7 research outputs found

    Asymptotic approximation for the quotient complexities of atoms

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    In a series of papers, Brzozowski together with Tamm, Davies, and SzykuƂa studied the quotient complexities of atoms of regular languages [6, 7, 3, 4]. The authors obtained precise bounds in terms of binomial sums for the most complex situations in the following five cases: (G): general, (R): right ideals, (L): left ideals, (T): two-sided ideals and (S): suffix-free languages. In each case let Îșc(n) be the maximal complexity of an atom of a regular language L, where L has complexity n ≄ 2 and belongs to the class C Ï” {G, R, L, T , S}. It is known that ÎșT(n) ≀ ÎșL(n) = ÎșR(n) ≀ ÎșG(n) 3 if and only if ÎșC(n+1)/ÎșC(n) < 3

    Morphic Primitivity and Alphabet Reductions

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    An alphabet reduction is a 1-uniform morphism that maps a word to an image that contains a smaller number of dfferent letters. In the present paper we investigate the effect of alphabet reductions on morphically primitive words, i. e., words that are not a fixed point of a nontrivial morphism. Our first main result answers a question on the existence of unambiguous alphabet reductions for such words, and our second main result establishes whether alphabet reductions can be given that preserve morphic primitivity. In addition to this, we study Billaud's Conjecture - which features a dfferent type of alphabet reduction, but is otherwise closely related to the main subject of our paper - and prove its correctness for a special case

    Regular and Context-Free Pattern Languages over Small Alphabets

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    Pattern languages are generalisations of the copy language, which is a standard textbook example of a context-sensitive and non-context-free language. In this work, we investigate a counter-intuitive phenomenon: with respect to alphabets of size 2 and 3, pattern languages can be regular or context-free in an unexpected way. For this regularity and context-freeness of pattern languages, we give several sufficient and necessary conditions and improve known results

    Regular expressions for muller context-free languages

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    Muller context-free languages (MCFLs) are languages of countable words, that is, labeled countable linear orders, generated by Muller context-free grammars. Equivalently, they are the frontier languages of (nondeterministic Muller-)regular languages of infinite trees. In this article we survey the known results regarding MCFLs, and show that a language is an MCFL if and only if it can be generated by a so-called ”η-regular expression

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 22. Number 2.

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