7,482 research outputs found

    Exploring the shifting paradigms of librarian-client relationship

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    This paper is an attempt to explore the relationship shared by library professionals with their users. Some popular modelswere studied to understand the basics of building long term relationship. Issues regarding continuing librarian-clientrelationship are discussed along with the measures to be adopted by the libraries to gain the loyalty of their users. Indianlibrary scenario is discussed in the light of changing needs of their users


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to a number of challenges that influenced economic conditions and social behaviors of individuals, and also organizational operations in an adverse manner. This study is a critical literature review that aims to highlight the pivotal role of Human Resource Management (HRM) in devising strategies and practices that can be used to alleviate the hindrances that resulted from the current global health crisis. For this purpose, relevant articles published between December 2019 and April 2022 were retrieved from different databases, some of which include: Scopus, Science Direct, and Web of Science. Only 27 articles were chosen for this study due to a higher degree of relevance. The study concluded that HRM was competent enough to devise varied strategies and practices that enabled organizations to continue its routine operations while ensuring health, safety, psychological well-being, motivation and productivity of personnel at the workplace in prevalence of the global pandemic. Furthermore, limitations of the study and recommendations for future research are also included

    Three scenarios for TV in 2015

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    By offering three visions of the future of television through 2015, this article aims to highlight some of the socio-economic changes that the television sector may experience in the long term. It highlights the structuring impact that PVR could have on the sector, as well as the upheavals that may arise from a new paradigm of internet TV. It also highlights the options now open to TV channel operators wishing to set up a mobile TV service and the threats facing mobile telecommunications operators in the development of this market as a result.television; forecast; media usages

    Customer relationship management: digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation

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    [EN] The point of departure for this study is the understanding of customer relationship management (CRM) as a set of technological solutions key for efficient business management, the benefits of which, highlighted by previous works, are presented and defined here as crucial for entrepreneurial success. Of particular interest for this purpose are the existing studies on sustainability, which provide a viable research model to assess and validate the potential effect of each CRM component (sales, marketing, and services) on the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, environmental, and social). Upon confirmation of our hypotheses, the subsequent validation of such model should bring a better understanding of the way in which CRM-related benefits may increase the positive impact of its components on each dimension of sustainability. CRM can hence be considered a sort of Green IT, oriented toward digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation. Indeed, this research model may be the basis for a more specific methodology to measure the impact and benefits of applying CRM, understood, as we will contend, both in terms of sustainable business models and innovation.Gil Gómez, H.; Guerola-Navarro, V.; Oltra Badenes, RF.; Lozano Quilis, JA. (2020). Customer relationship management: digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istra ivanja. 33(1):2733-2750. https://doi.org/10.1080/1331677X.2019.1676283S27332750331Abson, D. J., Fischer, J., Leventon, J., Newig, J., Schomerus, T., Vilsmaier, U., … Lang, D. J. (2016). Leverage points for sustainability transformation. Ambio, 46(1), 30-39. doi:10.1007/s13280-016-0800-yAlegre, J., Sengupta, K., & Lapiedra, R. (2011). Knowledge management and innovation performance in a high-tech SMEs industry. 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    Re-examining traditional service quality in an e-banking era

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    The paper re-examines the role of traditional service quality in an e-banking environment by providing a review of (a) how traditional service quality perceptions have evolved through the current and continuing stream of change in banking technology and (b) the corresponding changes in the nature of how banks interact with their customers. Data were collected from a mail survey sent out to a commercially purchased mailing list of 2,500 business names and addresses. The overall usable response rate was 30.6%. Quadrant analysis was performed on the service quality dimensions from the SERVQUAL scale. While the importance ranking of the five SERVQUAL dimensions have not changed dramatically over the years, large discrepancies were found between customer expectations and their perceived performance of traditional banking services. Quadrant analysis produced specific recommendations on how banks should prioritise the allocation of their resources to maintain high perceived service quality in their human interactions. This is the first study which revisits and re-examines traditional service quality in the e-banking era. It highlights how high levels of traditional service quality may lead to increased customer trust and thus more successful cross-selling of e-banking products to customers

