7 research outputs found

    On the Complexity of #CSP^d

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    Counting CSP^d is the counting constraint satisfaction problem (#CSP in short) restricted to the instances where every variable occurs a multiple of d times. This paper revisits tractable structures in #CSP and gives a complexity classification theorem for #CSP^d with algebraic complex weights. The result unifies affine functions (stabilizer states in quantum information theory) and related variants such as the local affine functions, the discovery of which leads to all the recent progress on the complexity of Holant problems. The Holant is a framework that generalizes counting CSP. In the literature on Holant problems, weighted constraints are often expressed as tensors (vectors) such that projections and linear transformations help analyze the structure. This paper gives an example showing that different classes of tensors distinguished by these algebraic operations may share the same closure property under tensor product and contraction

    Holographic Algorithms Beyond Matchgates

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    Holographic algorithms introduced by Valiant are composed of two ingredients: matchgates, which are gadgets realizing local constraint functions by weighted planar perfect matchings, and holographic reductions, which show equivalences among problems with different descriptions via certain basis transformations. In this paper, we replace matchgates in the paradigm above by the affine type and the product type constraint functions, which are known to be tractable in general (not necessarily planar) graphs. More specifically, we present polynomial-time algorithms to decide if a given counting problem has a holographic reduction to another problem defined by the affine or product-type functions. Our algorithms also find a holographic transformation when one exists. We further present polynomial-time algorithms of the same decision and search problems for symmetric functions, where the complexity is measured in terms of the (exponentially more) succinct representations. The algorithm for the symmetric case also shows that the recent dichotomy theorem for Holant problems with symmetric constraints is efficiently decidable. Our proof techniques are mainly algebraic, e.g., using stabilizers and orbits of group actions.Comment: Inf. Comput., to appear. Author accepted manuscrip

    Holographic Algorithm with Matchgates Is Universal for Planar #\#CSP Over Boolean Domain

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    We prove a complexity classification theorem that classifies all counting constraint satisfaction problems (#\#CSP) over Boolean variables into exactly three categories: (1) Polynomial-time tractable; (2) #\#P-hard for general instances, but solvable in polynomial-time over planar graphs; and (3) #\#P-hard over planar graphs. The classification applies to all sets of local, not necessarily symmetric, constraint functions on Boolean variables that take complex values. It is shown that Valiant's holographic algorithm with matchgates is a universal strategy for all problems in category (2).Comment: 94 page

    Holographic Algorithms Beyond Matchgates

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    Holographic algorithms based on matchgates were introduced by Valiant. These algorithms run in polynomial-time and are intrinsically for planar problems. We introduce two new families of holographic algorithms, which work over general, i.e., not necessarily planar, graphs. The two underlying families of constraint functions are of the affine and product types. These play the role of Kasteleyn’s algorithm for counting planar perfect matchings. The new algorithms are obtained by transforming a problem to one of these two families by holographic reductions. We present a polynomial-time algorithm to decide if a given counting problem has a holographic algorithm using these constraint families. When the constraints are symmetric, we give a polynomial-time decision procedure in the size of the succinct presentation of symmetric constraint functions. This procedure shows that the recent dichotomy theorem for Holant problems with symmetric constraints is polynomial-time decidable

    The complexity of counting edge colorings and a dichotomy for some higher domain Holant problems

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    We show that an effective version of Siegel’s Theorem on finiteness of integer solutions and an application of elementary Galois theory are key ingredients in a complexity classification of some Holant problems. These Holant problems, denoted by Holant(f), are defined by a symmetric ternary function f that is invariant under any permutation of the κ ≥ 3 domain elements. We prove that Holant(f) exhibits a complexity dichotomy. This dichotomy holds even when restricted to planar graphs. A special case of this result is that counting edge κ-colorings is #P-hard over planar 3-regular graphs for κ ≥ 3. In fact, we prove that counting edge κ-colorings is #P-hard over planar r-regular graphs for all κ ≥ r ≥ 3. The problem is polynomial-time computable in all other parameter settings. The proof of the dichotomy theorem for Holant(f) depends on the fact that a specific polynomial p(x, y) has an explicitly listed finite set of integer solutions, and the determination of the Galois groups of some specific polynomials. In the process, we also encounter the Tutte polynomial, medial graphs, Eulerian partitions, Puiseux series, and a certain lattice condition on the (logarithm of) the roots of polynomials.