5. Semesters integriert. Begleitend werden die TPACK-WissensdomĂ€nen sowie Verhaltensabsichten bzgl. des Einsatzes digitaler Medien im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht erhoben. Die erste Kohorte besteht aus 58 Studierenden, 21 davon nahmen an der freiwilligen Begleitstudie teil. Die Erhebung ergab, dass im Laufe des Projektes eine positive Entwicklung der Verhaltensabsichten sowie eine (hoch) signifikante Zunahme der TPACK-WissensdomĂ€nen stattfand. Zudem unterstützen die bisherigen Daten ein transformatives VerstĂ€ndnis des TPACK-Modells

    The Impact of the Design Teams Approach on Preservice Teachers’ TPACK in the Vietnamese Context

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    This study aimed to examine the impact of the design teams approach on preservice teachers’ technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK). Using a mixed-method design, the researcher implemented the investigation among 62 teacher candidates whose major was Primary English Teaching at a university of foreign language studies in Central Vietnam. All of the participants attended a course named “Technology in Education”, which was adapted based on Johnson’s design teams approach model (2014). The data were collected using pre- and post-TPACK Survey, a TPACK Rubric (TIAI) and semi-structured interviews. The findings indicated that this design teams approach had a significant impact on the participants’ TPACK, particularly its technology-related knowledge domains (TK, TPK, TCK, TPACK). The result was also confirmed by the teacher candidates’ positive responses about their perceptions towards this instructional approach

    Factors Affecting ICT Integration During Teaching Practices: A Multiple Case Study of Three Indonesian Universities

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) is a strong force for economic, social, political, and educational reforms happening throughout the world including in developing countries. In this qualitative inquiry, we aimed at elaborating factors affecting ICT integration during teaching practices in pre-service teacher training programs (PTTPs) of three Indonesian universities from the perspectives of fifty-five pre-service teachers. The thematic analysis of this study revealed two major themes, barriers and enablers, which affected the integration of ICT during teaching practices. Based on the themes, this study led to the development of a conceptual model of factors affecting the ICT integration. Recommendations are made for the betterment of Indonesian PTTPs and related stakeholders

    Drivers of teachers' intentions to use mobile applications to teach science

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    Using mobile applications in science education has proven to be effective as it adds multiple benefits including learning gains, motivation to learn, and collaborative learning. However, some teachers are reluctant to use this technology for reasons derived from different factors. Hence, it is important to identify what factors affect teachers' intentions to use mobile applications, in order to take actions aiming to encourage them to use this technology in their classes. Accordingly, this study proposes a model to predict science teachers' intentions to use mobile applications in the teaching process. Our model merges the Technology Acceptance Model, the Flow Theory, and the Theory of Planned Behavior. It includes 11 hypotheses that were tested with 1203 pre-service and in-service science teachers from different cities in Turkey. Additionally, the study investigates the mediating role of attitude and perceived usefulness on teachers' intentions to use mobile apps. Further, it examines the moderating role of the sample type on teachers' behavioral intentions. The results indicate that all 11 hypotheses were significant to explain teachers' intentions to use mobile applications. Finally, the study raises theoretical and practical implications to guide stakeholders to undertake actions to enrich educational settings through the use of mobile applications