    A case study of corporate social responsibility in nashik MIDC

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    771/5" paper analyses Che awareness of corporate social responsibility in Nashik MIDC. It also helps to identify the awareness and effectiveness of existing environmental protection programs like Carbon emissions and treading among these companies.The study analyses the corporate responsibility with respect to Customers, Employees, Government, Environment and Society. The study involves opinions of corporate about, problems to implement corporate social responsibility. The study also involves case lets of major corporate in India like J K Tyre's, Infosys, Siemens, Tata group, Godrej Group, Mahindra And Mahindra and many more that are already implementing such programs. The result of the study indicates that in Nashik MIDC, there are few companies that are doing programs periodically. However, there are few companies, which feel that they cannot do these activities individually but there can be collective efforts. The study concludes that in addition to government agencies some management institutes should also take initiatives collectively to motivate and run such programs with these companies. It is found that Nashik Industrial Manufacturing Association (NIMA) are taking lead and arranging social programs for society.Though big Indian companies have started practicing corporate citizenship, the degree to which it is belong done is inadequate. Growing awareness among the academic institutions towards CSR as a subject, to sensitize the future managers of this nation to the societal needs besides generating profits for their organizations with increased efficiency will need a greater deal from the managers to do the balancing act. Keywords

    Unraveling the diverse nature of service quality in a sharing economy: a social exchange theory perspective of Airbnb accommodation

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    Purpose - This study investigates customers’ perceptions of the service quality facets of Airbnb accommodation using social exchange theory as a suitable conceptual framework to explain aspects of interactivity between guests and hosts. Design/methodology/approach - A self-administered questionnaire consisting of 25 accommodation- specific service quality attributes, structured according to Akbaba’s (2006) measurement scale and based on the service quality hierarchical conceptualization described by Brady and Cronin (2001) and Cronin and Taylor (1992), was distributed to Airbnb international guests visiting Phuket, Thailand. The sample was chosen through a two-stage sampling process and the PLS-SEM technique was used for data analysis. Findings- The results showed that convenience and assurance are critical contributors to the measurement of service quality in remote Airbnb lodgings. The findings further revealed that Airbnb guests are mainly interested in lodgings which have access to certain tourist sights, and in easily accessible information and efficient resolution of problems during their stay. We also found that guests greatly value the convenience and flexibility offered by Airbnb, and that they particularly appreciate the warm hospitality provided by the hosts. Finally, Airbnb guests have very low expectations of the amenities and services available at the lodgings. Research limitations/implications - Airbnb is one of the most well-known examples of hospitality in the sharing economy and results cannot be generalized to similar accommodation providers in sharing economies. Despite the appropriateness of using the measurement tool provided by Akbaba (2006), it is only one option among others for measuring service quality. Practical implications - The current study can assist hosts in gaining better knowledge of guests’ decision making processes and in designing effective marketing strategies by focusing on guests’ requirements in terms of service quality. The effective use of competitive strengths and the prioritization of business resources would potentially enhance guests’ positive experiences at the accommodation and at the destination. Originality/value - Limited numbers of studies have focused on the sharing economy and hospitality and in particular on Airbnb and this is the first study with a focus on service quality issues in terms of Airbnb accommodation

    Navigating the Social Media Marketing Strategies during the Covid-19 Era in Nigeria

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    COVID-19 is the worst pandemic in human history in on the scale and extent of global spread, casualties, economic impact, and negative impact on public health. The COVID-19 crisis has also had an impact integrated marketing communication implementation method (IMC) and related costs in the enterprise. Digital Marketing, as part of IMC, has received more attention and investment during this crisis. Most of Customers have moved online and are spending more time on the internet. Customers are at the heart of all marketing activities. digital marketing strategies adopted by organizations to connect with customers also changed during this pandemic. This study focuses on digital marketing practices in the post-COVID-19 period. The study analyzed digital marketing strategies, growth drivers, changing approaches, challenges and strategies, Social Media Trends during COVID19